GOV/MIL Leftists Call For New "Secret Police" Force To Spy On Trump Supporters (AN ABSOLUTELY MUST-READ THREAD)


On TB every waking moment

Moral Legitimacy and the US Government
by J.B. Shurk
July 1, 2021

Consider these three statements:
  1. I will judge others not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.
  2. I will treat others as I would have others treat me.
  3. I will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States.
The first moral statement comes from Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech at the Lincoln Memorial on August 28, 1963. The second is the Golden Rule, articulated, in one form or another, by every major religion on Earth. The last is part of the presidential oath of office, meant to elevate official duties to moral obligations before God.

Now ask yourself how many elected or unelected members of the American government could honestly affirm all three moral propositions today. Can you name anyone? What if I were instead to ask you to list every member of the American government who intentionally disregards all three of these moral principles? Would you ever be able to complete your list?

In a hundred or so words and with three simple moral duties as our guide, we’ve gone a long way to showing why the American government has lost its legitimacy and why it has begun resorting to increasingly hostile and threatening rhetoric against its citizens. When the government elevates race above all else that defines a person, the government is overtly racist.

When the government uses the criminal justice system to target its political enemies while protecting its political allies, the government denies its citizens impartial justice and equality before the law. When the president of the United States and other government agents bound to uphold the Constitution instead condone viewpoint discrimination, state-sponsored censorship, and the criminalization of gun rights, then the government intentionally breaches its duty to protect the Bill of Rights.

It is much easier for Joint Chiefs chairman General Milley to pin America’s problems on “white rage” than to consider that America’s leadership has fundamentally failed to hold up its end of the social contract. It is much easier for the White House to initiate a “domestic terrorism” strategy that uses PATRIOT Act surveillance and Homeland Security muscle to target its political enemies than to protect Americans’ free speech and freedom of association from government coercion.

It is much easier for (p)Resident Biden to argue that the Second Amendment is meaningless due to the government’s superior firepower over the average gun owner in the forms of F-15s and tactical nuclear weapons than it is for him to remember, as Lincoln did, that “it is not the Constitution as I would like to have it, but as it is, that is to be defended.” Choosing the easier path today, however, is ensuring a combustible American future.

Think of America as a dish broken into pieces on the wood floor. Now, it is possible to grab some friends and exert enough force on all the pieces in tandem so that the plate is momentarily made whole. But as soon as one set of hands twitches or loses strength, the broken plate crumbles back onto the floor.

The sounder, more permanent solution is to grab the super-glue and bond all those strewn pieces together as one.

When America has broken in the past from war and upheaval, it has also exercised the collective judgment to refashion peace through the glue of social cohesion and common purpose rather than through the permanent imposition of brute government force. Trading the glue of national unity for the threat of punishment and violence turns any society into a ticking time bomb.

When government abandons any pretense for moral legitimacy, force becomes its one indispensable tool for controlling the citizenry. Then it’s just a question of how many hands the government can afford to pay to keep the social plate from falling back into pieces onto the ground. A government that depends entirely force for its existence is a government with a shelf life.

The social psychologists Jonathan Haidt, Jesse Graham, and Craig Joseph advanced a theory of moral foundations some years back that attempted to explain moral variations across cultures as stemming from the relative accentuation of different innate intuitions “programmed” in the human mind. All humans, they have argued, are predisposed to balance: (1) care / harm, (2) fairness / cheating, (3) loyalty / betrayal, (4) authority / subversion, (5) sanctity / degradation, and (6) liberty / oppression.

It is the way in which human tribes and societies magnify one or more of these moral foundations over others that lead to seemingly widely divergent human cultures. In short order, this instinctual understanding of morality led to various attempts to explain how political groups could maintain such varied worldviews, even when their members exist in the same society.

In The Righteous Mind, Haidt answered this question by arguing that members of distinct political groups tend to value certain moral foundations over others. The political left is most concerned with the care and fairness foundations.

Libertarians, not surprisingly, are inclined to value liberty over all else, while conservatives seem equally sensitive to all six moral foundations.

What happens when the governing institutions of a society function in a way that countermands each of these primal moral foundations at once? Or rather, what happens when government routinely causes harm, cheats and betrays its citizens, abuses its authority, and mocks the pious and religiously faithful? It seems to me that the first five moral foundations immediately become wrapped into Haidt’s sixth: the natural disposition of humans to struggle for liberty over oppression outweighs everything else.

Because the other moral foundations are denied breathing room in a closed and authoritarian society, the innate human drive for liberty explodes forth to reclaim them all at once. When those passions take hold, the “animating contest of freedom” becomes the natural spring for all other moral considerations. And between a people seeking moral legitimacy and a government that is seen to have none, things fall apart quickly.

Hat tip to Candor7 and the Freepers.


On TB every waking moment

Gaslighting has been defined as, “The act of manipulating a person by forcing them to question their thoughts, memories, and the events occurring around them. A victim of gaslighting can be pushed so far that they question their own sanity.”

If you were snookered by the Leftist media machine, the DNC, big tech (particularly Twitter, Google, and Facebook), Hollywood, and the TV pundits, you probably believe that not much was wrong with the November 3rd election. If you only paid attention to these sources, you might conclude that anyone who voted for Donald Trump and believes that there was massive fraud is borderline insane.

Do not fall victim to the mass gaslighting. A terrible tragedy of an incomprehensible magnitude befell our nation and we are now paying the price. The sinister Left is ransacking the nation economically, militarily, morally, and spiritually.

Those among Democrats who believe massive election fraud occurred are looked upon with disgust by other Democrats, who consistently have shown zero tolerance for everyone who strays from their pre-approved narrative.

Don’t Fall Prey
This was not politics as usual, not close. More than one thousand eyewitnesses made out sworn affidavits, admissible in a court of law and under the penalty of perjury (they could go to prison if they’re lying). However, they were not lying. In brilliant detail, they described exactly what they saw.

Some individuals witnessed unprecedented massive fraud. Many presented their observations on live TV. Nearly all of the people who showed their faces on television and testified at open hearings were well aware, sadly, of how violent and vicious the Left is, and how swiftly they can act.

Theft for the Ages
Hundreds of thousands of ballots manipulated, delivered late at night, in uniform condition, with no observers in place, is merely the tip of the iceberg. We don’t know how many fake IDs the Chinese supplied, but in one instance with witnesses and photos, a shipment of 20,000 fake U.S. IDs were stopped at Chicago O’Hare Airport.

Working overtime, the machine worked to discredit the findings, at great pains, pointing out all kinds of alternative explanations. The U.S. Customs and Border Protection, however, knows best. And that was merely one intercepted shipment – how many other shipments of fake IDs made it through airport security?

The mass gaslighting ploy will be studied for decades by sociologists and psychologists. The 2020 election fiasco must not fade away as a story, for the rest of U.S. history. Nor should it. The pilferage of our most sacred right, the ability to vote, will be a stain on our sovereign nation, if we do not somehow reverse this.

For those who refuse to be gaslighted, we need to continue be as vocal as we have ever been, including making calls to congressional representatives, writing editorials, contacting newspaper editors, visiting town halls, marching on state legislator buildings, and summoning the office of the governor of your respective state.

Imposing Their Will
The Left believes that those on the Right will do precious little, and after many months we have trained them to believe that we’re all talk and no action.

The activities of many of our leaders, some of whom we thought were true Republicans, show that they are even less than RINOs. They’re in office for themselves, for the wealth that they can generate, and for the power that they enjoy, but not, in any meaningful way, for representing the people who elected them.

We need to demonstrate that what transpired during the November 3rd elections simply will not stand. We will not allow this to facade to continue. We will make noise at a decibel level they previously have not heard from us.

The cognitively impaired Joe Biden has no rightful claim to the presidency.

Kamala Harris, who never received even 1% in the primaries, has no right to be vice president. Democrats had no right to assemble a cabinet, a White House staff, a team of counselors and advisors, and all else that goes with establishing an Administration.

It’s now been half a year, and the entire world is still watching. Many are dreading what will happen to the world if innumerable acts of theft in the U.S. elections are allowed to remain unimpeded.


On TB every waking moment

Biden Domestic Terror Strategy Codifies Woke War on Wrongthink | Opinion
ON 6/30/21 AT 7:00 AM EDT

The Biden administration's first-of-its-kind National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism codifies a federal War on Wrongthink. In sum, the document makes clear that the imposition of Wokeism constitutes a national security imperative.

That is, the strategy uses public safety to justify leftist domination of both public policy and the public discourse, enforcing the regime's ideology at the point of a government gun.

It comes against the backdrop of the Woking of the defense, national security and intelligence apparatuses, the executive branch more broadly and society itself, whereby those who run afoul of progressivism are deemed bigoted and dangerous—and therefore liable to be purged.

And it comes amidst an all-consuming effort to pursue anyone even remotely close to the U.S. Capitol on January 6, a catalyzing event for the strategy.

That effort appears to serve as the strategy's archetype, particularly given the cohort targeted, the lengths to which the feds will pursue it and the ways in which they are straining to make their case to justify the rhetoric of insurrection.

Defendants are languishing in jail for weeks while seemingly being subjected to cruel and unusual punishment, and those who get their day in court are recanting their political views forced confession-style—while innocent bystanders face ruin. This operation ought to demonstrate the hyper-political nature of the Biden administration's crafting and executing of this strategy, and therefore its immense danger.

The broader context cannot be ignored. But even within its own four corners, the strategy is full of disturbing passages, culminating in a positively chilling crescendo.

To begin, the strategy fails to clearly define who exactly it is targeting—meaning the target could be ever-moving, and forever growing—but strongly implies that the threat consists of at least the nearly half of the electorate that voted for President Donald Trump in 2020. It does so through invoking the Capitol Riot as typifying the domestic terror threat, warning of "narratives of fraud in the recent general election" that could spur forthcoming attacks and focusing on "racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists" and "anti-government or anti-authority extremists"—the kind of "extremism" the Left cynically conflates with mainstream conservatism. This is demonstrated, for example, in the casting of President Trump, his supporters and their shared views as "white supremacist," the claim that the Capitol Riot Trump purportedly incited was rooted in "white supremacism" (as Speaker Nancy Pelosi recently declared) and in arguments that electoral integrity laws are tantamount to "Jim Crow" (as President Joe Biden has asserted, and which is now buttressed by his Justice Department's actions).

The logic is as simple as it is horrifying:

1:11 min

The strategy also never substantiates its claims that the violent extremists to whom it refers pose such a pervasive threat to the homeland as to demand the whole-of-government, if not whole-of-society, plan laid out. It expects us to rely on a politicized Biden administration-led intelligence assessment that downplays threats from the Left while providing little to justify its conclusions. Related dubious threat bulletins ought to only augment our skepticism.

The strategy treats January 6—in spite of the collapsing narrative that it represented a murderous, armed insurrection that threatened to topple the republic—as a domestic terror attack of paramount importance, while ignoring the death and destruction inflicted by the likes of Antifa and Black Lives Matter (BLM) during last summer's 1619 Riots. Law enforcement, it is worth noting, has demonstrated an apparent double standard in its pursuit of those committing such acts.

The document goes so far as to reclassify the few attacks from the Left that it does cite so as to avoid the "racially motivated" label. Worse, the strategy completely disregards the threat of jihadists to the homeland. How could any serious, apolitical strategy on domestic terror ignore the Islamic supremacists who have killed more Americans than any other group over the last generation?

The strategy seems to acknowledge past failings to protect civil liberties in pursuing domestic threats, but then tells us that somehow, the very national security and intelligence apparatus hyper-politicized and weaponized at the highest levels over the last four-plus years will now "do better" by working with all relevant "stakeholders."

The strategy purports, in the words of a senior administration official, to "creat[e] contexts in which those who are family members or friends or co-workers know that there are pathways and avenues to raise concerns and seek help for those who they have perceived to be radicalizing and potentially radicalizing towards violence." While nations must of course be vigilant about legitimate national security threats, surveilling those near and dear to us based on vague notions of "radicalization" never defined is the stuff of third-world banana republics.

The strategy leaves the door open for the U.S. government to collude with foreign intelligence services in pursuing Americans.

U.S. Speaker of the House Nancy

U.S. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) listens as Israeli President Reuven Rivlin speaks before a meeting at the U.S. Capitol on June 28, 2021 in Washington, D.C.ANNA MONEYMAKER/GETTY IMAGES

The strategy speaks of the U.S. government partnering with Big Tech and other ostensibly private actors in pursuit of the threats it purports to identify. What could possibly go wrong?

The strategy also calls for authorities "to counter the influence and impact of dangerous conspiracy theories," which it suggests "can provide a gateway to terrorist violence." The strategy notes that "the Department of Homeland Security and others are either currently funding and implementing or planning evidence-based digital programming, including enhancing media literacy and critical thinking skills, as a mechanism for strengthening user resilience to disinformation and misinformation online for domestic audiences."

Where the strategy believes it derives this legal authority or social legitimacy is unclear. What is clear is that such a policy is incompatible with basic freedom and republican self-governance.

It is the document's close that reveals beyond a shadow of a doubt that the strategy is about forcibly imposing the regime's ruling ideology.

In a section titled "Confront Long-Term Contributors to Domestic Terrorism," the strategy calls for combating domestic terrorism through anti-racism. "[T]ackling the threat posed by domestic terrorism over the long term," the document reads, "demands...prioritizing efforts to ensure that every component of the government has a role to play in rooting out racism and advancing equity."

Anti-racist "equity," which as the Left uses it is antithetical to real "equality," calls for overtly discriminating against individuals and removing justice's blindfold.

The goal is to use policy to socially engineer the citizenry so that all outcomes are proportional to group identity. Applied Critical Race Theory, in other words, is now set to be our domestic counterterrorism strategy.

Critical Race Theory 2.0 37:55 min

Meanwhile, as a corollary to the Biden administration mantra that everything is infrastructure, infrastructure would seem to constitute counterterror strategy.

Citing financial relief measures contributing to "an equitable economic recovery that can counter the economic dislocation and even despair felt by many Americans," the strategy notes that "economic recovery and sustainable development" policies will be geared toward "alleviating over time the sentiments that some domestic terrorists deliberately use to recruit and mobilize." We need to implement progressive policies, in other words, to fight the material "root causes" of domestic terror.

Last but not least, the Biden regime calls for—what else—protecting and preserving its power and privilege. The strategy notes a broader priority:
"enhancing faith in government and addressing the extreme polarization, fueled by a crisis of disinformation and misinformation often channeled through social media platforms." To do so, it calls for "accelerating work to contend with an information environment that challenges healthy democratic discourse" and, again, working to "counter the influence and impact of dangerous conspiracy theories" that it claims lead to terrorist violence.

Controlling the narrative is now domestic counterterrorism strategy—as is ensuring that "the institutions" remain dominant, no matter how illegitimate and unrepresentative their actions may well be.

Any backlash cannot be tolerated and must be crushed—hence the rolling effort to destroy Trump, and now this effort to silence and chill tens of millions of his supporters by treating them as actual or would-be domestic terrorists.

The terrors this document could unleash may well prove far more profound and long-lasting than the ill-defined threats it purports to counter.
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On TB every waking moment

Government Run Credit Reporting System: It’s What Those Who Mean To Rule Over You Want – Resist It!
The Washington Standard / July 2, 2021

The rulers are not content with the amount of power they wield over the public just yet and are showing that the continued eroding of any illusion of freedom will continue. The psychopaths that many Americans believe have power now want a government-run credit reporting system to further control the slave class.

House lawmakers on Tuesday called for sweeping reforms to the credit reporting industry with some politicians going so far as proposing a nationally run system, saying the three major bureaus are failing Americans.
Three pieces of legislation were put forth for discussion, including the National Credit Reporting Agency Act that “would establish the Public Credit Registry (PCR) within the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, creating a public option for consumers who choose to utilize it.”
“This is a system that fails people with perfect credit that may be victims of identity theft,” Chairwoman Maxine Waters said at the Financial Services Committee hearing. “This is a system that fails people who get caught in a debt trap because of predatory lending, and this is a system that fails people who don’t have the means to dispute errors that reporting agencies make.” –Yahoo Finance
We are now one step closer to a Chinese-style social credit system. We had better become aware of what’s being done to us before this too late. This is just another step toward their permanent enslavement goal in which you will be given a digital wallet controlled by the master and if you act up as their slave, they will cut you off.

And they are using division by race to try to convince the masses that this is a great idea.
“Although credit scores never formally take race into account, they draw on data about personal borrowing and payment history that is shaped by generations of discriminatory public policies and corporate practices that limit access to wealth for Black and Latinx families,” Amy Traub, associate director of policy and research at Demos, testified at the hearing. –Yahoo Finance
Let’s be clear: a low credit score doesn’t “limit wealth” it simply means you won’t be able to borrow money from your master.
In a 2020 survey of 5,000 people by Credit Sesame, 54% of Black Americans and 41% of Hispanic Americans reported having a credit score below 640, while 37% of white Americans and 18% of Asian Americans reported the same.
So what are they getting at? Are they going to manipulate credit scores based on race now? But we are expected to believe this isn’t a piece to the agenda?

We had better become more aware than ever of what’s going on. We are either slaves or we are free. Right now, we are slaves, but those shackles are going to become permanent in the coming years we continue to pretend that voting for a new master every four years to rule over us and others somehow equals freedom.

Stay alert and hone your awareness. They are pulling out all the stops right now and the war is for your mind. We have to break our minds free before we can expect to have any semblance of freedom.

None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.” ― Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Elective Affinities

Article posted with permission from Michael Snyder
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On TB every waking moment

Police To Target Americans For Their Ideological Beliefs And Behaviors

FRIDAY, JUL 02, 2021 - 11:40 PM
Via Mass Private I,

Much has been written about President Joe Biden’s new Domestic Terror law, but nothing I have seen until now shows just how horrifying it is.

To say that the White House uses the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) like political puppets to push their own agenda would be an understatement.

The New Yorker chronicled four DHS secretaries who were forced to resign by October 2019, and a fifth who resigned this January.

So when I heard about DHS counterterrorism chief John Cohen having a hard time containing his enthusiasm over Biden’s new domestic terrorism law in a GW Program on Extremism webinar I knew it couldn’t be good.

Ricardo Vazquez Garcia, from Homeland Security Today describes what happened.

Garcia does a great job of framing the Feds justification for creating a new War On Terror by targeting American citizens.
“A lot of progress was made by the U.S. government in dealing with the threat posed by foreign terrorist organizations and in particular dealing with the way those organizations operated, the way they recruited individuals, the way they communicated, the way they developed plans, the way they saw to introduce operatives into the domestic environment, the way they sought to recruit people here domestically,” Cohen said. “I think it is safe to say that the U.S. created quite a robust counterterrorism capability. The challenge is the threat we face today is significantly different than the one we faced after Sept. 11,” DHS counterterrorism chief John Cohen said.
As America closes in on the 11th anniversary of 9/11, the Feds want the public to believe that unknown terrorist organizations are recruiting your neighbor to become a domestic extremist. But it is not just any neighbor, this time it is far-right “extremists” or White supremacists and Trump supporters who they want to recruit.

For years DHS officials have warned Americans of the dangers that lurk just outside their front doors or worse in the far-flung Middle East where extremists are plotting to bomb us, shoot us, or poison our water systems. The only difference to the terrorists that await Americans is that now they are allegedly targeting a person’s ideological beliefs.
According to Cohen, “the most significant terrorist threat facing the U.S. today comes from individuals or lone offenders, and small groups of individuals who based on an ideological belief system, primarily an ideological belief system they self-connect with online activity, but they’ll go out and commit an act of violence on behalf of that belief or a combination of ideological beliefs, or a combination of ideological beliefs and personal grievances.”
What does this mean for Americans?

It means that the Feds can target individuals for expressing anti-government sentiments.
“In many respects, this is a much more individualized threat, and what I mean by that is if you look at the lethal attacks that have occurred in the U.S. over the last several years, they have been conducted by individuals who spend incredible amounts of time online viewing extremist content, content about past violent attacks, they tend to be individuals who have shared behavioral health or environmental characteristics,” Cohen said.
Targeting people for their ideological beliefs is horrifying in and of itself. Biden’s new domestic terror law will also give law enforcement the right to target people based on their behaviors.
“What we mean by that, yes, the motive and ideological beliefs are important as part of the analytic process, but the threat tends to come from individuals who have a very superficial understanding of the ideological belief system they use as the validation for an act of violence, but they do have shared behavioral characteristics,” Cohen said.
If any of this is beginning to sound like China, one only need look at Hong Kong to see the similarities. Speaking out in print against an authoritative regime is an arrestable offense, demonstrating against police brutality is an arrestable offense and so on.

As a recent Brietbart article pointed out, there is no “official Pentagon definition of extremism.” So how can our government give more powers to law enforcement to surveil and arrest suspected “domestic extremists”?

Mike Berry, the general counsel for First Liberty Institute, said he asked the Counter-Extremism Working Group (CEWG) how it intended to define “extremism” and the answer he got was something to the effect of: “We’re still working on that, we’ll probably take the existing definition and expand it.” Berry said that response was “problematic.”

When an organization that backed President Trump warns people about Biden’s new domestic terror law, it is time for all of us to take notice.

Berry warned, “I just don’t know how you can reconcile the Constitution with trying to criminalize someone’s thoughts and beliefs.” And that is the crux of the problem.

When DHS counterterrorism chief Cohen goes on record saying, “There have been several cases where individuals have not met the threshold for domestic terror yet they eventually go out and commit an act of violence”, they are admitting that this is another scam that the mass media is only too happy to perpetuate.

When the Feds and the mass media started asking Americans to “enhance domestic terrorism reporting” by reporting family members and co-workers, you know law enforcement has become a mirror image of other authoritarian regimes.
“Our goal is to enhance domestic terrorism analysis and improve information sharing throughout law enforcement at the federal, state, local, Tribal, and territorial level, and where appropriate with private sector partners.”

“This involves creating contexts in which those who are family members or friends or co-workers know that there are pathways and avenues to raise concerns and seek help for those who they have perceived to be radicalizing and potentially radicalizing towards violence,” the White House official said.
Imagine if I used the same logic that the Feds and law enforcement use. It could go something like this:

One day, I looked outside my window and saw my neighbor talking to a Black man and then I saw them talking to someone who appeared to be a Muslim but I couldn’t see the person’s face because it was covered with a hijab. Then I saw my neighbor putting anti-government and Black Lives Matter signs in their front yard; they even put up a Pride flag. The next day, my neighbor knocked on my front door asking me to sign a police reform petition. Little did I know that my wife and kids had already signed the petition.

The next day when I went to work, I overheard my co-workers saying that they planned to march in a Black Lives Matter protest and asked me to sign a police brutality petition.

So when I got off work I immediately called DHS’s new, “Be On The Lookout For Domestic Terrorists” hotline and filed reports on my neighbors, my family and co-workers, I even called my local police department and filed reports with the local Fusion Center. I did this to protect my Homeland, because you never really know about a person’s ideological beliefs and behaviors. (FYI, there is no domestic terrorism hotline, yet.)

When did freedom of expression become a tool for law enforcement to identify family members, friends, neighbors and co-workers as potential extremists?

Giving law enforcement more powers to target people based on made-up or junk science and unsound definitions of domestic terrorism has all the earmarks of an ever-expanding police state that began 11 years ago.
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On TB every waking moment

This July 4th, Americans feeling less free than before the pandemic

Voters are feeling estranged from Washington, with 62.4% saying national leaders are ignoring the "the will of the people."

By Sophie Mann
Updated: July 2, 2021 - 10:51pm

Independence Day weekend is upon us, but Americans are not feeling particularly free.

More than 57% of Americans believe they have less personal freedom today than they did before the Covid-19 pandemic, according to a new poll conducted by Convention of States Action in partnership with the Trafalgar Group.

"They understand that [Covid-19] has been used as a pretext for taking away their rights," Mark Meckler, the president of Convention of States Action, told Just the News. "I'm very hopeful that they're seeing all of this openly, I think it bodes well for the future of the country."

The poll also measured belief in the responsiveness of political leaders in Washington. When asked if current leadership in the capital is "listening to the will of the people," 62.4% of respondents agreed that "the will of the people is no longer a consideration to leaders in DC when making policy or legislative decisions."

Among the pivotal bloc of independent voters, 59% say the will of the people is no longer a consideration, while just 17% say it remains somewhat of a consideration.

This does not mean Americans are dissatisfied with their system of government, according to Meckler — just the opposite, in fact. "They love their system of government," he said. "They're very proud of it," but "people are no longer buying the tropes from Washington, D.C."

With the 2022 midterms on the horizon, Meckler estimates the new poll reflects the shifting mood of the American public as it pertains to voter engagement.

Following a year-plus of pandemic-related lockdowns, state-imposed restrictions, and mammoth spending bills from Congress, there is a sense that the federal government is too large, too powerful, and too unresponsive to the will of the American people.

Meckler says the energy he has seen around the country in recent months is "virtually identical" to what he saw when he was helming the Tea Party movement about a decade ago. "Only I'm even more excited, because they have a plan," he adds.

The poll asked people how the government should respond to the Delta variant of the coronavirus, which has been making headlines recently, creating some sense of worry that more lockdowns could be imminent. Overwhelmingly, respondents said the government should not reinstate lockdowns, and just 17.7% approved of new mask mandates and social distancing.

Almost two-thirds of voters said the government should take no action when it comes to the Delta variant, with 63% agreeing with this statement: "With widespread availability of the vaccines and treatments, individuals can make personal decisions on how to respond."

Even among Democrats, more than 50% agreed that the government should refrain from interfering again in the lives of its citizens. That number shoots up to 83.4% for Republicans.

"The American people clearly understand that they can no longer trust the health 'authorities,'" said Meckler, adding the people are signaling they want to be "self-governing.”


On TB every waking moment

A Case of "Intellectual Capture?" On YouTube's Demonetization Of Bret Weinstein: Taibbi

SATURDAY, JUL 03, 2021 - 11:37 AM
Authored by Matt Taibbi via TK News,

Just under three years ago, Infowars anchor Alex Jones was tossed off Facebook, Apple, YouTube, and Spotify, marking the unofficial launch of the “content moderation” era. The censorship envelope has since widened dramatically via a series of high-profile incidents: Facebook and Twitter suppressing the Hunter Biden laptop story, Donald Trump’s social media suspension, Apple and Amazon’s kneecapping of Parler, the removal of real raw footage from the January 6th riots, and others.

16:29 min

This week’s decision by YouTube to demonetize podcaster Bret Weinstein belongs on that list, and has a case to be to be put at or near the top, representing a different and perhaps more unnerving speech conundrum than those other episodes.

Profiled in this space two weeks ago, Weinstein and his wife Heather Heying — both biologists — host the podcast DarkHorse, which by any measure is among the more successful independent media operations in the country. They have two YouTube channels, a main channel featuring whole episodes and livestreams, and a “clips” channel featuring excerpts from those shows.

Between the two channels, they’ve been flagged 11 times in the last month or so.

Specifically, YouTube has honed in on two areas of discussion it believes promote “medical misinformation.” The first is the potential efficacy of the repurposed drug ivermectin as a Covid-19 treatment. The second is the third rail of third rails, i.e. the possible shortcomings of the mRNA vaccines produced by companies like Moderna and Pfizer.

Weinstein, who was also criticized for arguing the lab-leak theory before conventional wisdom shifted on that topic, says YouTube’s decision will result in the loss of “half” of his and Heying’s income. However, he says, YouTube told him he can reapply after a month.

YouTube’s notice put it as follows: “Edit your channel and reapply for monetization… Make changes to your channel based on our feedback. Changes can include editing or deleting videos and updating video details.”

“They want me to self-censor,” he says. “Unless I stop broadcasting information that runs afoul of their CDC-approved talking points, I’ll remain demonetized.”

Weinstein’s travails with YouTube sound like something out of a Star Trek episode, in which the Enterprise crew tries and fails to communicate with a malevolent AI attacking the ship. In the last two weeks, he emailed back and forth with the firm, at one point receiving an email from someone who identified himself only as “Christopher,” indicating a desire to set up a discussion between Weinstein and various parties at YouTube.

Over the course of these communications, Weinstein asked if he could nail down the name and contact number of the person with whom he was interacting. “I said, ‘Look, I need to know who you are first, whether you’re real, what your real first and last names are, what your phone number is, and so on,” Weinstein recounts. “But on asking what ‘Christopher’s’ real name and email was, they wouldn’t even go that far.” After this demand of his, instead of giving him an actual contact, YouTube sent him a pair of less personalized demonetization notices.

1:28 min

As has been noted in this space multiple times, this is a common theme in nearly all of these stories, but Weinstein’s tale is at once weirder and more involved, as most people in these dilemmas never get past the form-letter response stage. YouTube has responded throughout to media queries about Weinstein’s case, suggesting they take it seriously.

YouTube’s decision with regard to Weinstein and Heying seems part of an overall butterfly effect, as numerous other figures either connected to the topic or to DarkHorse have been censured by various platforms. Weinstein guest Dr. Robert Malone, a former Salk Institute researcher often credited with helping develop mRNA vaccine technology, has been suspended from LinkedIn, and Weinstein guest Dr. Pierre Kory of the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) has had his appearances removed by YouTube. Even Satoshi Ōmura, who won the Nobel Prize in 2015 for his work on ivermectin, reportedly had a video removed by YouTube this week.

There are several factors that make the DarkHorse incident different from other major Silicon Valley moderation decisions, including the fact that the content in question doesn’t involve electoral politics, foreign intervention, or incitement.

The main issue is the possible blurring of lines between public and private censorship.

When I contacted YouTube about Weinstein two weeks ago, I was told, “In general, we rely on guidance from local and global health authorities (FDA, CDC, WHO, NHS, etc) in developing our COVID-19 misinformation policies.”

The question is, how active is that “guidance”? Is YouTube acting in consultation with those bodies in developing those moderation policies? As Weinstein notes, an answer in the affirmative would likely make theirs a true First Amendment problem, with an agency like the CDC not only setting public health policy but also effectively setting guidelines for private discussion about those policies. “If it is in consultation with the government,” he says, “it’s an entirely different issue.”

Asked specifically after Weinstein’s demonetization if the “guidance” included consultation with authorities, YouTube essentially said yes, pointing to previous announcements that they consult other authorities, and adding, “When we develop our policies we consult outside experts and YouTube creators. In the case of our COVID-19 misinformation policies, it would be guidance from local and global health authorities.”

Weinstein and Heying might be the most prominent non-conservative media operation to fall this far afoul of a platform like YouTube. Unlike the case of, say, Alex Jones, the moves against the show’s content have not been roundly cheered. In fact, they’ve inspired blowback from across the media spectrum, with everyone from Bill Maher to Joe Rogan to Tucker Carlson taking notice.

“They threw Bret Weinstein off YouTube, or almost,” Maher said on Real Time last week. “YouTube should not be telling me what I can see about ivermectin. Ivermectin isn’t a registered Republican. It’s a drug!”

1:27 min

From YouTube’s perspective, the argument for “medical misinformation” in the DarkHorse videos probably comes down to a few themes in Weinstein’s shows.

Take, for example, an exchange between Weinstein and Malone in a video about the mRNA vaccines produced by companies like Moderna and Pfizer:
Weinstein: The other problem is that what these vaccines do is they encode spike protein… but the spike protein itself we now know is very dangerous, it’s cytotoxic, is that a fair description?

Malone: More than fair, and I alerted the FDA about this risk months and months and months ago.
In another moment, entrepreneur and funder of fluvoxamine studies Steve Kirsch mentioned that his carpet cleaner had a heart attack minutes after taking the Pfizer vaccine, and cited Canadian viral immunologist Byram Bridle in saying that that the COVID-19 vaccine doesn’t stay localized at point of injection, but “goes throughout your entire body, it goes to your brain to your heart.”

Politifact rated the claim that spike protein is cytotoxic “false,” citing the CDC to describe the spike protein as “harmless.” As to the idea that the protein does damage to other parts of the body, including the heart, they quoted an FDA spokesperson who said there’s no evidence the spike protein “lingers at any toxic level in the body.”

Would many doctors argue that the 226 identified cases of myocarditis so far is tiny in the context of 130 million vaccine doses administered, and overall the danger of myocarditis associated with vaccine is far lower than the dangers of myocarditis in Covid-19 patients?

Absolutely. It’s also true that the CDC itself had a meeting on June 18th to discuss cases of heart inflammation reported among people who’d received the vaccine. The CDC, in other words, is simultaneously telling news outlets like Politifact that spike protein is “harmless,” and also having ad-hoc meetings to discuss the possibility, however remote from their point of view, that it is not harmless. Are only CDC officials allowed to discuss these matters?

The larger problem with YouTube’s action is that it relies upon those government guidelines, which in turn are significantly dependent upon information provided to them by pharmaceutical companies, which have long track records of being less than forthright with the public.

In the last decade, for instance, the U.S. government spent over $1.5 billion to stockpile Tamiflu, a drug produced by the Swiss pharma firm Roche. It later came out — thanks to the efforts of a Japanese pediatrician who left a comment on an online forum — that Roche had withheld crucial testing information from British and American buyers, leading to a massive fraud suit. Similar controversies involving the arthritis drug Vioxx and the diabetes drug Avandia were prompted by investigations by independent doctors and academics.

As with financial services, military contracting, environmental protection, and other fields, the phenomenon of regulatory capture is demonstrably real in the pharmaceutical world. This makes basing any moderation policy on official guidelines problematic. If the proper vaccine policy is X, but the actual policy ends up being X plus unknown commercial consideration Y, a policy like YouTube’s more or less automatically preempts discussion of Y.

Some of Weinstein’s broadcasts involve exactly such questions about whether or not it’s necessary to give Covid-19 vaccines to children, to pregnant women, and to people who’ve already had Covid-19, and whether or not the official stance on those matters is colored by profit considerations. Other issues, like whether or not boosters are going to be necessary, need a hard look in light of the commercial incentives.

These are legitimate discussions, as the WHOs own behavior shows. On April 8th, the WHO website said flatly: “Children should not be vaccinated for the moment.” A month and a half later, the WHO issued a new guidance, saying the Pfizer vaccine was “suitable for use by people aged 12 years and above.”

The WHO was clear that its early recommendation was based on a lack of data, and on uncertainty about whether or not children with a low likelihood of infection should be a “priority,” and not on any definite conviction that the vaccine was unsafe. And, again, a Politifact check on the notion that the WHO “reversed its stance” on children rated the claim false, saying that the WHO merely “updated” its guidance on children. Still, the whole drama over the WHO recommendation suggested it should at least be an allowable topic of discussion.

Certainly there are critics of Weinstein’s who blanch at the use of sci-fi terms like “red pill” (derived from worldview-altering truth pill in The Matrix), employing language like “very dangerous” to describe the mRNA vaccines, and descriptions of ivermectin as a drug that would “almost certainly make you better.”

Even to those critics, however, the larger issue Weinstein’s case highlights should be clear. If platforms like YouTube are basing speech regulation policies on government guidelines, and government agencies demonstrably can be captured by industry, the potential exists for a new brand of capture — intellectual capture, where corporate money can theoretically buy not just regulatory relief but the broader preemption of public criticism. It’s vaccines today, and that issue is important enough, but what if in the future the questions involve the performance of an expensive weapons program, or a finance company contracted to administer bailout funds, or health risks posed by a private polluter?'

Weinstein believes capture plays a role in his case at some level. “It’s the only thing that makes sense,” he says. He hopes the pressure from the public and from the media will push platforms like YouTube to reveal exactly how, and with whom, they settle upon their speech guidelines. “There’s something industrial strength about the censorship,” he says, adding. “There needs to be a public campaign to reject it.”


On TB every waking moment

Exclusive — J.D. Vance on July 4: Leftists ‘Are Trying to Make Us Hate our History’
JD Vance, the venture capitalist and author of “Hillbilly Elegy”, speaks with supporters following a rally Thursday, July 1, 2021, in Middletown, Ohio, where he announced he is joining the crowded Republican race for the Ohio U.S. Senate seat being left by Rob Portman. (AP Photo/Jeff Dean)
AP Photo/Jeff Dean

Leftists want Americans to hate their own country ahead of Independence Day, J.D. Vance, author of Hillbilly Elegy: A Memoir of a Family and Culture in Crisis and Republican candidate for the U.S. Senate seat from Ohio, said on Friday’s edition of SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily with host Alex Marlow.

Democrats and the broader left frame the United States as a nation born in sin in need of political salvation through leftist ideology, Vance observed.

“What I really hate about what the left is doing right now is … that they’re trying to make us hate our history,” Vance remarked. He determined that left-wing historical revisionism is not done in good faith “to learn lessons from our history.”

A unifying affectionate view of national history facilitates social cohesion and healthy functioning, Vance held.

“Unless you have that real deep sense of patriotism that makes you feel like you’re connected to the traditions of the past, inspired to make your country better for the future, then you can’t actually accomplish anything,” he said. “You’re not a real country if you don’t have a sense of your history.”

He continued, “On this Fourth of July, especially given, what’s going on politically, we should say we’re proud to be Americans. We take pride in our traditions, and we’re looking to build something better for the future, because if we don’t, then what’s the point of this whole American project?”

Disconnecting Americans from their history makes them more vulnerable to governmental control and manipulation, Vance warned.

“When they take away our pride of place, when they take away our pride in our own history, what they really do is they make us easier to control, and they make it harder for us to feel that inspiration that’s necessary to continue building this country instead of plundering it, which is of course what so many of our ruling class are doing,” he said.

He concluded, “Get out there on the Fourth of July, wave that American flag, get happy about what we’re doing, because this country is still a very great place despite all its problems.”


On TB every waking moment

The fightback against Critical Race Theory
Its creators thought America was on their side — they were wrong

July 2, 2021

One of the most irritating terms of our time must be “gaslighting”. It sounds so serious, but is just another of those pseudo-criminal charges that people fling around online, as though it has a well-known application in the real world. Loose in definition, assumed by the user to be understood by all, it is merely a form of elite jargon, known and understood only by a few.

But when a word gets used so relentlessly, it begins to take on a certain legitimacy — and even begins to crop up in the minds of people who loathe it.

Indeed, it even happened to me recently after I read a number of pieces in the American press claiming that “Critical Race Theory” (CRT) was a bogeyman of the Right. Now here, I thought, is something that is definitely gaslighting. Surely these people must be trying to drive readers mad by making assertions that are so clearly untrue; presenting one vision of the world and then denying that it even exists. If this is not “gaslighting”, then what is?

In the New York Times last week, Michelle Goldberg claimed that the current wave of concern across America about CRT had simply been whipped up by a clever propagandist — and that, as a consequence, CRT had become a maddening debate. In particular, she said, “the phrase itself had become unmoored from any fixed meaning”. Elsewhere she criticised people of being guilty of a “moral panic” and said that she was “highly sceptical” of the idea that CRT is being taught in schools, before going on to explain that “antiracist education” isn’t “radically leftist” but just “elementary”.

This slew of claims demonstrates the problem at hand. For in CRT we are not talking about some hidden theory; we are talking about a school of thought which was openly heralded within American academia and has now been forced upon the wider world. Yet just at the point that it has infiltrated the public sphere, Goldberg and others claim that our understanding of CRT has become confused — as if an ideology that is wilfully obscurantist ought, in fact, to be straightforward and agreed upon.

In the Washington Post and elsewhere, this debate has come to define American politics in recent weeks. Most prominently, Joy Reid of MSNBC has taken to claiming that CRT is not being taught in schools, is not what its critics say that it is and is both too complex for people to understand and also an exceptionally obvious demand for social justice.

What prompted such a desperate defence? Well, American parents have finally woken up to what is being taught to their children. At one prestigious Manhattan school, the headmaster even resigned after a group of parents complained about a number of school initiatives, ranging from “racist cop” re-enactments in science lessons to classes about “decentering whiteness” and “white supremacy”.

But now, just at the moment that the American public are starting to push back, supporters of CRT are stepping away from their creation, pretending that concerned citizens have misunderstood it, or are railing at a mirage.

The aforementioned Reid, for instance, recently interviewed a leading CRT scholar — indeed the person who reportedly coined the term — Kimberlé Crenshaw, who has described the backlash against CRT as an effort “to reverse the racial reckoning unlike anything we’ve seen in our lifetime”.

There is, to put it simply, a lot going on here; clearly, today’s discussions about CRT are unclear and disingenuous. But if there is a reason for this, it is that CRT’s decades-long advocates are no longer being honest. In their 2001 work Critical Race Theory: An Introduction, Richard Delgado and Jean Stefancic described CRT as a “movement” consisting of:“A collection of activists and scholars interested in studying and transforming the relationship among race, racism and power…

Unlike traditional civil rights, which embraces incrementalism and step-by-step progress, critical race theory questions the very foundations of the liberal order, including equality theory, legal reasoning, Enlightenment rationalism, and neutral principles of constitutional law.”

So this is not a hidden campaign. Its thought leaders did not try to hide the revolutionary, activist nature of their “discipline”. They boasted about it; the activism was the point. The purpose of CRT was never simply to throw around ideas — it was to change America, and by extension the wider world, by applying these new racial rules in the widest possible way.

So why the sudden reversal? Why the sudden retreat into contradictory forms of self-defence? The reason, I suspect, is clear: the ugly little game that has been playing out in American academia is — like many a theory before it — not surviving its first encounters with the public.

In that sense, at least, it faces a similar problem to that experienced by Marxists. On paper, Marxist academics were able to make grand claims about how to make an equitable society. But try it out on the public and they soon learned that what worked on paper did not work in practice

A similar, if so far less bloody, discovery is being made with CRT. Yes, its advocates may believe that they have come up with a system to create universal justice. But applied in American schools, for instance, all they come up with is a system which causes untold pain and ugliness.

Earlier this year when Grace Church School in Manhattan was in the headlines, people could see this for themselves. In private the headmaster conceded that there was a problem with the racial games he was forcing on all of his students.

“Problematising whiteness” may seem fine in theory, but in practice it creates discord. As its headmaster reluctantly conceded, there are a lot of white children at his school; and if you “problematise” whiteness then you problematise them.

Crenshaw, Reid and their fellow CRT supporters failed to account for that — and now this failing of theirs has plunged America into chaos.

In the meantime, their response has been to run for cover, camouflaging themselves with every technique possible. They say we don’t understand them. They say that CRT doesn’t really exist — or that it is all too complex to explain to ordinary people. But the simple fact is that CRT does exist, as a very large number of Americans have discovered. As for CRT’s bad reception, there is only one group to blame: its creators. It is their fault, not ours, that their ideology’s first mass encounter with the general public is proving such a failure.


On TB every waking moment

Taking Woke Education To Court

By RealClearWire
Jul 3, 2021•

boonchai wedmakawand via Getty Images

Free speech rights for students have always been a difficult issue because schools have unique needs and concerns.

But whether it was black armbands to protest the Vietnam War or a picture of Jesus in an art class, courts have consistently recognized that the First Amendment does not stop at the schoolhouse door.

Unless, that is, you live in Loudoun County, Virginia.

Located in the leafy suburbs of Washington, D.C., Loudon is now ground zero in the fight against policing speech in public schools.

For the past two years, the district has pursued a controversial new curricular approach focused on equity and race consciousness. But parents are now suing to stop a new program they believe crosses constitutional lines.

The so-called “Equity Ambassadors Program” allows students as young as sixth grade to report on their fellow students if they perceive a student’s speech to be offensive or racist.

Initially open only to students who could check the right racial boxes, the program’s purported goal is to “amplify the student voice.” But one school leader was honest enough to admit its real purpose: to “identify microaggressions” among students – even those arising outside of school or on social media.

This may sound well-intended, but the program will have the exact opposite effect.

Rather than amplifying student voices, equity ambassadors will suppress them. Students will live in fear of their classmates, paranoid of offending their peers. If their comments are reported, students could face a ruined reputation or destroy their chances of attending college.

In short, this program will teach our children nothing but to fear others. It is not education; it is a tool of indoctrination.

This month, the Liberty Justice Center launched a new federal civil rights lawsuit on behalf of parents and students in Loudoun to stop this censorship.

Unfortunately, what is happening in suburban Washington is emblematic of a trend growing across the country. So-called “bias incidents” on college campuses spark investigations into students for messages supporting a particular political candidate or expressing their Christian faith. Meanwhile, high school teachers are forcing their students to discuss sensitive personal topics, such as race, religion, and family income, in order to establish their “privilege score.”

But last week, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that one Pennsylvania school overstepped its authority by disciplining a student for complaining about her cheerleading coach on Snapchat. The court’s decision was encouraging news, but it should not take federal judges and lawsuits to inject some common sense into our schools.

Every parent should shudder at the prospect of their child living in constant dread that any remark can be anonymously reported and officially investigated. Yet this is where education is headed – unless parents fight back in courtrooms and classrooms to save our kids from this divisive new orthodoxy.

As Loudon parent Scott Mineo told me, “Our kids have the right to develop their own opinions, free from indoctrination and school-sanctioned bullying … This is not education; it is coercion.”

The views expressed in this opinion piece are the author’s own and do not necessarily represent those of The Daily Wire.

Daniel Suhr is the managing attorney at Liberty Justice Center and lead counsel for the plaintiffs in Menders v. Loudon County School Board.


On TB every waking moment

Nation’s Largest Teachers Union Approves Plan to Promote Hate-Based Critical Race Theory in All 50 States and 14,000 School Districts

By Jim Hoft
Published July 4, 2021 at 8:57am

Back in September investigative journalist Chris Rufo went on with Tucker Carlson to discuss “critical race theory” and the federal government’s support of the hateful, racist indoctrination.

In the US today, thanks to the work of the Obama regime, federal employees are forced to attend critical race theory sessions and workshops to focus on “white privilege” and “microaggressions.”

The discipline is pure Marxism and anti-white, anti-US racism being pushed on US government employees. Several US corporations also push this on their employees in workshops and seminars. It is a lucrative business for the far left based on pseudoscience, hate and victimhood.

Mark Rufo called on President Trump to eliminate this hateful indoctrination from the federal government.

6:18 min

President Trump then banned the hateful indoctrination of government employees back in September.

Less than 10 months later the Biden regime is pushing this racist theory on government employees and in the classroom.

And recently the nation’s largest teachers union approved implementing the hate-based doctrine in all 50 states and in 14,000 school districts.

The National Education Association voted to promote critical race theory calling it “reasonable and appropriate.”



On TB every waking moment

Marxist Democrat Rep. Cori Bush’s 4th of July Message: “This Land is Stolen and Black People Still Aren’t Free”

By Cristina Laila
Published July 4, 2021 at 3:12pm

Communist Democrat Congresswoman Cori Bush (MO) said July 4th and freedom is only for white people.

“When they say that the 4th of July is about American freedom, remember this: the freedom they’re referring to is for white people,” Cori Bush said. “This land is stolen land and Black people still aren’t free.”


Cori Bush is a toxic, anti-police neo-Marxist who regularly accuses white people and republicans of being racist, white supremacists.

During the sham impeachment of President Trump Cori Bush openly smeared President Trump as a racist and the “white-supremacist-in-chief.”

Bush later drafted a resolution to punish anyone who challenged the fraudulent 2020 election.


On TB every waking moment

Health Official: Banning Public Gatherings Stops “Misinformation” Spread.

A Canadian health official stated on television that he believes Canada’s continued ban on large groups of people is not just to stop the spread of COVID-19, but also to stop the spread of “misinformation.”

Dr. Robert Strang, Chief Medical Officer of Health for Nova Scotia, was answering questions when one caller asked why there is still an “injunction” against public gatherings.

“I’m wondering about the injunction banning public gatherings and whether there really is a need for such a far-reaching one given the trajectory we’re on now,” she queried.

Dr. Strang’s answer was awkward, to say the least.

“I think it’s still there,” he said, evidently referring to the risk incurred by public gathering. “Large numbers of people together, it, it can present some risk,” he continued. “We will–we’ll continue to look at that.”

Strang then added a further explanation:

“But I think the other purpose of the injunction is to, is to, prevent, you know, groups that are spreading–deliberately spreading–false information that can add by–can I say, create risk, the information itself, if listened to, creates risk to the public as well. So, and that’s–that certainly is a need to manage that misinformation campaign as well.”

The doctor has previously expressed his belief that public policies to address “root causes” are necessary for keeping Nova Scotians healthy, beyond simply healthcare measures. He said, “the health care system alone can’t create healthy communities or healthy people. Other systems and structures that affect our lives from the moment we wake up in the morning. . .have the greatest potential to change health outcomes.”

According to his website:

“We are working with our partners to help develop policies and create environments that allow all Nova Scotians to lead healthier lives. This means shifting our focus to address root causes and the social determinants of health, to minimize health inequities, and to have the most significant impact on the health of the population as a whole.”


On TB every waking moment

U.S. Supreme Court Justices & Federal Judges Double As Visiting Professors At Top Chinese Spy College.

Several U.S. federal judges – including Supreme Court Justices – have served as Visiting Professors at the Chinese Communist Party-run Peking University, The National Pulse can reveal. The efforts were funded by Chinese influence groups seeking to coerce “foreign actors to take actions or adopt positions supportive of” the Chinese government’s “preferred policies.”

The Beijing-based university – headed by a former Chinese Communist Party spy agency leader – has seen its American graduates questioned by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) over fears of students getting “co-opted by Chinese espionage efforts.”

Financial supporters of Peking University’s School of Transnational Law (STL) also include Thomson Reuters and the China-United States Exchange Foundation (CUSEF) – the leading influence group in the Chinese Communist Party’s United Front propaganda outfit.

‘School of Transnational Law’.
According to the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission, the United Front seeks to“neutralize sources of potential opposition to the policies and authority of its ruling Chinese Communist Party” and “influence foreign governments and other actors to take actions or adopt positions supportive of Beijing’s preferred policies.”


Despite these troubling ties, judges from various U.S. courts – including the Supreme Court and Court of Appeals – have doubled as faculty and guest lecturers while serving on the bench. Former judges from the Chinese Communist Party’s Supreme People’s Court are also on the school’s faculty.

Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito spent a “week in residence” at the university in 2016, with a summary revealing that he “expressed thanks for the warm reception of Peking University and Law School and expressed great pleasure to visit China.”



Fellow Justice Anthony Kennedy delivered the keynote address for the school’s opening in 2008 alongside Tung Chee-Hwa, the founder of CUSEF and Vice-Chairman of the “highest-ranking entity overseeing” China’s United Front:

Led by China’s former Minister of Justice Zou Yu, Hong Kong’s former Chief Executive Tung Chee-Hwa, and Chief Justice Andrew KN Li of the Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal, a group of leading jurists, lawyers, and legal scholars from around the world will be gathering in Shenzhen on October 22, 2008, to mark the dedication of the Peking University School of Transnational Law (“STL”). The day’s keynote address will be delivered by United States Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy.

The National Pulse can also reveal that Senior Circuit Judge and Chief Judge Emeritus of the D.C. Court of Appeals Harry Edwards, Circuit Judge of the Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit William Fletcher, and Chief Circuit Judge of the Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit D. Brooks Smith have served as Visiting Lecturers at the school.

Democratic Congresswoman Judy Chu is also listed as one of Peking’s “Distinguished Visitors.”

Judge Russel Canan, an Associate Judge at the Superior Court of D.C., is also a current Visiting Professor at Peking’s STL. Judge Frederick Weisberg simultaneously teaches at Peking University’s STL while serving as an Associate Judge on the D.C. Superior Court.


Judge Robert Morin, who was promoted by former President Barack Obama to become the Chief Judge of the D.C. Superior Court before retiring, was a Visiting Professor at Peking University’s STL in 2012.
Morin adjudicated cases in 2018 relating to anti-Donald Trump inaugural protestors, questioning the validity of Project Veritas videos as evidence, which led to prosecutors having to drop a number of charges against the rioters.

“Wednesday’s hearing got even worse for the government after prosecutors announced they would drop the seven cases and dismiss several charges against three other remaining defendants. D.C. Superior Court Chief Judge Robert Morin said prosecutors erred by failing to disclose the existence of the additional Project Veritas videos to the defense and to the judge. Morin questioned whether the lead prosecutor, Assistant US Attorney Jennifer Kerkhoff, gave him false information, noting that she told him at an earlier hearing that there was one video,” a Buzzfeed report summarized.

Gerald Fisher, another D.C. Associate Justice, previously served as a visiting distinguished jurist at Peking University’s STL in 2012 and 2014.

The news lends further to the theory that a great many high profile U.S. political figures have already been the subjects of intense propaganda efforts by the Chinese Communist Party: a phenomenon known as “elite capture”.

Read STL Documents: (Scribd doc on website)



On TB every waking moment

The Culture War Has A New Target: Independence Day

SUNDAY, JUL 04, 2021 - 11:10 AM
Authored by James Jay Carafano via,

Once upon a time in America, journalists wrote “holiday pieces” out of desperation. In a world where amusement parks and beaches beckoned, where businesses carpet-bombed consumers with holiday sales ads, recreation and crass commercialism overmatched the remembrance of important historical persons and events.

The “holiday pieces” were rearguard actions, waged to recall Americans to “the reason for the season.” Now, these holiday defenders are even more badly outnumbered. The Left’s culture warriors have supplanted commercials as the chief enemy of public memory. They don’t aim to hijack commemoration days to serve their commercial ends; they aim to erase the meaning of these holidays altogether.

Consider the efforts of the Randolph School Board in New Jersey. They wanted to remove Columbus Day from the school calendar, renaming the holiday to “Indigenous People Day.” When parents pushed back, the board—acting out of spite—voted to get rid of all holiday names, just calling them “days off.” That triggered national attention and even greater pushback. After a lengthy meeting with angry parents, the board abandoned the whole renaming exercise. The Left lost that skirmish. But they’ll be back.

Even a few years ago, such antics would have been unthinkable—but not anymore. This fight has become America’s new endless war.

School boards are, in fact, just the point of the spear in the culture wars, targeted by the left and right as a choice objective for reshaping America’s civil space.

Civics have been a prime target in these campaigns, reshaping the American political identity as a precursor to reshaping American politics.

One of the most prominent controversies in the culture wars swirls around curriculum that would implement concepts introduced by Critical Race Theory, the 1619 Project and anti-racist doctrine. These beliefs insist that our nation’s civic structures are inherently oppressive, biased, and racist. Historical persons and events become fodder for this fight because historical memories are the billboards of these racist structures. They must be torn down. That’s why the Randolph School Board went after Columbus.

That is also why July 4th and other patriotic holidays are on the purge list. The radical agenda to reimagine civic memory would reconceptualize Independence Day as an event not worth celebrating or, even “better,” a day to protest against what is wrong with America.

If this agenda wins out, the rising generation of Americans will grow up unable to describe what happened on Independence Day, much less its critical importance to the worldwide advance of human rights and liberty. They will know it only as an important occasion for criticizing and denigrating the idea of America.

Independence Day should be marked to affirm the importance of political freedoms and recognize importance of fighting to secure and protect them. This is a day to honor the virtue of battling to secure the right of the Randolph School Board to debate whatever it damn well pleases. Generations of Americans fought and died so generations of Americans could argue over how to teach civics.
But make no mistake; there is no honor in what the would-be re-interpreters of America’s holidays have in store for America. Their agenda is not about education. It is about indoctrination—indoctrination that would overturn how America is governed.

Critical Race Theory as civics education offers, perhaps, the starkest example of a radical political agenda hiding under the guise of objective inquiry in search of a just society. This method of query is rooted in Marxist ideology, whose primary purpose was never truth-seeking, but creating critical instruments to undermine political legitimacy and justify new political orders that are both harshly repressive and demonstrably unjust.

Indeed, if Critical Race Theory were implemented in practice, this doctrine would violate Civil Rights Laws that secure equal protection under the law and outlaw discrimination.

Americans have labored for centuries to fulfill the promise of the American Revolution, striving to create a just society where the people are sovereign and there is equal opportunity for all.

We have made tremendous progress.

The ultimate heresy would be to substitute a new meaning of July 4th based on a power-hungry radical political agenda.


On TB every waking moment

Maxine Waters Criticizes Declaration of Independence on Fourth of July
Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) attends a Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis hearing about how to counter vaccine hesitancy, on Capitol Hill July 1, 2021 in Washington, DC. According to the committee, a recent survey shows that up to 20 percent of Americans continue to say they will refuse the …
Drew Angerer/Getty Images
KRISTINA WONG4 Jul 2021749

House Financial Services Committee Chairwoman Maxine Waters (D-CA) criticized the Declaration of Independence in a tweet on July 4th, suggesting it is a racist document because it was written almost 250 years ago, when there was slavery in the United States.

She tweeted Sunday:


While most of her Republican and Democrat colleagues in the House tweeted celebratory messages, she and several other African American Democrats tweeted messages that highlighted racism in the country’s history.

Rep. Cori Bush (D-MO) said the 4th of July is about freedom “for white people.”
“When they say that the 4th of July is about American freedom, remember this: the freedom they’re referring to is for white people,” she tweeted. “This land is stolen land and Black people still aren’t free.”


Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) also used the occasion to tweet about race.

“Let us reflect on the full story of America today. Black people were not freed in 1776. Despite a system stacked against us, we must continue to use our collective power to change that system,” he tweeted.



On TB every waking moment

Far-Left Nation on July 4: ‘Founders of Our Nation Were Colonizers,’ ‘American Exceptionalism Grounded in Racism’

Fireworks explode over the National Mall as the US Capitol (R) and National Monument are seen on July 4, 2017, in Washington, DC. / AFP PHOTO / PAUL J. RICHARDS (Photo credit should read PAUL J. RICHARDS/AFP via Getty Images)
PAUL J. RICHARDS/AFP via Getty Images
JOSHUA KLEIN4 Jul 2021476

An essay published in the Nation on Friday accuses Americans celebrating independence of failing to “reckon with the fact that the founders of our nation were colonizers,” with American “exceptionalism” and foreign policy being “grounded in racism,” adding that issues such as climate change and “racist policing” are the “greatest existential threats” while global terrorism and threats from China, Russia, and Iran, are merely “imagined threats.”

The essay, penned by the Center for International Policy’s president and CEO Salih Booker as well as board member Diana Ohlbaum, carries the title “The Willful Self-Delusion of American Independence Day,” and claims that despite endeavoring to do so, the U.S. has “rarely lived up to ideals.”

“Enough is enough,” the essay asserts.

The piece begins by accusing American citizens celebrating Independence Day of failing to “reckon with the fact that the founders of our nation were colonizers,” and adding that since declaring independence, the U.S. “has only expanded the scope of its imperial domination.”

The essay continues by claiming that, while racial biases are being addressed domestically, the “structural racism” inherent in U.S. foreign policy has yet to be seriously probed.

“While systemic white supremacy and the state’s use of violence against people of color in this country is at the forefront of the national debate, the structural racism of US foreign policy has escaped serious scrutiny,” it reads.

The essay then claims the two are “deeply and immutably” linked to one another.
“It is precisely through its brutal history of genocide and slavery that the US government learned to use violence and military force to make white people secure in their positions of privilege and domination at home and abroad,” it reads.

Depicting “American exceptionalism” as “grounded in racism and militarism,” the essay then claims the country’s foreign policy allows the U.S. to act irresponsibly.

“[American foreign policy] posits that the United States is a unique force for good in the world, exempt from the international laws and norms it expects other nations to follow, and is thus entitled to kill or subdue those who disobey its orders,” it reads.

It then claims such a policy has led to a host of unjust actions.

“It has resulted in US bombings and assassinations of people of color around the world criminalized as ‘terrorists’ or otherwise defined as dangerous ‘others,’ exorbitant Pentagon spending, an expansive global network of military bases, and a system that gives sole authority to the US president to decide whether to annihilate the planet,” the essay reads.

It continues by claiming U.S. foreign policy, at its core, dictates that white American lives are more valuable than the lives of others.

“At its heart, US ‘national security’ doctrine assumes that the lives of white Americans are more valuable than those of others, and that ‘we’ can make ourselves more secure by making ‘them’ less secure,” it reads.

Accusing the foreign policy establishment of erroneously viewing primary threats to national security as “military in nature and emanating from outside US borders,” the essay claims that the true threats arise from issues such as climate change and racist policies.
No matter that the greatest existential threats are climate change and nuclear catastrophe, nor that pandemic disease, rising inequality, militarized and racist policing, and gun violence—the burdens of which all fall heaviest on Black, Indigenous, and otherwise nonwhite people—pose far greater dangers to American lives than do any imagined threats from China, Russia, Iran, or global terrorism.
The essay then claims the consequences of such a doctrine have been “devastating,” with the current U.S. foreign policy described as “destabilizing the world and robbing it of the resources needed to achieve human development, human security, human rights, and human dignity.”

The essay also claims that resolving issues such as poverty, climate change and racial issues, and not “military force,” is the chief means of protecting Americans.
The surest way to protect American lives is to eliminate poverty and hunger; achieve racial and gender equality; reverse climate change; create fair and humane systems for migration; develop a robust global capacity to prevent pandemic disease; build an open and inclusive multiethnic, multiracial democracy at home; and establish peaceful and cooperative relationships with other nations.
“None of these goals can be achieved through military force,” it adds.
The essay then calls on American leaders to “renounce the quest for global dominance,” and pursue a “global solidarity” strategy instead.

“They must reject the lie that there is a hierarchy of human value in which some lives are worth more than others and the myth that violence is a necessary and effective means for achieving political ends,” it reads.

“Not in our name should they conduct military aggression, impose devastating economic sanctions, squander public resources on exorbitant Pentagon budgets, criminalize refugees and migrants, turn American cities into battlefields, or threaten to use nuclear weapons,” it continues.

Calling for a more “ethical, effective, and peaceful approach to the world,” the essay suggests the U.S. begin “acknowledging, apologizing for, and making amends for the genocides of Native American peoples and the enslavement of Africans over many generations.”

It then calls for the “termination of current US wars” and “significantly reducing the size of the Pentagon budget” while “paring back the global network of US military bases that serve as springboards for aggression.”

The essay concludes by demanding the U.S. “join the international consensus by signing, ratifying, and complying with major treaties and agreements,” and only then “will the unalienable rights to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness be secured for all.”

Members on the left and the mainstream media have used the occasion of the Fourth of July to attack America and its founding on the eve of the country marking its independence.

On Friday, the taxpayer-funded National Public Radio (NPR) reluctantly repeated its tradition of staff reading the Declaration of Independence, this year framing its report to point out the “flaws” and alleged racist elements of one of the most cherished U.S. documents.

The left-wing media outlet said it started the tradition as “a way of marking Independence Day.”

Students at Georgetown University said they were not proud to be American when interviewed shortly before the Fourth of July holiday, adding they would give up their American citizenship.

On the eve of Independence Day, The New York Times politicized the American flag over Twitter by saying flying the American flag shows a “person’s political affiliation” nowadays.


On TB every waking moment

Saturday, July 03, 2021
Red, White, And Blue Privilege


General Milley made an ass of himself in a congressional hearing when he went all SJW about understanding White Rage. To educate him, a reader sent him his family history, which I posted. More such stories have followed. They are filled with poverty, perseverance, sacrifice, and hope. I have shared some of their tales, and will share more to make my point about privilege.

One reader wrote, "Your latest column on white rage prompted me to want to add my dad's story to the rest of your reader's stories. My grandparents on my dad's side immigrated from Croatia. Back then I think it was part of Hungary and Austria, but they were Croatian. Grandpa was 20, grandma was 18, her mom packed her a lunch for the trip.

"They arrived with little more than the clothes on their backs. Grandma supported herself by sewing and making doilies and such. Grandpa worked his way across the country and settled in Roslyn, Washington, a small coal mining company town with a Croatian community. Together they had 15 kids. Grandpa worked in the mines for 20 years. Grandma and grandpa sent seven of their kids to fight WWII and three to Korea.

"My dad worked in the mines as a teenager and never graduated from high school. When the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor he had been 17 for about a week. He joined the Navy that week and was assigned to the USS Chandler DD-206/ DMS-9 in the Pacific. He worked in the engine room as a Boiler Technician/Fireman BTFN. He said if they were ever sunk he would never have gotten out. I can't imagine what it would be like to be 17 and out in the middle of the Pacific in a war.

"Dad stayed in the Navy for 10 years through the Korean War.

"After his time in the Navy he worked as a construction laborer. One day in Seattle he was digging a ditch and a guy that worked for the phone company asked him if he wanted a better job. He climbed out of the ditch and went to work for the phone company which I think was AT&T before it was broke up into the baby Bells. He was a lineman and then an underground cable locator for 27 years. He and mom raised 5 kids in Seattle. He passed away four years ago at the age of 92. He was buried with military honors in Roslyn.

"I didn't have to serve as the Vietnam war ended a year before I graduated from high school. I like to think I served in a different way. I graduated with a degree in electrical engineering and worked for Boeing on the B2, F-22 and KC-46A Tanker programs.

"I doubt that clown Milley has any clue regarding the life stories of the people he insults with his racist comments. People that fought for and built this country and didn't have a privileged or easy life and are now told they had a privileged or easy life simply because they are white is enough to piss anybody off."
That is a beautiful story.

And it is one repeated a million times over.

A shorter one came from a man whose father arrived at Omaha Beach 17 days after D-Day. The fighting was still intense as Germans realized to their horror that they were in a two-front war.

The reader said, "My father enjoyed a year-long walking tour of France and Germany. Since he deployed D-17, his unit gets no publicity or remembrance.

The battalion had three oversized companies of 315 men (to start with) and was ruled over by a Tennessee colonel and two Kentucky lieutenant colonels. My father hated and despised all colonels for the rest of his life.

"The three companies were each given different assignments. Alpha Company guarded the colonels. Bravo was strategic reserve for combat. Charlie was the front line. With a name like Weissing, the colonels thought my father was a Jew and sent him right to the front. Our name is actually German, but that would have sent him straight to Charlie as well. Charlie started with 315. By Christmas 1944 it was at 150. On New Year’s Eve it was down to 15. New Year’s Day saw it folded up with 8 survivors. That is what the Battle of the Bulge was. And just think, those 8 were on the winning side.

"I asked my father if he resented his assignment — after all, it was consciously bigoted. He was proud to live in and belong to the greatest and freest nation in the world. But he did hate colonels."

Milley's racist vignette was part of a sinister scheme. Reading Marx and Mao may not make you a Marxist, but he is a Marxist who wants to destroy America. This whole CRT and white rage nonsense is about diminishing the middle class. The American dream of something better for your children now is openly mocked.

They always have hated the middle class, because we are industrious and self-reliant. I remember the song "Little Boxes," which mocked suburbia. I bought into that when I was 10. I grew up. Socialists don't.

There is no white privilege. There is only Red, White, And Blue Privilege.

Poverty has been the default human condition for most people since civilization began. America created a system that allows people to escape poverty. Call it systemic opportunity. Christianity was a key. Marxists want to destroy that because they want to take over the country.

The stories I have run about families who struggled and later fought for this country were white. That tells only one side. Black people served in both world wars. Indians served in both wars as code talkers in their native languages. Hispanics served as well. There is only one color in the army. Green.

In sharing his family's story, a reader touched on perhaps the most American of all Americans in World War II, the Nissei, which was the name for second-generation immigrants from Japan.

He wrote, "My granddad came over from Poland/Lithuania/Austro-Hungarian Empire circa 1912. Grandma came over a few years later. I never knew my G-Pop; he died long before I popped in ‘55. But they produced 4 kids. The 2 boys served in WW2. This Loyalty Pledge hung in her house.

"Can you even imagine something like this, today?

"This is the White Rage that stirs me. Two of their boys (my uncles; first generation Americans) went to fight for their country. Yes, they were filled with rage, and they were white. Perhaps Gen. Milley might want to consider those who went before. Perhaps consider the U.S. Army’s 442nd Regimental Combat Team, which consisted mainly of Nissei U.S. citizens of Japanese descent. Yes, after NOT being allowed to enlist in the regular Army, they petitioned long enough to be allowed entry, & distinguished themselves as THE Most Decorated Unit in the U.S. Army. But theirs was Yellow Rage, I guess, so I guess it doesn't matter."

Ah, the 442nd.

While their families were in internment camps, they were in Italy fighting for the Red, White, and Blue because even at her worst, America was better than any place on Earth. One of those boys was Dan Inouye. He literally gave his right arm for this country. 4 years after Hawaii became a state, it sent Inouye to the Senate.
He and his buddies had faith in America. They were rewarded.

What makes America great is some nobody from Croatia can work a coal mine, and his son can dig ditches, so that his grandson can become an electrical engineer. The only privilege is the opportunity. And that is the best privilege of all.

Dr. Ben Carson said it better than me: "I Already Won The Lottery, I Was Born In America And Know The Lord."

He ain't just blowing smoke like my old Rustang did.

A reader wrote, "When I was a baby, my father ran away and my mom, not having any money, gave me up to an adoption agency. I then was adopted by an American family and now I am on track to live the American Dream. By the Left's account, I'm just another oppressed victim because I am part of the non-white population, but I was able to break out of their plantation and make something of my life through work ethic and the mindset that there is no one to blame but myself when I fail. This is why today, I identify as a staunch America First Conservative. "

The Lord is important. It is why one set of my ancestry set out from England in 1620 in a little wooden cargo boat that leaked. We know it as the Mayflower. 66 days later, they landed in Massachusetts. They thanked the Lord.

Half the settlers died that first winter.

In spring, they planted crops with the help of Indians. The Lord blessed them with a bountiful harvest. In October, they thanked the Lord. The 53 Pilgrims invited 90 Wampanoag Indians to a great three-day feast.

But enough about me and some of my ancestors.

Dr. Carson's father served in World War II. He got a job building Cadillacs after the war. His parents later divorced and separated. Mom took the kids, and suffered depression. Dr. Carson, though, persevered. He worked hard and became not only a brain surgeon, but one of the best in the world. He might have become president if Donald John Trump had not descended that golden elevator to enter the presidential race.

Oh yes, Donald Trump. How could I forget him?

He was the son of a wealthy businessman who became even wealthier. The Donald never tried to be one of us. But he championed us. Decades before either man was president, Obama wrote that socialism will never take hold in America because everyone wants to be Donald Trump, or at least have their kids and grandkids have that chance.

And why not? What is wrong with living in a three-story penthouse in Manhattan while wintering at Mar-A-Lago?

I noticed Obama has a mansion in Kalorama, D.C., and a beachfront summer home on Martha's Vineyard, and a nine-figure bank balance. He wanted to be Donald Trump. He did it by playing the skin game, becoming president, and cutting deals. The only difference between the two is Obama does not want anyone else to be Donald Trump.

Obama and Milley seek to divide Americans by race and conquer the nation.
The way to stop them is to not get angry or even upset. Look at them as who they are: desperate men who realize America Will Be Great Again, and there is nothing these enemies from within can do to stop us.

Happy Birthday, America, the greatest land of all. Tomorrow is the Fourth of July -- Independence Day -- and I do not post on Sunday.

But I leave readers with this request. Thank the Lord for your Red, White, And Blue Privilege.


On TB every waking moment

Top Secret Meeting of Mainstream Media, Big Tech, and Intelligence Heads Is Taking Place This Week In Idaho

By Joe Hoft
Published July 5, 2021 at 9:45am

This week top-secret meetings are taking place between the top communications firms in the US. Big Tech, Mainstream Media (Big Media), and the intelligence community are gathering to strategize on how to consolidate their power over the information being force-fed to the American people.

Mark Dice shares the following:

Every time people talk about the Mainstream media conglomerates secretly collaborating with each other. Visions of smoke-filled rooms and shadowy figures wearing expensive suits sitting around a table come to mind. Well, this may be an exaggerated expectation at the behind-the-scenes look at the issue, but it isn’t all that far from the truth.
Every July since 1983 a small group of media moguls, tech titans, investors, politicians, and intelligence agency insiders, all gather in the small town of Sun Valley, Idaho, for a week of meetings to develop the consensus regarding policies for Mainstream media, social media, and emerging communications technology.

It’s basically like the Bilderberg meeting for media and since tech companies like Facebook, Twitter, Apple, and YouTube have become major players in the media industry, they all come together each year in Sun Valley trying to make sure no emerging platforms can threaten their power…
Watch the entire video below.

8:04 min

Mark is one of the great voices on YouTube that was targeted and censored since 2016. He was too effective. The above video is an example of his fabulous work.

Americans need to break free of these information-controlling entities.
New media is the answer. Individuals like Mark and sites like The Gateway Public are flourishing as Americans want the truth.


On TB every waking moment

WATCH: Vanessa Williams Sings Divisive ‘Black National Anthem’ During Capitol Fourth of July, Promotes ‘Juneteenth’

By Cassandra Fairbanks
Published July 5, 2021 at 10:45am

Actress Vanessa Williams sang the Black National Anthem while hosting PBS’ 41st annual “A Capitol Fourth” celebration.

While introducing the song “Lift Every Voice and Sing,” known as the Black National Anthem, she promoted the new federal holiday “Juneteenth, which already took place in June.

2:08 min

While introducing the divisive song, Williams said she was “filled with the spirit of freedom and the perseverance that is required to achieve that most precious right.”

“I dedicate this to our ancestors, to our new federal holiday Juneteenth and to all who celebrate freedom,” she added.

This is not the first time that Williams used the Capitol Fourth stage for her activism.

At last year’s show, Williams said her musical selections expressed the “angst that Black women — especially mothers — were feeling,” after the death of George Floyd, according to AP.

Williams sang the song, “Not While I’m Around,” from the musical “Sweeney Todd,” because it “talked about just the connection that you have with your child and wanting to protect them, which was definitely reflective of George Floyd and how everybody felt that pain.”

The Capitol Fourth show is broadcast to millions of viewers on PBS, airs on multiple streaming platforms, and is played for troops around the world.


On TB every waking moment

Saturday, July 03, 2021
Conservatives 6, Tyranny 0


The New Civil Liberties Alliance is fighting the systemic threats of the administrative state. With the Supreme Court shutting down for the summer, NCLA pointed out six wins over liberal bureaucrats and politicians.

The alliance announced, "As the U.S. Supreme Court’s October 2020 Term comes to a close, the New Civil Liberties Alliance is celebrating an unblemished 6-0 record for the amicus curiae briefs we filed in defense of civil liberties. The high court’s administrative power cases produced several unlikely majorities, including two NCLA amicus wins in the form of unanimous opinions written by Justice Sotomayor and Justice Breyer. Justice Gorsuch even quoted from NCLA’s amicus brief in his separate opinion in U.S. v. Arthrex. These six rulings in favor of NCLA’s positions show that our strategy of defending civil liberties against administrative power in the federal courts is working."

The group did not argue these cases. Instead it lent public support to those suing the government.

1. The alliance reported, "In an early present to celebrate Independence Day, the U.S. Supreme Court recognized the blatant abuse of administrative power by a series of California attorneys general in Americans for Prosperity Foundation v. Robert Bonta. Chief Justice Roberts, writing for a 6-3 Court divided along ideological lines, held that the California Attorney General’s donor-disclosure policy for nonprofits—which began under Kamala Harris and continued under Xavier Becerra—is facially unconstitutional because it burdens donors’ First Amendment Rights and is not narrowly tailored to an important government interest."

Charities don't have to divulge their donors. In an age of doxing, naming names endangers people's lives and livelihoods.

2. The alliance reported, "The New Civil Liberties Alliance is celebrating an amicus win against the Administrative State in the U.S. Supreme Court case United States v. Arthrex, Inc. A divided Supreme Court on Monday vacated an earlier decision in this case by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit and held that administrative patent judges (APJs) were not appointed to their positions in the manner Article II of the Constitution requires. Justice Gorsuch quoted NCLA’s amicus brief in his concurring opinion to demonstrate that Congress likely disapproved of the remedy devised by the majority. NCLA argued (with Arthrex) that APJs are principal officers of the United States. Hence, according to the Constitution’s Appointments Clause, they must be appointed by the President with the advice and consent of the Senate."

This means the president appoints them. Bravo. We can always fire a president. Good luck trying to fire a civil service-protected pencil-pusher.

Obama had changed it to bureaucratic appointments.

3. The alliance reported, "The U.S. Supreme Court unanimously held that the lower courts erred in imposing an issue-exhaustion requirement on Social Security disability claimants. In Carr v. Saul, claimants challenged a judge-made version of the administrative exhaustion rule, a requirement that litigants at an administrative hearing must raise any legal arguments in support of their claim at each step of the administrative process or forfeit those arguments on appeal.

The New Civil Liberties Alliance and the Cato Institute filed a joint amicus brief arguing that imposing issue exhaustion requirements is inappropriate when the issue does not depend on an agency’s discretion, expertise, or fact-finding."

It is a rather tedious case. But suffice it to say the bureaucracy tried to make the rules that the bureaucracy plays by. Justice Sotomayor and the majority said, nope.

The alliance noted, "Carr is one of several cases that arose in the aftermath of the Supreme Court’s 2018 decision in Lucia v. SEC, which held that the ALJs working for the Securities & Exchange Commission were Officers of the United States who had not been appointed in a manner required by the Appointments Clause of the Constitution."

The power of having presidents appoint and the Senate confirm administrative judges rests with the people, not the deep state.

4. The alliance reported, "A divided Supreme Court held that the structure of the Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008 violated the separation of powers.

The law ran afoul of the Constitution by restricting the President’s power to remove the Director of the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA). The New Civil Liberties Alliance, a nonpartisan, nonprofit civil rights group, filed an amicus brief in September 2020 arguing that the FHFA Director’s protection from removal denied the President’s power to control the actions of Executive Branch officials. The victory today vindicates separation-of-powers principles and protects Americans’ right to a republican form of government, which unaccountable independent agencies thwart."

These victories only seem small until you have to go up against one of these Alphabet agencies.

5. The alliance reported, "The New Civil Liberties Alliance celebrates a victory today as amicus curiae in the U.S. Supreme Court case, AMG Capital Management, LLC, et al. v. Federal Trade Commission. Justice Stephen Breyer handed down a unanimous decision declaring that section 13(b) of the Federal Trade Commission Act does not authorize the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) 'to seek, or a court to award, equitable monetary relief such as restitution or disgorgement.'"

This had been going on for a long time.

The alliance said, "For over three decades the agency has been aggrandizing its powers to obtain millions. In this case the Ninth Circuit, bound by its own precedent, acknowledged the problem but allowed the FTC $1.27 billion in equitable monetary relief against Petitioner Scott Tucker and his payday lending companies. It did so without the statutory protections provided by Congress for monetary damages or even a jury trial, which the Seventh Amendment to the Constitution grants all Americans for suits at law for money damages over twenty dollars."

How ironic. The FTC accused Tucker of breaking the law without following the law itself.

Sadly, no one at the FTC was jailed or fired or even suspended.

6. Finally, in a non-federal but extremely important case, the alliance sided with the Lord.


The alliance reported, " a unanimous Supreme Court ruled in favor of Catholic Social Services (CSS) and three affiliated foster parents in their lawsuit against the City of Philadelphia after being excluded from a foster-care program based on their religious beliefs. The New Civil Liberties Alliance, a nonpartisan, nonprofit civil rights group, filed an amicus brief in June 2020 in support of the plaintiffs, arguing that the administrative process by which Philadelphia instituted its foster care policy is inherently tilted against religious Americans and that the City’s actions violated the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment.

"The City of Philadelphia enters into contracts with agencies to place children with foster families. As part of CSS’s religious beliefs, it will not certify same-sex married couples as prospective foster families. For this reason, in 2018, the City abruptly terminated foster placement through CSS.

"CSS and the foster parents it certifies did not seek to impose their religious beliefs on anyone and had provided foster-care services through the City of Philadelphia for more than 50 years. The City’s decision left foster parents like Sharonell Fulton, who has fostered more than 40 children, without CSS’s support."

In writing for the majority, Chief Justice Roberts pointed out that Catholics have taken care of orphans in that city since the yellow fever outbreak of 1798.

Conservatives were robbed on November 3 by Democrats and their RINO collaborators. It is easy to be discouraged and to give up.

But groups are out there fighting for liberty. And while the Supreme Court utterly disowned us in the election, it gave us a few victories this year that we should savor.

I wish there were more victories to celebrate, but we have six more reasons to celebrate Independence Day than we did a year ago.


On TB every waking moment

Unworthy Americans
Kurt  Schlichter
Kurt Schlichter

|Posted: Jul 05, 2021 12:01 AM

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of

Unworthy Americans

Source: AP Photo/Nam Y. Huh

While I was wandering through Costco the other day as one of the 5% without some ridiculous mouth thong wrapped around my piehole, I began to re-think the French Revolution. Maybe it’s gotten a bad rap. Still, Marie Antoinette only suggested that the normal eat cake – hey, who doesn’t like cake? But she didn’t demand that the people humiliate and degrade themselves in every aspect of their lives.

But our garbage elite does to us, and so many Americans are sheep who eagerly obey. Independence Day has come and gone, this year being not just a reminder of the greatness of the American ideal but a painful reminder of how so many of our fellow Americans have fallen short. They are delighted to forgo the strenuous rigors of citizenship in favor of the flaccid idleness of serfdom.

It’s pathetic, and unworthy of a great people.

What the hell are these sheep thinking?

They were commanded by their betters to wear a mask inside, outside, while they drive their ridiculous Prius with the “I’m With Her” and “COEXIST” bumperstickers. They were told not to wear one, then to wear one, then to wear two, and they did. The elite told them to get the vaccine because it would protect them, that the shots would make them free again, and they took the shots, but then immediately afterwards the master caste told them that while they were now immune, they still had to wear a mask because…science or something. It was never quite clear. Yet the sheep eagerly did so. They got bait and switched, and the sheep were satisfied with the switch part.

There’s nothing sadder than seeing some Chardonnay mom in a park in the sunshine with her little kids, all made up like suburban banditos. But sporting a badge of shame on their faces is just a start. There’s never enough humiliation for the sheep; maybe degradation gives meaning to their empty lives, allowing them to feel something, anything.

The elite wants to shear the sheep of self-respect, and the sheep line up, clutching copies of Ibram X. Kendi’s (née Henry Rogers) obnoxious CRT handbook. They are told that they must accept personal responsibility for the slaves they never owned, and that they must therefore be accountable to people who were never slaves. And they obey, joyfully competing to most completely abase themselves, shedding their history and their dignity and trading it away for the chance to be further disrespected and disenfranchised for the sin of having their great-grandfather come from the wrong continent.

The media tells them to eat bugs, literally. The insect imperative is an evergreen story in the state media – how some obscure “experts” contend that red meat, the food of proud men and women, must give way to consuming cicadas and crickets. Why is it so important to get us to gobble beetles? Because we love red meat, and it gives us joy, and that can’t be allowed. No, we have to be broken, and it doesn’t get more broken than complying with the demand to fry up and nosh on a handful of locusts for the giddy amusement of our alleged betters, who certainly will not be giving up their ribeyes anytime soon.

The excuse the elite gives for the bug-eating thing– there’s always some excuse for their bizarre demands – is the weather, and how we must fear it instead of the things that truly threaten us. If we’re worried that it might be a degree hotter in a century, we’re not going to be worried about the elite’s Chi Com friends taking over, or the elite consolidating its wealth and power at our expense. Pay no attention to the aspiring tyrants behind the curtain – take cover, it’s sunny! Or cold – remember, every kind of weather is proof positive that climate change is a thing and if you doubt it, you hate science.

Of the same ilk is the demand that we pretend ugly people are beautiful. Victoria Secret did very well with attractive women, but people like attractive women and that thought crime must be punished and all residual resistance to the elite’s latest aesthetic decree must be purged from society. The placing of grody on a pedestal accomplishes two things. First, it has the effect of making our generally fugly elite feel better about itself, since when we elevate mediocrity it’s their time to shine. The second is that we all know that a bulbous walrus, or a dude pretending to be a girl, or a bony harridan with a bitter scowl and purple hair, are not actually hot. The fun comes with making the proles lie and say that they are.

Everyone knows it’s a lie; everyone knows the emperor is going commando, so the juice comes from making people lie anyway. If you can make them lie, you own them. And so many of us are happy to hand over their personal pink slips to the elite.

It’s important to erase the competition, so God has to go. The elite tactic is to belittle and assault the believers – your First Baptist Church is a hotbed of pathogens and must be closed, but topping the list of essential enterprises is the Peppermint Cheetah. In the name of COVID – what can’t pandemic panic do? – it’s out with “Amazing Grace” and in with “Pour Some Sugar On Me.”

And they create idols to replace the Lord, to which the sheep reverently bow down. Did you see that ridiculous statue of Diana unveiled the other day? The tacky totem features that frivolous bippy with some generic boy and girl, leading them into a bright future of uninspired white wine and ennui. Move over Sistine Chapel, we’ve got the People’s Princess and she’ll make your pain go away. Perhaps the statue-knockers were onto something.

And the sheep eagerly agree with the elite demand that they own no guns, that they be disarmed, the better to encourage the kind of docility fitting for the bottom rung of the feudal ladder. You see it in Europe, where the people shrug and accept life under unaccountable bureaucrats knowing that there’s nothing they could do about it anyway even if their low-T civilization were to suddenly rediscover its manhood. Once Europeans sent crusaders to battle the heathens; today, they sit in rapt attention, childless and chestless, watching some auto-tuned crooner sing about how s/he loves to boogie all night long as Liechtenstein’s entry in the Eurovision Song Contest.

Mostly, the sheep are told to pretend they aren’t sheep. And they do so even if the shame of their submissions somewhere, deep down inside them, gnaws at them.

We are the greatest nation on earth, which today is a sad commentary on the human race as a whole. And sadly, so many of our fellow Americans are unworthy.

Be worthy, and prepared, because change is coming.


On TB every waking moment

NEA Union Tells Teachers To Target Parents Who Oppose Critical Race Theory

The National Education Association Has Announced A Plan To Attack Parents Who Are Opponents Of Left-Wing Critical Race Theory.

by Warner Todd Huston And Jeff Dunetz | Jul 5, 2021 | Culture, Politics
target parents who oppose CRT

The National Education Association (NEA) has announced a plan to track down, name, shame, and personally attack parents who are opponents of left-wing critical race theory. target parents who oppose CRT

The NEA has agreed to a measure to attack patriots who oppose turning schools into anti-American indoctrination centers umping out race-baiters that will continue setting Americans against each other.

“NEA will research the organizations attacking educators doing anti-racist work and/or use the research already done and put together a list of resources and recommendations for state affiliates, locals, and individual educators to utilize when they are attacked,” the NEA’s measure reads.

“The research, resources, and recommendations will be shared with members through NEA’s social media, an article in NEA Today, and a recorded virtual presentation/webinar,” the group added.

One opponent of critical race theory spoke out on the NEA’s plans.

“The national teachers union is funding an attack machine against me, @Gundisalvus, and our allies,” Christopher Rufo tweeted. “We were born for this fight—and will show no mercy to the corrupt ideologues who are ruining American education. Swords up!”


Fox News added:
Billed at $56,500, the measure was marked as “adopted as amended.” It specifically called out groups like the Heritage Foundation, which has published anti-CRT messaging from Rufo.

“The attacks on anti-racist teachers are increasing, coordinated by well-funded organizations such as the Heritage Foundation,” it reads. “We need to be better prepared to respond to these attacks so that our members can continue this important work.”
One of the lessons learned via the horrible fight against Covid-19 is that the NEA and the other major teacher’s union, the AFT, don’t really give a rat’s arse about our kids. Like most unions, they are run by union heads whose first priority is a political agenda even before their rank and file. Those people have full control over your children’s education,

Much of this post was first seen at Flag and Cross
target parents who oppose CRT


On TB every waking moment

National Geographic Says 4th of July Fireworks Are Racist Because Smoke Disproportionately Affects Black People

By Jim Hoft
Published July 5, 2021 at 4:35pm

National Geographic posted an unhinged and unscientific tweet on Independence Day saying fireworks are racist because they affect communities of color.

What complete BS.

This is what can be described as “scientism” and NOT “science.”

There is absolutely no proof to support this theory.

In fact, in cities like St. Louis and New York City, minorities shoot off guns on New Year’s Eve and the 4th of July. This is much more dangerous than sniffing fireworks smoke for a night.

The junk scientists behind this nonsense also did not take into consideration the thousands of communities, including rural towns, where fireworks are a 4th of July tradition. The people there are not affected by the smoke for some reason.


This appears to be the latest example where the modern-day left ruins everything that is fun and exciting in order to reshape society into something dreadful and sad.

The netizens reacted immediately:


The Daily Mail reported:
The study published in May by researchers at the University of California’s Irvine campus suggests that law enforcement should crack down on illegal displays and that municipal and corporate displays should be replaced by drone light shows.

National Geographic’s tweet was met with swift criticism from Twitter users who branded it unnecessarily divisive and decried the outlet for putting a damper on the holiday.

‘It never ends with the ridiculous headlines about race. Give it a rest,’ one critic replied to National Geographic.

‘What happened to the old Nat Geo, where we talked about animals and how amazing they are?’ another added.

A third critic wrote: ‘Honestly, I am a scientist and this is beyond ridiculous.’

‘LET US ENJOY THE DAMN FIREWORKS,’ a fourth tweeted.

In the 18-page study, published on May 27 in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, researchers from UC Irvine used crowdsourced data to assess how air pollution affects communities across California, which is already known to have some of the highest levels of air pollution across the country.
Give it a rest, NatGeo.


On TB every waking moment

A Leftist War on Common Sense
Terry Paulson
Terry Paulson

Posted: Jul 05, 2021 12:01 AM
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A Leftist War on Common Sense

Source: monkeybusinessimages/iStock/Getty Images Plus

As we celebrate America's independence, know that our founding fathers would be shaking their heads in disbelief almost daily at how Democrats have lost all common sense. Even when pointed out, they seem unable to admit that what they propose is in conflict with core American values. Their proposals don't pass the smell test! In fact, how could anyone with common sense endorse, defend or even explain such plans and policies? It's as if progressives have declared war on common sense, and America is losing because of it. Here are just a few of their priorities that assault our intellect and our values: How do you decrease crime and rioting, by cutting police budgets, failing to prosecute perpetrators of rioting, looting, and low-dollar theft, and advancing gun controls to limit the ability of citizens to defend themselves? If you take away guns from citizens, the only ones with guns are criminals that progressive DA's refuse to hold accountable or put in jail.

How is requiring voters to show proof of citizenship, signing their name, and not voting more than once or when dead somehow denying citizens the right to vote? Stating that minorities are not capable of securing an acceptable ID is demeaning. Capable, responsible minorities are proud to exercise their right to vote like all Americans.

How do you get people to go back to work to stimulate economic growth when people make more from government stimulus checks and generous welfare payments than they can make working? There is no common sense in continuing to reward people for not working.

Who pays the price for the progressive desire to end our dependence on oil and coal by closing down pipelines, ending new drilling on federal lands, and passing new clean energy regulations? The rich can afford electric cars and the resulting higher costs for gas, but the poor and middle class are seeing their energy prices going through the roof.

After demanding Americans buy fuel-efficient cars, how can they justify punishing that environmentally responsible choice by considering new taxes based on miles driven? We know the truth. Cutting gas tax revenue never results in cutting expenditures, just a new tax to fund the ever-growing government behemoth!

How can they stop legal citizens from Canada and Mexico from even visiting America for fear of spreading COVID but allow hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants to cross our Southern border without any concern for the havoc or germs they bring with them?

How can progressives defend that giving special government assistance to ONLY black farmers is not racist? How can giving any special support to one race be anything but racist? To the left, white privilege is obviously systemically racist. By definition, Black privilege of any kind cannot exist.

Why do so-called medical experts keep having people wear masks when science has clearly demonstrated that unless you are wearing an N95 mask, there is no real protection? Why would they be calling for youths to wear masks at school when the incidence of COVID in the young is rare and there's growing evidence that wearing masks expose youth to other infections and harm?

Why does the left get away with calling government entitlements caring when it takes politicians "stealing" from their hard-working Americans in the form of higher taxes to fund the costly entitlements? Instead of using other people's money to do their caring, leftist citizens should try giving their own money to non-profit charities that have a proven track record of being more effective and making a real difference in their local communities? Why don't they? It's obvious; that would take their own money!

How can they expect investors to build more rental property when politicians keep extending eviction relief and consider not requiring them to pay back what they owe? Why would anyone pay any rent if there are no consequences for non-payment? How can they get away with claiming it's caring to promote reparations and keep minorities dependent on government support? Is it not more caring to believe in and encourage them to use their God-given skills, drive, and opportunity to carve out their own American Dream like millions of other minority Americans have already done? If citizens have any common sense, in 2022 and 2024 we will work in a bipartisan way to get these progressive extremists out of power in our states and in Washington. May it be so.


On TB every waking moment

More Than 5,000 Woke Teachers Sign Pledge to Teach CRT 'Regardless of the Law'


Garion Frankel
July 4, 2021 at 2:47pm

Throughout much of 2021, conservatives, in both classrooms and in the halls of state legislatures, have been fighting back against the pervasive influence of critical race theory in public schools.

Laws banning the instruction of CRT tenets in public schools have passed in more than 20 states, and there is reason t0 hope that the tide is beginning to turn in the fight for the country’s history and principles.

Unfortunately, the Zinn Education Project refuses to accept defeat, and desires to teach American children that this country was founded upon the “dispossession of Native Americans, slavery, structural racism and oppression,” as opposed to the principles of liberty enshrined in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.

The organization is named for Howard Zinn, a socialist activist and “historian” who wrote “A People’s History of the United States,” a left-wing propaganda pamphlet disguised as a textbook that has made its way into history classes all across the country.

The Zinn Education Project claims that “from police violence, to the prison system, to the wealth gap, to maternal mortality rates, to housing, to education and beyond, the major institutions and systems of our country are deeply infected with anti-Blackness and its intersection with other forms of oppression. To not acknowledge this and help students understand the roots of U.S. racism is to deceive them — not educate them.”

I wonder why this reads more like a list of progressive policy priorities than a comprehensive vision of teaching American history.

Furthermore, remaining committed to its mission to identify advocacy as historical education, the ZEP asserts that: “This history helps students understand the roots of inequality today and gives them the tools to shape a just future. It is not just a history of oppression, but also a history of how people have organized and created coalitions across race, class, and gender.”

One of the mainstream criticism’s of Zinn’s book (aside from the obvious), was that it constructed an underdeveloped and linear narrative of meek, one-dimensional oppressed groups fighting against their evil oppressors, who resemble Disney villains more than actual humans.

The ZEP would not educate American children differently.

Now, the ZEP is circulating a “Pledge to Teach the Truth,” which identifies left-wing methods of analysis like critical race theory as “the truth,” and decrees that the signees — all of whom are educators — refuse to be “bullied” into compliance with the law.

The pledge reads:
“To: State Legislators
From: [Your Name]

“We, the undersigned educators, refuse to lie to young people about U.S. history and current events — regardless of the law.”

So far, according to the Zinn Education Project, the pledge has been signed by more than 5,000 educators in all 50 states, and many of the signees were more than happy to provide their reasons for signing. Needless to say, some of them were quite shocking.

“How can we teach future generations to disrupt systems if we are not willing to speak the truth about the systems?” one wrote.

“Justice and liberation for my students,” agreed another.

Perhaps the most arrogant of all comments was written by one who contended: “Teachers have a right to teach the subjects to the best of their ability without interference from lawmakers who know nothing about professional education.

“We also do a disservice to students when we decide that they cannot cope with difficult or challenging concepts. Calling this teaching indoctrination shows no respect for young people’s cognitive and critical abilities.”

The problem with arguments like that is that when students are being expelled for their parents having “incorrect opinions,” or are publicly shamed for being white, there is no critical thinking or recognition of cognitive abilities involved; it’s indoctrination, pure and simple.

The purpose of education is to teach American children how to be good citizens. That means having a healthy knowledge of the principles America was founded on, the institutions that define it and why those institutions exist the way they do.

None of what conservatives are advocating for precludes informing students honestly about the darker times in American history, like slavery, the Indian Removal Act, Jim Crow and Japanese internment.

But allowing students to challenge institutions is not the same as ordering students to challenge institutions, or outright telling lies.

After all, as Frederick Douglass said in his landmark July 4th oration “What to the Slaves Is the Fourth of July”:

“… [T]he Constitution is a glorious liberty document. Read its preamble, consider its purposes. Is slavery among them? Is it at the gateway? or is it in the temple? it is neither.

“While I do not intend to argue this question on the present occasion, let me ask, if it be not somewhat singular that, if the Constitution were intended to be, by its framers and adopters, a slave-holding instrument, why neither slavery, slaveholding, nor slave can anywhere be found in it.”

That’s the kind of history Americans need to learn. And it’s the history American teachers need to accept.


On TB every waking moment

Stock photo of classroom. (Pixabay)
Stock photo of classroom. (Pixabay)

Illinois Teacher Sues District, Claims ‘Anti-Racist’ Curriculum Teaching Whites Oppress Violates Constitution

July 5, 2021 Updated: July 5, 2021

A middle school drama teacher in Illinois has filed a lawsuit against her school district, alleging that it is violating anti-discrimination laws and the U.S. Constitution through its curriculum that pits “different racial groups against each other” in the name of “anti-racism.”

Teacher Stacy Deemar, in her lawsuit (pdf) filed in federal court on June 29, alleges that since 2017, teachers in Evanston-Skokie district (District 65) have been made to under go so-called “antiracist training,” and continue to do so.
Deemar is being represented by the Southeastern Legal Foundation.

Among a number of objectives in the training, teachers are stereotyped by trainers and divided according to their race, the complaint says. Teachers are required as part of the training to accept that white individuals are “loud, authoritative … controlling” and to hold the view that “to be less white is to be less racially oppressive,” according to the lawsuit. It added that teachers were taught to modify their viewpoint to fit the theory that “White identity is inherently racist” and to denounce “white privilege.”

If teachers oppose, question, or “disengage” from the views promoted in the training, the district “blatantly calls them ‘racist,’” the lawsuit alleges.

Students in the district, meanwhile, are then taught these concepts by their teachers who are mandated according to the curriculum for Pre-K through eighth grade to impose the race-based worldview on their students, the lawsuit added. As a result, students are expected to gather by race in “affinity groups,” and to participate in “privilege walks” based on their skin color. They are also given books depicting “whiteness” as a devil that “mess[es] endlessly” with “all fellow humans of color.”

The children were also taught “whiteness is a bad deal,” white people send “overt and subliminal messages” that they are “superior” and black people are “bad, ugly, and inferior,” and that pretending not to see skin color “helps racism,” according to the complaint.

The lawsuit alleges these practices violate Title VI of the Civil Rights Act and the Equal Protection guarantee, as well as the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

“Fostering racial identities, promoting the idea that they are in conflict, and perpetuating divisive stereotypes pits teachers and children against one another based on the color of their skin,” the lawsuit says. “They teach them that their whole identity comes from the color of their skin. They teach them to hate each other. They teach them not only how to be racist, but that they should be racist.”
The Evanston School District didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment by The Epoch Times.

On its website, the district says that it has “persistent and unacceptable opportunity and achievement gaps for students of color.”

“The racial predictability of achievement and disciplinary outcomes is attributable to institutional racism, cultural biases and other societal factors,” it says. “The district recognizes that in order to provide educational opportunities that result in equitable outcomes, particularly for Black/Brown students, that it must proactively acknowledge and intentionally address racial and cultural biases, in an effort to eliminate institutional structures and practices that affect student learning and achievement.”

The lawsuit come as efforts to incorporate elements of the quasi-Marxist Critical Race Theory (CRT) into American classrooms face intense pushback from moderates and conservatives. States that have banned or restricted the teaching of CRT in public schools include Florida, North Carolina, Oklahoma, and Texas, while more than a dozen states are considering or have partially imposed similar restrictions.

The CRT is rooted in the Marxist theory of class struggle but with a particular focus on race. Proponents of CRT see racism in every aspect of the American public and private life, and seek to dismantle American institutions—such as the Constitution and legal system—which they deem to be inherently and irredeemably racist.

The effort to promote CRT in K-12 education drew national attention in April when the Education Department under the Biden administration proposed a rule to prioritize funding U.S. history and civics programs that incorporate the works of critical race theorist Ibram X. Kendi and the New York Times’ 1619 Project, which centers around the idea that America was founded as, and remains today, a racist nation.

The lawsuit commented that ideologies like CRT are advocating “equity” in a departure from the U.S. tradition of striving for equality as “proclaimed in the Declaration of Independence [and] defended in the Civil War,” which is about sameness and treating everyone in an identical manner regardless of their race.

“Equality strives for equal opportunity while equity strives for equal outcomes,” it said.
GQ Pan contributed to this report.


On TB every waking moment

Retired military officers charge Sec. of Defense has violated his oath to the U.S. Constitution
By World Tribune on July 4, 2021

by WorldTribune Staff, July 4, 2021

By ordering the teaching of Marxist critical race theory in the military, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin is endangering America’s national security and is in violation of his oath to protect and defend the Constitution, a petition signed by several retired military officers said.

The petition from the Committee to Support & Defend “respectfully insists” that Austin immediately countermand orders he has issued since heading up the Pentagon under Team Biden that have eroded military cohesion and readiness.


Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin

It was the third time since Jan. 21, 2021 that retired U.S. military officers have gone public about the Pentagon’s direction under the administration of Team Biden.

The petition demands that Austin take immediate action to:

• Shut down the Countering Extremism Working Group, which is fracturing the cohesiveness of the armed forces.
• Fire the working group’s director, Bishop Garrison, senior adviser for diversity and inclusion, whose programs vilify our Constitution and are an affront to patriotic Americans.
• Prohibit further Critical Race Theory training and related programs to the armed forces personnel; these are Marxist tactics designed to pit one group against another by falsely teaching that our country is inherently racist, with whites as the oppressor and blacks as the oppressed.
• Reinstate a brilliant officer, Lt. Col. Matthew Lohmeier — who has warned against actual extremism in the Defense Department — as the commander of the 11th Space Warning Group.
• Restore to service other personnel who have been wrongly accused of “extremism” but who are, like Lohmeier, simply opponents of anti-constitutional ideologies like Marxism.

The first signatory of the petition and founding member of Flag Officers for America, Maj. Gen. Joe Arbuckle, U.S. Army (ret.), stated:
Critical Race Theory and other such programs were created by Marxists to divide people into groups based on oppressors vs. oppressed. It is designed to sow discord and distrust in each other. This is exactly the opposite of the team building based on the mutual trust essential to military units’ readiness and deterrent effectiveness. If allowed to continue the in the Defense Department, CRT and other such divisive programs will do tremendous damage to our military, its mission, and therefore, our Nation. Like me and countless other veterans, Secretary Ausitn has sworn to prevent such harm to our Constitution and country. We call on him to honor the oath and shut down the indoctrination and purging of our armed forces pursuant to Marxist Critical Race Theory.
In May, a group of retired generals and admirals issued a letter that stated that the United States is facing the “greatest danger to our constitutional Republic since 1776.” The letter stated that our nation is in “deep peril” as we fight the supporters of Marxism who are opposed to our constitutional freedoms and liberties.

Last week, the Committee to Support & Defend, led by Lt. Col. Allen West (ret.), issued a letter signed by over 1,000 military veterans that stated that, as veterans, they are still morally and ethically bound to protect our Constitution and country.

They wrote: “As such, we put our nation’s leadership on notice. We believe that the hard left turn toward Socialism and Marxism endangers our citizens and the future of this great nation…We are disgusted by the dismantling of the rule of law in our great country. We never thought we would see the return to Vietnam style disdain for public service. Unfortunately, this disregard and disrespect is corrosive and will lead to dangerous situations for citizens and law enforcement.”


On TB every waking moment

Educator warns: Public schools teach our kids to embrace socialism — and it’s working



OPINION: Like the outrage and protests taking place against critical race theory, parents, watchdogs, concerned teachers and others must address the war against capitalism and the embrace of communism within our nation’s schools and universities

Without a doubt, the most significant cause for the rise in popularity of socialism is due to the education system.

How do I know? I witnessed it first hand as a former public high school social studies teacher who taught in both Illinois and South Carolina.

During my time as a teacher, I was absolutely shocked at the way socialism and communism was taught to today’s students by so many of my peers, as well as in textbooks.

Overlooked is the mass murder and lack of basic rights that are part and parcel to almost every socialist and communist regime in human history. Instead, a historical revisionism that socialism is morally superior to capitalism is favored.
It’s not that socialism is bad, students are told, it just hasn’t been perfected, yet.

Moreover, throughout my teaching career, I was even more appalled at how capitalism was taught. In general, capitalism is presented as a morally bankrupt system that preys on the weak in favor of the strong.

The lessons underscored the narrative perpetuated by most public school teachers: America is a hopelessly oppressive nation that must be radically changed in order for social justice to prevail.

It’s working. Socialism is gaining popularity in the land of the free and the home of the brave, and this is especially true among America’s youth, according to a recent Axios/Momentive poll.

The survey found that among 18- to 24-year-olds, 54 percent view capitalism negatively. Only 42 percent — America’s future, mind you — hold a positive view of capitalism.

But two years ago, just 38 percent of 18- to 24-year-olds held an unfavorable view of capitalism. It means the problem is getting worse.

What’s more, among Americans aged 18 to 34, capitalism is favorable among only 49 percent, down from 58 percent two years ago.

The polling results also found socialism seems to be gaining ground among some older Americans, too — a fact that should send shivers down the spines of all Americans. Unlike today’s youth, they experienced first-hand the horrors of collectivism.

But the results indicate class warfare rhetoric from the left is bearing fruit. It explains why 66 percent of those polled say the federal government should address income inequality.

Even more stunning is how such propaganda has infiltrated young minds, even on the right. In 2019, 40 percent of Republicans age 18 to 24 said the government should pursue policies that reduce the wealth gap, but that has increased to 56 percent in the latest survey.

In addition to the left’s rhetoric, the Great Recession of 2008 may have given a generation a bad taste of capitalism. Although I would argue that crony capitalism, not free-market capitalism, should take the blame for the 2008 economic collapse.

But like the outrage and protests taking place against critical race theory, parents, watchdogs, concerned teachers and others must address the war against capitalism and the embrace of communism within our nation’s schools and universities.

Left unaddressed, the future of our republic is at stake.


On TB every waking moment
31:48 min
Democrats Have Come Out Against The 4th of July And The American Flag, The U.S. Is Being Torn Apart
Jul 5, 2021

Tim Pool

Democrats Have Come Out AGAINST The 4th of July And The American Flag, The U.S. Is Being TORN Apart. A new story from the New York Times shows the overwhelming majority of Democrats do not feel the American flag represents their party.


Resident Spook

Saturday, July 03, 2021
Red, White, And Blue Privilege


General Milley made an ass of himself in a congressional hearing when he went all SJW about understanding White Rage. To educate him, a reader sent him his family history, which I posted. More such stories have followed. They are filled with poverty, perseverance, sacrifice, and hope. I have shared some of their tales, and will share more to make my point about privilege.

One reader wrote, "Your latest column on white rage prompted me to want to add my dad's story to the rest of your reader's stories. My grandparents on my dad's side immigrated from Croatia. Back then I think it was part of Hungary and Austria, but they were Croatian. Grandpa was 20, grandma was 18, her mom packed her a lunch for the trip.

"They arrived with little more than the clothes on their backs. Grandma supported herself by sewing and making doilies and such. Grandpa worked his way across the country and settled in Roslyn, Washington, a small coal mining company town with a Croatian community. Together they had 15 kids. Grandpa worked in the mines for 20 years. Grandma and grandpa sent seven of their kids to fight WWII and three to Korea.

"My dad worked in the mines as a teenager and never graduated from high school. When the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor he had been 17 for about a week. He joined the Navy that week and was assigned to the USS Chandler DD-206/ DMS-9 in the Pacific. He worked in the engine room as a Boiler Technician/Fireman BTFN. He said if they were ever sunk he would never have gotten out. I can't imagine what it would be like to be 17 and out in the middle of the Pacific in a war.

"Dad stayed in the Navy for 10 years through the Korean War.

"After his time in the Navy he worked as a construction laborer. One day in Seattle he was digging a ditch and a guy that worked for the phone company asked him if he wanted a better job. He climbed out of the ditch and went to work for the phone company which I think was AT&T before it was broke up into the baby Bells. He was a lineman and then an underground cable locator for 27 years. He and mom raised 5 kids in Seattle. He passed away four years ago at the age of 92. He was buried with military honors in Roslyn.

"I didn't have to serve as the Vietnam war ended a year before I graduated from high school. I like to think I served in a different way. I graduated with a degree in electrical engineering and worked for Boeing on the B2, F-22 and KC-46A Tanker programs.

"I doubt that clown Milley has any clue regarding the life stories of the people he insults with his racist comments. People that fought for and built this country and didn't have a privileged or easy life and are now told they had a privileged or easy life simply because they are white is enough to piss anybody off."
That is a beautiful story.

And it is one repeated a million times over.

A shorter one came from a man whose father arrived at Omaha Beach 17 days after D-Day. The fighting was still intense as Germans realized to their horror that they were in a two-front war.

The reader said, "My father enjoyed a year-long walking tour of France and Germany. Since he deployed D-17, his unit gets no publicity or remembrance.

The battalion had three oversized companies of 315 men (to start with) and was ruled over by a Tennessee colonel and two Kentucky lieutenant colonels. My father hated and despised all colonels for the rest of his life.

"The three companies were each given different assignments. Alpha Company guarded the colonels. Bravo was strategic reserve for combat. Charlie was the front line. With a name like Weissing, the colonels thought my father was a Jew and sent him right to the front. Our name is actually German, but that would have sent him straight to Charlie as well. Charlie started with 315. By Christmas 1944 it was at 150. On New Year’s Eve it was down to 15. New Year’s Day saw it folded up with 8 survivors. That is what the Battle of the Bulge was. And just think, those 8 were on the winning side.

"I asked my father if he resented his assignment — after all, it was consciously bigoted. He was proud to live in and belong to the greatest and freest nation in the world. But he did hate colonels."

Milley's racist vignette was part of a sinister scheme. Reading Marx and Mao may not make you a Marxist, but he is a Marxist who wants to destroy America. This whole CRT and white rage nonsense is about diminishing the middle class. The American dream of something better for your children now is openly mocked.

They always have hated the middle class, because we are industrious and self-reliant. I remember the song "Little Boxes," which mocked suburbia. I bought into that when I was 10. I grew up. Socialists don't.

There is no white privilege. There is only Red, White, And Blue Privilege.

Poverty has been the default human condition for most people since civilization began. America created a system that allows people to escape poverty. Call it systemic opportunity. Christianity was a key. Marxists want to destroy that because they want to take over the country.

The stories I have run about families who struggled and later fought for this country were white. That tells only one side. Black people served in both world wars. Indians served in both wars as code talkers in their native languages. Hispanics served as well. There is only one color in the army. Green.

In sharing his family's story, a reader touched on perhaps the most American of all Americans in World War II, the Nissei, which was the name for second-generation immigrants from Japan.

He wrote, "My granddad came over from Poland/Lithuania/Austro-Hungarian Empire circa 1912. Grandma came over a few years later. I never knew my G-Pop; he died long before I popped in ‘55. But they produced 4 kids. The 2 boys served in WW2. This Loyalty Pledge hung in her house.

"Can you even imagine something like this, today?

"This is the White Rage that stirs me. Two of their boys (my uncles; first generation Americans) went to fight for their country. Yes, they were filled with rage, and they were white. Perhaps Gen. Milley might want to consider those who went before. Perhaps consider the U.S. Army’s 442nd Regimental Combat Team, which consisted mainly of Nissei U.S. citizens of Japanese descent. Yes, after NOT being allowed to enlist in the regular Army, they petitioned long enough to be allowed entry, & distinguished themselves as THE Most Decorated Unit in the U.S. Army. But theirs was Yellow Rage, I guess, so I guess it doesn't matter."

Ah, the 442nd.

While their families were in internment camps, they were in Italy fighting for the Red, White, and Blue because even at her worst, America was better than any place on Earth. One of those boys was Dan Inouye. He literally gave his right arm for this country. 4 years after Hawaii became a state, it sent Inouye to the Senate.
He and his buddies had faith in America. They were rewarded.

What makes America great is some nobody from Croatia can work a coal mine, and his son can dig ditches, so that his grandson can become an electrical engineer. The only privilege is the opportunity. And that is the best privilege of all.

Dr. Ben Carson said it better than me: "I Already Won The Lottery, I Was Born In America And Know The Lord."

He ain't just blowing smoke like my old Rustang did.

A reader wrote, "When I was a baby, my father ran away and my mom, not having any money, gave me up to an adoption agency. I then was adopted by an American family and now I am on track to live the American Dream. By the Left's account, I'm just another oppressed victim because I am part of the non-white population, but I was able to break out of their plantation and make something of my life through work ethic and the mindset that there is no one to blame but myself when I fail. This is why today, I identify as a staunch America First Conservative. "

The Lord is important. It is why one set of my ancestry set out from England in 1620 in a little wooden cargo boat that leaked. We know it as the Mayflower. 66 days later, they landed in Massachusetts. They thanked the Lord.

Half the settlers died that first winter.

In spring, they planted crops with the help of Indians. The Lord blessed them with a bountiful harvest. In October, they thanked the Lord. The 53 Pilgrims invited 90 Wampanoag Indians to a great three-day feast.

But enough about me and some of my ancestors.

Dr. Carson's father served in World War II. He got a job building Cadillacs after the war. His parents later divorced and separated. Mom took the kids, and suffered depression. Dr. Carson, though, persevered. He worked hard and became not only a brain surgeon, but one of the best in the world. He might have become president if Donald John Trump had not descended that golden elevator to enter the presidential race.

Oh yes, Donald Trump. How could I forget him?

He was the son of a wealthy businessman who became even wealthier. The Donald never tried to be one of us. But he championed us. Decades before either man was president, Obama wrote that socialism will never take hold in America because everyone wants to be Donald Trump, or at least have their kids and grandkids have that chance.

And why not? What is wrong with living in a three-story penthouse in Manhattan while wintering at Mar-A-Lago?

I noticed Obama has a mansion in Kalorama, D.C., and a beachfront summer home on Martha's Vineyard, and a nine-figure bank balance. He wanted to be Donald Trump. He did it by playing the skin game, becoming president, and cutting deals. The only difference between the two is Obama does not want anyone else to be Donald Trump.

Obama and Milley seek to divide Americans by race and conquer the nation.
The way to stop them is to not get angry or even upset. Look at them as who they are: desperate men who realize America Will Be Great Again, and there is nothing these enemies from within can do to stop us.

Happy Birthday, America, the greatest land of all. Tomorrow is the Fourth of July -- Independence Day -- and I do not post on Sunday.

But I leave readers with this request. Thank the Lord for your Red, White, And Blue Privilege.

Wonderful article... thanks!!

Top Secret Meeting of Mainstream Media, Big Tech, and Intelligence Heads Is Taking Place This Week In Idaho

By Joe Hoft
Published July 5, 2021 at 9:45am

This week top-secret meetings are taking place between the top communications firms in the US. Big Tech, Mainstream Media (Big Media), and the intelligence community are gathering to strategize on how to consolidate their power over the information being force-fed to the American people.

Mark Dice shares the following:

Every time people talk about the Mainstream media conglomerates secretly collaborating with each other. Visions of smoke-filled rooms and shadowy figures wearing expensive suits sitting around a table come to mind. Well, this may be an exaggerated expectation at the behind-the-scenes look at the issue, but it isn’t all that far from the truth.

Watch the entire video below.

8:04 min

Mark is one of the great voices on YouTube that was targeted and censored since 2016. He was too effective. The above video is an example of his fabulous work.

Americans need to break free of these information-controlling entities.
New media is the answer. Individuals like Mark and sites like The Gateway Public are flourishing as Americans want the truth.

I didn't know about the above, but I'm not surprised.

There were so many of your posts that were worth comment, I just hope that others read them!!!


On TB every waking moment
There were so many of your posts that were worth comment, I just hope that others read them!!!

The cultural and institutional change and the information is coming at us like a fire hose now. It is why I dedicated a running archive for those who want to keep up, and, perhaps, fight back. A person could almost read just the headlines and see where the future trend in heading. It might help them prepare.
Last edited:


On TB every waking moment

New warning of Supreme 'coup to overthrow nation's judiciary'

'It is wrong. It is an abuse of power'
WND Staff
By WND Staff
Published July 5, 2021 at 1:20pm

The U.S. Supreme Court

There's a deliberate coup attempt that right now is targeting the Supreme Court of the United States, and other courts, according to a new report from new report from First Liberty Institute.

It's already begun, with the first federal judicial nominations from President Biden.

"The U.S. Senate recently confirmed the first five (5) federal judges of the Biden administration, including Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to the influential D.C. Circuit of Appeals, largely considered the 'second highest' court in the country after the U.S. Supreme Court, as well as a handful of judges to the lower district courts," the report explains, with Brown a top contender for the Supreme Court if Justice Stephen Breyer were to retire.

"Although the appointment of such few judges to the lower courts might appear a slow start to the confirmation of Biden’s judicial picks, this shouldn’t lull us into complacency, and especially not Americans who value and cherish religious freedom," the report said.

What's happened already "could possibly indicate what’s to come in the next several months—a future in which the far Left doubles down in its push to stage a coup of the Supreme Court and the lower courts."

It explains Democrats already have committed to restoring the "balance" in American courts, but that's no more than a "jab" at the administration of President Trump, and the 230 judges it got confirmed.

"Second, because President Biden inherited less than half the number of vacancies of his predecessor at inauguration, it’s no surprise why the current administration is so fixated on exploring ways to 'reform' the courts," the report said. "If the vacancies aren’t there for President Biden to install his judicial nominees, and more vacancies are needed, then the obvious answer is to create the spots for him to fill."

That leads directly to court-packing, which would involve Democrats adding to the number of judges, a move that would give Biden the opportunity to make many appointments.

And it warns "slow and steady" is not the key to winning this race, and Democrats will want to appoint as many and as quickly as possible. And while a good number of judges are eligible to retire, that ends up being their decision.

"If future vacancies are not in the realm of control, then that leaves very few alternatives. Here we come full-circle, right back to the scenario where Biden, Schumer and their Democratic allies do have some modicum of control to dictate the number of judges at their disposal: court-packing," the report said.

"Or, calling it for what it really is, a coup attempt to overthrow our nation’s judiciary."

"We can likely expect the threat to stage this brazen judicial coup to intensify over the next several months. (Biden’s alleged 'impartial and bipartisan' commission on the Supreme Court is underway and will deliver their recommendation for court 'reform' sometime in November)," the report said.
A video interview with legal scholar Patrick M. Garry on the issue:

The report explains the stages at issue are no less than the nation's freedoms themselves.

Concern over the concept already has appeared in a bipartisan fashion, with Sen. Ted Cruz, a Republican, explaining, "Packing the Court means one very specific thing: expanding the number of justices to achieve a political outcome. It is wrong. It is an abuse of power."

And Democrat Sen. Jon Ossoff said, "We shouldn’t expand the Supreme Court just because a justice may be confirmed with whom we disagree on policy."

But Democrat operatives and activists, including Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., have demanded a court-packing plan, stating that "everything" is on the table.
The Institute reported, "In 2021, President Biden and far-Left members of the Democratic Party have an unquenchable thirst for unbridled power and control.

"Along with Vice President Kamala Harris, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Dick Durbin, Senators Elizabeth Warren, Raphael Warnock, Amy Klobuchar and others, they are conspiring to rig the Senate rules and stack the Supreme Court with liberal justices. And their rigged Court will help rubber-stamp their radical legislation (i.e. the 'Equality' Act or the 'For the People Act') and fundamentally change America," the institute reported.

The roadblock for the agenda so far is the Senate filibuster, which requires 60 votes for legislation to move forward in the body that is divided 50-50 Democrat-Republican.

Democrat Sens. Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema have voiced opposition to killing that procedure, but if it falls, Democrats, by virtue of Kamala Harris' tie-breaker as vice president, could adopt any legislation they wanted.

If the coup succeeds, the Institute warned, the legitimacy of the Supreme Court could be undermined, the separation of powers would be lost, religious liberty would be gone, the high court would forever be politicized and court rulings would no longer have the confidence of the public, the report said.

Further, America soon would look like Venezuela or Argentina, where court coups were followed by political upheaval, economic chaos and social nightmares, the report charges.


On TB every waking moment

IT BEGINS: Banks Now Dictating What Customers Are Permitted to Purchase with Their Own Money

By Joe Hoft
Published July 6, 2021 at 12:00pm

Banks are now dictating what you can and cannot purchase with your own money.

Banks are now making purchasing decisions for their customers.


Binance US is a site in the US where you can buy, sell and trade cryptocurrencies.

Are banks threatened by cryptocurrencies or are they thinking of your best interest when they prevent you from trading in cryptocurrencies? If they can do this, what’s next?


On TB every waking moment

Zinn Education Project Urges Teachers to Defy Laws Banning Critical Race Theory Concepts
A student and teacher interact in the classroom during Portland Public Schools first day of hybrid instruction at Jason Lee Elementary School on Thursday, April 1, 2021 in Portland, Ore. (Tom McKenzie/AP Images for Portland Public Schools)
Tom McKenzie/AP Images for Portland Public Schools
DR. SUSAN BERRY6 Jul 2021177

A decades-old leftist campaign to indoctrinate America’s students in identity politics and the organization of social justice movements is calling upon all teachers to pledge to instruct students in the concepts associated with Critical Race Theory – even if it is banned.

“Pledge to teach the truth,” says the Zinn Education Project, inspired by Howard Zinn, author of A People’s History of the United States, published in 1980.
The project informs teachers, without use of the words, “Critical Race Theory,” but referencing the concepts of the cultural Marxist ideology:
Lawmakers in at least 21 states are attempting to pass legislation that would require teachers to lie to students about the role of racism, sexism, heterosexism, and oppression throughout U.S. history.
A bill introduced in the Missouri legislature exemplifies a rash of similar bills — in Texas, Idaho, Arkansas, Iowa, Louisiana, New Hampshire, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, West Virginia, Arizona, North Carolina, and more states — that aim to prohibit teachers from teaching the truth about this country: It was founded on dispossession of Native Americans, slavery, structural racism and oppression; and structural racism is a defining characteristic of our society today.
The Zinn project rips any legislation that bans teaching that Americans are inherently racist, sexist, homophobic, etc.:
Specifically, the Missouri bill bans teaching that: identifies [sic] people or groups of people, entities, or institutions in the United States as inherently, immutably, or systemically sexist, racist, anti-LGBT, bigoted, biased, privileged, or oppressed.

But how can one teach honestly about the nature of our society without examining how today’s racial inequality is a systemic legacy of this country’s history?
During its virtual representative assembly that convened at the end of last week, the National Education Association (NEA) resolved to promote the teaching of Critical Race Theory (CRT) in K-12 schools and to oppose any bans on its instruction, as well as on the teaching of the widely discredited New York Times’ “1619 Project.”

Nikole Hannah-Jones, the Times journalist who led the “1619 Project,” was awarded a Pulitzer Prize for her project even though, following criticism from noted historians, the newspaper ultimately scrapped its central theme that the true founding of America was 1619, the year the first slaves were brought to the colonies.

Peter Kirsanow, a member of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, said in September, the “1619 Project” is “one of the most significant attempts to propagandize history” he has seen in his lifetime.

This is “an all-hands-on-deck situation,” he warned during a National Association of Scholars web conference.

“We have seen what I believe to be a corruption of history, a distortion of history,” he asserted, adding that Hannah-Jones “is using the tools of a 20th-century form of oppression, to consciously, or not, present her version of, and that of many on the left’s, version of slavery in the United States.”

“And it is nothing more than sheer propaganda,” Kirsanow emphasized.

NEA, the nation’s largest teachers’ union, announced it plans to join with Black Lives Matter at School and the Zinn Education Project “to call for a rally this year on October 14 – George Floyd’s birthday – as a national day of action to teach lessons about structural racism and oppression.”

The union added:
The Association will further convey that in teaching these topics, it is reasonable and appropriate for curriculum to be informed by academic frameworks for understanding and interpreting the impact of the past on current society, including critical race theory.

The Zinn Education Project currently boasts nearly 423,000 lesson plan downloads from its site by teachers, including Corey Winchester, a high school history teacher in Evanston, Illinois, who gave his kudos to the site:
I’ve used the Zinn Education Project’s materials since my first year teaching.

Nine years later, my students can speak to the power of deconstructing the narratives of Christopher Columbus and Abraham Lincoln’s efforts that have replicated white supremacy and marginalization of people of color in historical discourse.

For many of them, it is empowering to learn from multiple perspectives and invigorates their desire to learn and disrupt the status quo.
The project elaborates further in urging teachers to pledge to defy any laws that ban teaching that America is a systemically racist nation:
From police violence, to the prison system, to the wealth gap, to maternal mortality rates, to housing, to education and beyond, the major institutions and systems of our country are deeply infected with anti-Blackness and its intersection with other forms of oppression. To not acknowledge this and help students understand the roots of U.S. racism is to deceive them — not educate them. This history helps students understand the roots of inequality today and gives them the tools to shape a just future. It is not just a history of oppression, but also a history of how people have organized and created coalitions across race, class, and gender.
The Zinn project refers to the following organizations as “leading social justice education groups” and objects to state laws that ban their curricula:
1619 Project initiative of the New York Times, the Learning for Justice Curriculum of the Southern Poverty Law Center, We Stories, programs of Educational Equity Consultants, BLM at School, Teaching for Change, Zinn Education Project.
“The proposed legislation fails to name a single lesson that is inaccurate or that misleads students about U.S. history,” the Zinn project claims, urging teachers to ignore state laws that ban the teaching of Critical Race Theory.

“We the undersigned educators will not be bullied,” the Zinn Education Project states. “We will continue our commitment to develop critical thinking that supports students to better understand problems in our society, and to develop collective solutions to those problems.”

In April, the Biden education department proposed a rule urging the development of “culturally responsive teaching” in American History and Civics and holding up the “1619 Project” as a model for schools to teach children the United States is a fundamentally racist nation.


On TB every waking moment

Judicial Watch sues FBI for records on obtaining banking information on people in DC on Jan. 6

According to the watchdog, several financial institutions gave client information to the FBI.

By Nicholas Sherman
Updated: July 6, 2021 - 3:33pm

Judicial Watch said Tuesday it filed a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit against the Federal Bureau of Investigation for records of communication between the Department of Justice and several financial organizations for alleged financial transactions made by people in the Washington D.C. area on the days surrounding the Jan. 6 Capitol riot.

The conservative judicial watchdog group said the FBI refused to confirm or deny the existence of such documents. The lawsuit filed Tuesday was created after the FBI failed to respond to another open record request on Feb. 10, 2021.

"We want the details on what looks to be an unprecedented abuse of the financial privacy of countless innocent Americans by big banks and the FBI," Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said. "The FBI’s stonewalling and non-denial denial of our request speak volumes."

The watchdog is asking for all records of communication between the FBI and financial institutions, including Bank of America, Citibank, Chase Manhattan Bank, Discover, and American Express, among others. However, no time frame was given for the FBI and DOJ to respond to the request.

In June, it was discovered that Bank of America had handed over the banking and transaction information of approximately 200 people in the Washington D.C. area at the time of the riot, according to Fox News.

Bank of America allegedly "actively but secretly engaged in the hunt for extremists in cooperation with the government” and, following the events of January 6, gave the FBI financial records of their customers."