OP-ED Kurt Schlichter: Stop Making Sense


Certa Bonum Certamen

Stop Making Sense

Kurt Schlichter
Posted: Jul 02, 2020 12:01 AM

It is not transcendently stupid for the alleged anti-racism rioters to destroy a Lincoln statue, though, to normal people, it looks like the act of drooling morons. Now, a good number of these cesspeople are drooling morons, but that does not change the fact that trashing POTUS #16's statuary is brilliant.

They have confused their targets – us – by casting off the constraints of coherence.

Oh wait, you thought that these folks were trying to make a point about racism being bad. And you thought, because that's how those of us who weren't raised on Instatwitbook, soy, and critical race theory, that if you point out that something is unreasonable then that will cause the person you were instructing to rethink it. After all, trashing some Honest Abe totem in order to illustrate how racism is double-plus-ungood is about a "12" on the 1-10 scale of unreasonability. And yet, you can point that out all day and they don't care.

In fact, they laugh at you for doing so.

It's not about making sense. It never was. It's about making you kneel.

If you look at everything that is going on, the one common denominator is that every action the woke insurgents take is designed to strip you of your ability to defend your interests, or property, or rights, or life. The idea is to leave you utterly vulnerable, totally exposed, at which point they can do with you as they see fit. The nicer ones will merely reeducate you then demand humiliating submission and tribute. History (and their social media feed) teach that others will happily murder you. Doubt me? Just ask your local kulak.

Stripping you of defenses takes many forms. One form is defunding and abolishing the police. Oh, someone will be wielding force in society. It just won't be people accountable to or inclined to protect you. Another form is literally stripping you of your defenses. Why is gun control such a fetish for these creeps? Because you with a gun have the ability to not just say "no" but to exact a price from those who wish to compel a "yes." So, of course, they want to eliminate your ability to have weapons, but they also want to eliminate, as a practical matter, your ability to use them to protect yourself.

Look at what happened when the pink polo shirt gun guy quite reasonably grabbed his AR-15 as the savages descended on his property and the cops were AWOL. St. Louis's Soros-bought DA – who last month released all the arrested rioters – threatened to prosecute him. The media is slandering him too. A pack of jackals threatened his property, his family, and even his dog, and he's the bad guy for not showing his belly? You see the same fake furor every time some citizen has his car surrounded by a feeding frenzy of scumbags and plows through them to escape. Ignore that the slime are now shooting people they try to trap. The idea is to make you give up instead of fight back because if you fight back, the law comes down on you instead of the criminals.

Soros really is a shrewd investor.

The law – and the law generally says you can reasonably defend your life and property (please consult your local laws for specifics and get proper training) – means nothing if corrupt Democrats ignore the crimes of leftists and prosecute normals who dare resist the Blue Terror, which is kind of the point. You thought you could rely on the law and on the government to protect you. Nope. And now you can't protect yourself either.

And then there's reason. That's a defense too. You can use reason, make arguments, present evidence, and convince people. Not if making sense is beside the point.

You cannot reason with these people. Forget trying to convince them. You are not going to talk them out of their quest for power over you by deploying bourgeois conceits like "facts" and "evidence." Yet so many of us see what's happening and still take to Twitter or (increasingly) Parler to point out the sheer ridiculousness of the enemy's latest antics. But these actions are not ridiculous. They are tactically genius. Instead of confronting an impenetrable defense, they just scuttle around it and attack into our rear.

Now that's not to say pointing out the fact that everything they say and do is bullSchiff is pointless. It does help awoken the conservative unwoke. Normal people who are not neck-deep in the fight right now look at people trying to topple the guy who toppled the Confederacy and shake their heads. It does help with them, so keep it up with them.

But not with the wokesters. They just don't care.

So how do we beat them?

Step one is to understand the nature of the fight. It's not one of right and wrong, though that's how they like to disguise it. It is one of power. Give them nothing. Concede nothing. Stop trying to be reasonable with people who think a reasonable compromise is just impoverishing and disenfranchising you instead of stashing you in a gulag or worse.

Are you still trying to prove to them you aren't "racist?" Why? You aren't, so the hell with them. You owe them no assurances or excuses. They'll just claim your denial is more proof. You're "fragile" if you surrender and you're "fragile" if you don't, so stop playing their game. You don't have to prove anything to jerks who spew the same species of racial garbage Goebbels would have spewed, only with different names.

Step two is to understand the enemy and the information operation it's running on you. The total number of these shrieking punks is infinitesimal, probably under 1 percent of the population. But the mainstream media seeks to make them seem pervasive and overwhelming by covering them 24/7, and it expects you to fall for it. Don't. Look out your window. Except for that whiny woke wine mom down the street with the handwritten lawn signs parroting the slogans du jour, the one whose husband you often see weeping in the window, you are looking at peace and calm. That's the reality, not the chaos in a few square blocks of occupied Grungeburg, Washington.

Don't allow yourself to be demoralized. Victory is at hand. The media's polls are meant to crush your spirit, but ask yourself – do you know a single person who voted for Trump in 2016 but is now thinking, "Gosh, we need Grandpa Badfinger – he'll get the economy moving again even though he helped preside over nearly a decade of ennui?" Or have you had people who whisper to you, because they fear cancellation, "This time I'm voting for Trump?" I know zero of the former and a number of the latter. How about you?

Don't fall for the lies. Reject their goal of breaking your will.

Step three is to impose your will, ruthlessly and fearlessly, because this is our country and to hell with these schmucks.

It's time for us to riot, not in the streets, because we have jobs and we're not going to destroy our own stuff, but at the ballot box. That's where we lay waste to their Venezuelan dreams. In the primaries, vote for woke conservatives, not establishment saps. And then in November, vote straight Republican down the ballot.

Sure, much of the GOP consists of spineless saps eager to join Mitt Romney – father of the Miracle Whip box set of sons Tagg, Tugg, Togg, Skip, Skoop, Skup, Freen, Ween, and Peen – in donning the latex and gimping out for the pleasure of their WaPo masters. But the nice thing about those cowardly sissies is that we can ensure they are more afraid of us than of the leftists they yearn to obey. We can fire them, and then they'll have to get real jobs. This prospect scares them even more than a mean tweet from that desiccated crone Jennifer Rubin.

Finally, step four: Stop making sense. Unless it's directed at the unwoke, making sense is a waste of your time. This is about power. Time to use yours.


Veteran Member
Isn't it funny that no matter what they do, how badly they screw it up, how often they just show their bellies or hide in their basements until it's over, we still say 'Vote Republican!' Where were they when the towns were burning up? Where were they when folks were calling for help and one was coming? Where are they now that BL's matter yet nobody else's does? Waiting for it to pass like they always do! And once it settles down they will come out of their bunkers and promote to the world 'We were with you in spirit the whole time! We got your back! Hey, you can trust us, what other choice do you have?'


You did nothing when it mattered, when it really mattered. You left your base to fend for themselves and you will do it again, and again, and again. The first one to hold a press conference wearing a T-Shirt that says American Lives Matter gets my vote, the rest of you already proved what you are worth when the chips were down.


Veteran Member
Isn't it funny that no matter what they do, how badly they screw it up, how often they just show their bellies or hide in their basements until it's over, we still say 'Vote Republican!'
I agree that our choices truly suck. However I'll vote Republican over socialist. With a "Republican" you at least stand a chance however slim that may be. You know for sure what a socialist brings to the table.

What we truly need are more people like Lauren Boebert. Primary out the RINOs!!! Perhaps she will start a much needed trend. Until then it's 'take what we can get' not 'get what we want'. Sad though it may be it's all we have for now.


Veteran Member
Isn't it funny that no matter what they do, how badly they screw it up, how often they just show their bellies or hide in their basements until it's over, we still say 'Vote Republican!' Where were they when the towns were burning up? Where were they when folks were calling for help and one was coming? Where are they now that BL's matter yet nobody else's does? Waiting for it to pass like they always do! And once it settles down they will come out of their bunkers and promote to the world 'We were with you in spirit the whole time! We got your back! Hey, you can trust us, what other choice do you have?'


You did nothing when it mattered, when it really mattered. You left your base to fend for themselves and you will do it again, and again, and again. The first one to hold a press conference wearing a T-Shirt that says American Lives Matter gets my vote, the rest of you already proved what you are worth when the chips were down.
Yes furious.

To punish them are you suggesting we actually vote for Pelosi, AOC, Schiff and the hidden Soro’s burn the Constitution justice crowd???????

Brilliant idea there. I don’t like that crowd of Republicans are cowards so I will ‘get’ them by electing the ones that will enslave or kill me???? Yep see your logic on that.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Isn't it funny that no matter what they do, how badly they screw it up, how often they just show their bellies or hide in their basements until it's over, we still say 'Vote Republican!' Where were they when the towns were burning up? Where were they when folks were calling for help and one was coming? Where are they now that BL's matter yet nobody else's does? Waiting for it to pass like they always do! And once it settles down they will come out of their bunkers and promote to the world 'We were with you in spirit the whole time! We got your back! Hey, you can trust us, what other choice do you have?'


You did nothing when it mattered, when it really mattered. You left your base to fend for themselves and you will do it again, and again, and again. The first one to hold a press conference wearing a T-Shirt that says American Lives Matter gets my vote, the rest of you already proved what you are worth when the chips were down.

Work the primaries to keep the rinos out. Give people a real choice.


Veteran Member
Yes furious.

To punish them are you suggesting we actually vote for Pelosi, AOC, Schiff and the hidden Soro’s burn the Constitution justice crowd???????

Brilliant idea there. I don’t like that crowd of Republicans are cowards so I will ‘get’ them by electing the ones that will enslave or kill me???? Yep see your logic on that.

What good are they if they show their backs and run exactly when they are needed most? I cannot imagine how far gone folks are if they will simply accept milquetoast politicians who have proven over and over that they DO NOT have your back, DO NOT care about your life/liberty/property, WILL NOT fight for you when the fight is at their doorstep. This is what they are for! If they are not going to fight, then get the hell out of the way and I will do it! If you are not going to uphold your oath, then BE GONE! I would rather face an army of my enemies who I know are my enemies then a rabble of people who may or may not want me dead. Show me one truly brave act that they did during this mayhem and I will never discuss this again, happy to capitulate the point. Show me the ONE REPUBLICAN congressman or senator who stood in front of the mob and said, 'I will not kneel'. Because there are endless videos of regular folks who did exactly that and got their asses kicked or killed for it. Them, I will vote for them.

How is 'You have to vote for the republicans else everything will burn down' any different than the BLM bullshit of 'Give us what we want or we will burn the whole system down...' For 40 years we have been told, you have to vote republican else bad things will happen. Well we did that, and bad things still happened. We gave them the house, the senate, the executive branch, the supreme court, and what changed? People need to wake up to the fact that THEY DON'T GIVE A DAMN ABOUT YOU! With a snap of their fingers they took your rights, locked you in your house, forbade you from Church, and deemed over half of this country Non-Essential. Did we forget? Vote for that again? Never!


Veteran Member
The largest part of the only vote for pure heart republicans champions, are progressive trolls because if you haven’t noticed the progressive radicals road to power included using the entire democratic voting block to push their extremist agenda, then they pushed or used media smear to replace centrist democrats with more radicals.

There are also a lot of progressive GS backed basement dwellers that keep telling conservatives to only vote for true conservatives that meet the purity test. They also push so-called ‘reasonable conservative cred democrat candidates’ who get into office and vote radical down the line.

In a perfect world we would be voting for American loving candidates who had moderate but different idea’s but respected the Constitution. Neither John F Kennedy nor Harry Truman would be allowed to run in todays fascist anti America democratic party.

Maybe you have a Constitution supporting democrat in your back pocket but I don’t see one. Not one democrat in either the house or senate that has given any indication they aren’t hiding the gas and matches waiting to burn whats left of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights! Or at the very least stand aside and hold the coats of those that do.

Anything and anybody who will prevent the next step the democratic party is telling us they will do when they get full power in what could be the last true election will get my vote. Even weezel rino’s (thar ya go D) If there isn’t a better choice without a d or i next to their name.

If you think getting more D’s in congress will not lead to the absolute destruction of the United States as a republic I am all ears.