Shelter Know Your Furrier


North to the Future
Anyone who has ever been in Alaska knows the commercial "Know Your Furrier" from David Green Furs.

With the advent of bunnies in my life - very large to very small - I know we will be dining on them and I want to save the furs. I can sew mittens and hats from fur. Can any of you speak to how you tan bunny furs to utilize? I can look it up online and youtube. I just want to hear from folks here who may have actually had a chance to do. I will for sure vid and photo when it comes to that time.


I did tan a bunch of Rex rabbit skins years ago. Used sulfuric acid... and I don't remember much more! I recently discovered a real time saver shortcut for fleshing... a pressure washer! Holy cow, does it clean them off (at least, on lambskins... haven't tried anything else yet), and saves heck, shoulders and wrists.

I want to try brain tanning sometime, but we no longer have sheep or rabbits, and I'm not sure I'm up to trying a cowhide!

One thing about rabbit skins... if you butcher then at fryer size, which is most efficient feedwise and their most tender stage, the skins are really delicate and the furbis nothing like a mature animal butchered in winter.. They make good trim,, or decent mittens if used as lining with a strong outer layer such as GoreTex or waxed denim.
