INTL Jordanian Air Force conducted Airstrikes on Iranian and Assad-Backed Smugglers in Southwestern Syria


passin' thru

night driver

ESFP adrift in INTJ sea
SOMEONE had earlier twisted Abdullah's tail over Hamas and the whole Pali thing.

He has been a pretty solid ally in the region (and we MIGHT have run him through some interesting "training" as a younger man [there were "indications" that he MIGHT have had a good time at SFAS Selection a number of years ago, but those were just "rumors".] not out of character for the relevant orgs, or so I understand.)

At any rate, he grew up under his Pa as a Snake Driver (Huey Cobra) and got a few other flight tickets as a young man.

When he gets REALLY froggy he tends to do his cussing in English because ......

It appears he MAY have gotten his tail un-twisted a bit...

night driver

ESFP adrift in INTJ sea
Besides, he is one of THOSE "principles" that tends to train actively and would not shrink from taking a 'body guard's' weapon and using himself.


passin' thru
Y'all should probably pick up a few bottles o' adult beverages and extra bags o' popcorn on your way home from work tomorrow. . .don't expect anything BIG to happen anywhere, but there are little dustups in just bout every corner of the world- - -



passin' thru

5 Weapons and Drug Smugglers linked to Iran were Killed and 15 Captured in Northern Jordan earlier today after attempting to Illegally cross the Border from Syria where they were Ambushed by Troops of the Royal Jordanian Army resulting in a Significant Battle which lasted several hours; following the Battle over 630,000 Capsules of Fenethylline were Seized alongside 3,450 Hashish Packages.

Knoxville's Joker

Has No Life - Lives on TB

5 Weapons and Drug Smugglers linked to Iran were Killed and 15 Captured in Northern Jordan earlier today after attempting to Illegally cross the Border from Syria where they were Ambushed by Troops of the Royal Jordanian Army resulting in a Significant Battle which lasted several hours; following the Battle over 630,000 Capsules of Fenethylline were Seized alongside 3,450 Hashish Packages.
Holy smokes. Jordan handed out a can of whoop @$$. Jordan has been relatively quiet on things so I assume they are trying to stay neutral...


passin' thru
iirc their new and improved version o' neutral is kinda "straddlin' both sides o' the fence"