VIDEO Joe Rogan: When you give up Liberty & Freedom for perceived safety, you lose everything.


Veteran Member
I think he used the "F" bomb in just the right place at the perfect time. Sometimes it's not what you say but how you sat it.


When In Doubt, Throttle Out!
Why do you have to "F" bomb to get your point across? End of show.
I hear what you're saying. I have a friend, and honest, upstanding individual, who uses the F-bomb as every third or fourth word. It gets annoying. And then, if he really does need to introduce some anger or aggression - the use of that particular word adds nothing.
It's like seasoning in cooking - reserve it for when you really want to adjust the flavor.

I tell my two "Jr. Haybails" (who are now in their 20s) all the time . . . of course I know all the cuss words, I just prefer not to throw them around willy-nilly. If you hear me drop a curse word . . . you know darned well it was warranted. LOL
