POL I dont really do politics. Now I remember why. Dean Phillips of MN - latest straw man


Senior Member
just to give you some background - Bill Ackman, some billionaire A-hole who in a way led the charge with the President of Harvard being removed...mostly due to the perceived anti Israel stance of the Harvard grifter... - is now heavily promoting a Democrat for President as he says Biden has no chance against trump.

Interesting pick...Dean Phillips of MN. He seems to basically have one thing I would agree with - controlling the Border. The rest of his positions are insane. Reparations. Pro DEI., etc.

For the record - he is Jewish. Kind of silly to promote him. The guy actually got a stream on X with Musk and Ackman. I am pointing this out - as I am fairly certain we will be hearing alot more about this poor choice in the future. Ok. Back to - no politics.


Let's Go Brandon!
just to give you some background - Bill Ackman, some billionaire A-hole who in a way led the charge with the President of Harvard being removed...mostly due to the perceived anti Israel stance of the Harvard grifter... - is now heavily promoting a Democrat for President as he says Biden has no chance against trump.

Interesting pick...Dean Phillips of MN. He seems to basically have one thing I would agree with - controlling the Border. The rest of his positions are insane. Reparations. Pro DEI., etc.

For the record - he is Jewish. Kind of silly to promote him. The guy actually got a stream on X with Musk and Ackman. I am pointing this out - as I am fairly certain we will be hearing alot more about this poor choice in the future. Ok. Back to - no politics.

Some yutz out of the frozen end of nowhere pops up at the last minute, has no name recognition behind him running against an incumbent president? Doubt this will go anywhere even WITH Ackman's money behind him.


Veteran Member
He's been running for months. Nothing new there. Of the Phillips booze empire here in the state. (MN).
:shr: I buy their apricot brandy. Mostly from what I've seen, it ain't high end stuff...more like warm ya up ice-fishing quality.
Pass the paper bag.

Who cares. He will go nowhere.

The Hammer

Has No Life - Lives on TB
Most people are saying "Dean who?"

I mean, if the incumbent is vulnerable enough, you should have some recognizable names coming out of the woodwork. In '68, you had Eugene McCarthy, RFK...even in '80, Teddy challenged Carter.

But if Dean Phillips is all you have, most observers will yawn and roll back over.


Senior Member
my speculation is that the in the know crowd may have figured out Gavin Newsome - from a national standpoint - has no chance in battle ground states and is basically viewed as not good.... So they moved down the list.


Veteran Member
There are always a few vanity candidates jumping in to waste money. Theirs and any other pigeon's $$ they can hook.

If the Dems are going to end up ditching Biden, it will be at the convention this summer. They will pick a name brand to replace him, not this guy.


Senior Member
There are always a few vanity candidates jumping in to waste money. Theirs and any other pigeon's $$ they can hook.

If the Dems are going to end up ditching Biden, it will be at the convention this summer. They will pick a name brand to replace him, not this guy.
True..probably this Bill fella letting everyone know..this is my choice...which of my buddies are going to get behind him also. These rich guys never actually pick a true capitalist lol.. I suppose they want communism because they know they will be the head honchos in the communist party..


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Elections? Votes? Oh, I have been out of touch. I didn't know they threw out Dominion and "mail-in" ballots.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Bannon War Room yesterday had Joel Gilbert who is a conservative film maker who has Michelle Obama under his saddle blanket. (i.e. "burr.") A new film by Gilbert "exposes" Michelle (no mention of "trans") and the Black Fraud she is.

He discusses her as a potential candidate to replace Biden. It's plausible.

Seen at Joel Gilbert Discusses Some Of The Biggest Lies Michelle Obama Has Told To Date

RT 9:46

I've been thinking it will be Michelle for quite a while now.

Illini Warrior

Illini Warrior
Biden stays as candidate thru the DNC Convention - then - he drops out and the Biden PuppetMasters name both the Prez & VP replacements >>> nooooooooo way in hell does the entire DNC get a say - think Biden was chosen by happen-stance????


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Democrats wrote the rules they play by.
They will do whatever they want. Everyone else be damned.