FASCISM Hyundai Kona EV software upgrade implements geofencing and geotiming - 15-minute prison cities

end game

Veteran Member
As I noted, the "or in accordance with the law" part makes the consent part moot, because the gov can simply pass a law restricting the use of vehicles, and then they can shut your car down whenever they want, and it will be in "accordance with the law".

Remember, everything that happened in Nazi Germany was completely legal according to their laws.
There's a law about immigration too.........

end game

Veteran Member
If the Nazis had had the surveillance and control equipment that the US uses today, they’d rule the world today…
Well part of it.....


Dot Collector
In other words … they can shut you down if they choose.
This is where they are taking us...

Citizens lose their social credit scores because of their academic frauds and unvaccination.

If they don't pay mortgages/taxes on time and participate anti-government activities, they lose more points

Buying a lot of alcohol results to lose points too.

Coming to America and Europe soon?

Digital Open Air Prison.

And they were so close to rolling this out during Covid, they tried so very hard.

They will wait until another fixed election

They used it to fix the last election
RT 30secs
View: https://twitter.com/Thompsonklay/status/1783036929740865744

It sounds like the Senate, the House, and DC.

Welcome to The Hunger Games...
View: https://twitter.com/_KarenTucker/status/1783050237533450635


The one and only...
This is terrifying. Thank God I'm old and don't have to live in this future they're creating. It's sad to think that someday, like 100 years in the future, 'freedom' will mean not being confined to one room. I'm so glad I got to live free and God willing I will die free! :)