How Do I Dry Birdhouse Gourds?


Hiya everyone. I had about thirty or so of the things last year and every single one of them rotted. Since they were so kind as to reseed themselves I thought I might try again this year.

How do I do it?


Kathy in WV

Down on the Farm...
My neighbor does them sometimes. She says break the stem back a ways from the gourd so it has a good size piece still on it. If you don't leave some stem she says they will rot. Then just put them in a box in a dry place until you can hear seeds rattling inside. They get moldy on the outside as they dry. Then you have to mix a mild bleach solution and scrub them clean removing all traces of mold. Let air dry and then do whatever you want with them. She leaves hers to dry over the winter and cleans them up in the Spring. Hope that helps a little, maybe someone else will be able to tell you more. Kathy


Ditto on drying them my sister makes baskets out of these gourds by cutting them in half and drilling small holes around the rim and starting the weaver from there .She sells every one she makes