CRISIS How Degeneracy will kill Civilization

Mark D

Now running for Emperor.
I believe there's enough evidence going on around us to imagine this guy is right. Worth watching, and I'd love to hear your thoughts.

"A Suicide Cult runs our entire Civilization."

He doesn't talk about it, but the Clot Shot is a factor heretofore unseen in Human history: the suicidal crazy people at the top might just have broken the Macro system for good.


CSR @ Danneskjöld Repo
I've watched this guy for years now. He is dang brilliant. He's and autodydact, no college at all. Living proof that there is hope for younger generations.

The mouse universe he talks about is also a ground breaking study and shows where we are and where we are heading.


Veteran Member
I think his observations are good. But he seems to place great emphasis on biological changes causing all this. That somehow, affluence turns to degeneracy biologically, or order into chaos would be another way of saying it. Altho in the ode he mentions God.

When in reality it is a spiritual condition. It's as simple as that. When people no longer have a moral compass then there is no longer morality in anything.

And he is right evil will burn itself out eventually just like a virus kills a host. But evil des not care. That is the whole point of evil is to kill and destroy. It's like an aggressive and relentless cancer. This is seeing its tumors finally coming to the surface where everyone can now see it/them. They just don't know what it is or what to call it.

So interesting how just the average person is beginning to see that something is wrong. Not just this guy, but leftist and scientist. Many are commenting on "just how crazy" things are getting.