Misc Homemade laundry detergent (powdered) recipe?


Veteran Member
So life has gotten in the way, and I haven't made homemade laundry detergent in a few years. This weekend we finally got the old food processor out, and processed many bars of soap into powder. In looking for my old recipe, I've come across several wide discrepancies in recipes. (We usually use powder, as the gloopy liquid stuff I just find disturbing, lol).

Some say 1 part soap to 2 parts each of borax and washing soda, and some say 2 parts soap to 1 part each of borax and washing soda. I've even found one that said 3 parts soap to 1 part each of borax and washing soda.

Which is it??? What do you use?

ETA - and does it make a difference between Zote and Fels-Naptha?? Also, we have a water softener, an HE washer, and almost always wash in warm to hot water.


Veteran Member
I made my first batch about 2 weeks ago, and it's working great. 3 bars Fels-Naptha (you could substitute zote), a box of borax, a box of washing soda, a large container (about 2 lbs) of oxy clean, and a bottle of purex crystals. I use 3 tblsp per front-loader load.