[HLTH] How long is thawed duck breast good for?


So, say you had store-bought duck breast that was frozen. And you thawed it one day in the refrigerator and left it there.... it's in its original sealed plastic-with-the-juices UNDER another layer of plastic packaging that it came with, hasn't been opened. How many days from the thaw day would you consider it still good to cook, provided nothing looks or smells unusual?


Thank you. :D
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Veteran Member
Myself, I wouldn't let it get past a day or two. I'm real fussy about chicken like that. I've already cooked meat that I thought was ok but while it cooked I smelled an off smell and ended up throwing it out. I would think duck would be the same as chicken. My brother got a bad case of food poisoning from chicken that he ate at my sister's house, so I'm really careful about it.


My rule of thumb is 3 days for any unfrozen meat, tops. Usually 2, though, if I'm feeling psychotic. :lol:

Ya know, I read the thread title to this one and then read the one right under it, about kneading bread. My mind combined the two into something about how long to knead breasts. :rofl: Glad I looked closer!