Hi There


Contributing Member
Hello I just want to introduce myself.
I've been lurking and reading through my hubby's (CGTech) account for some time and became interested in this forum in particular (all of Timebomb is interesting though) and wanted to be able to join in, so here I am :) . I hope to get to know people here better and would love to join in to the converstation from time to time (I'm prone to lurking and want to try to get into posting now that I can).

Should run and make sure that cgtech doesn't cut something off with the bench saw as he needs to cut more wood for the stoves. We have had an unusually cool spring and normally wouldn't have the fires still going but are needing the living room one going to keep the chill off the house (haven't had the kitchen stove going for a while though).


Deena in GA

Welcome! Glad you've decided to join the fun! It's interesting to me that over the past year so many husbands or wives have joined tb2k for themselves. I think we have quite a few families here now. My hubby just hears about tb2k all the time. :D


Membership Revoked
Hi, CopperTopMom. I love that handle, by the way!

Nice to make your acquaintance, and hope you like it here.