Misc Heavy 5 Pound Wool Blankets.


TB Fanatic
I see Sportsmans Guide has some Russian surplus wool blankets in stock, they weigh 5 pounds each, measure 54" X 74" and I do not think they are 100% wool, but wool-blend, color Gray and the ends are wiped. Price each is $21.99, Price for buyers club members $19.79 each.
Phone N0# 1-800-882-2962
Product Order N0# WX2-421473

Link to web-page and scroll down and see what people that bought them have to say: http://WWW.sportsmansguide.com/net/cb/used-russian-surplus-wool-blanket-gray.aspx?a=1559240


TB Fanatic
Any that wants one or a few of these blankets, I don't know how many they have, but heaver wool blankets like these will likely fly out of there.
The last batch of 5 pound surplus blankets he bought from Poland lasted about two weeks before they completely sold out.