HCG diet


Veteran Member
Have any of you tried this? I've researched all I can on the 'net. I've heard some people swear by it and some say it's a scam.


Contributing Member
I have a close personal friend whom I visit with every week. She did this late summer and lost 21 pounds the first two weeks. She then stopped the hormone for a few weeks and went totally off the diet, and restarted just about two weeks ago and has now lost another 15 pounds. She looks great! I think the key is not only the hormone but the food restrictions. It appears to be very healthy with minimal amounts. I think we would all lose weight if we ate what she's been eating. From what I've seen it is a good way to get that extra fat off very fast. She is doing the drops.


Veteran Member
I'm doing the drops as well. I never thought I'd survive 500 calories per day but I'm not that hungry anymore. The nausea was pretty bad at first though. Now I just have to keep it off - no more Smashburger for me.


Contributing Member
One of our friends has done I believe 4 cycles of it....You wouldn't believe the way she looks now. She was quite big to begin with and has lost over 100 pounds. She looks like she may weigh about 140-150 now.

She swears by it and my wife used it to lose some weight and it worked for her as well....

The secret they say is the binge days when you first start it....otherwise, you'll be more hungry when you first start it.


Veteran Member
Yes, it works if you stick with the program. There are probably some forms of it that are a scam, but the real stuff works. I did it for 4 weeks on an 800 calorie/day diet and lost 15 pounds. That doesn't sound all that much, but it was good for me. I'm a fraidy cat when it comes to shots, but the injections are a breeze with the short and thin needles. Some people inject into their muscle, but it seems that more opt for the short insulin needles and inject into their fat layer and it still works.

The HCG assists your body in burning fat for energy so you're less hungry on the low calorie diet. Look up "Pounds and Inches" for the original protocol.

Kathy in FL

The Mayo Clinic sure doesn't like it at all and even claims the over the counter diet pills called HCG are illegal ... but then if you look at the box most clearly state that the pills are hormone-free HCG ... which is a bit of an oxymoron.

Further, according to the Mayo Clinic:
the diet recommends severe calorie restriction — typically just 500 to 800 calories a day. People who follow such a very low calorie diet are likely to lose weight, at least in the short term. However, that level of calorie restriction has risks, such as gallstone formation, irregular heartbeat, and an imbalance of the electrolytes that keep the body's muscles and nerves functioning properly.

So, if you are prone to heart problems and/or gallstones better think long and hard about this diet.


Contributing Member
My FIL lost a lot of weight doing the injections. He has put some of that back on since stopping. My husbands brother and wife used the drops and also lost weight. They have kept up with a protien only diet and have kept the weight off. My hubby used the drops last year and lost about 20 pounds in 30 days, all from his stomach.

Golden Eagle

Contributing Member
The HCG diet is not new. It was popular several years ago. I have a dear friend who worked in a clinic several years ago that provided HCG injections. Please note that she is adamantly against HCG. It has been linked to catastrophic, including fatal, blood clots. You can find information on the link between HCG and blood clots by doing a simple google search.


Senior Member
I just finished 3 weeks ago and am in maintenance....well adding in stuff again. I will say by 2 weeks I was getting sick of it, but you have to stay atleast on it till 23 days in order for it to properly work. I stopped on my 23rd day. I lost 14 pounds. I am on anxiety medications so my doctor said it would be less than others. I am still maintaining a 3 lb overage of my last weighin, which is great I think. I got my sublingual drops through my doctor. HTH


Veteran Member
No thanks. I will stick with the eating system HeritageDoc presented to us. Have lost 50 pounds without ever counting a calorie. I was losing a pound every three days, but went more into maintenance mode over the winter. I ate all I wanted within the food parameters and still lost 1 pound a week.

It has been easy to stay on this program since I got the processed food chemicals, which are so addictive, out of my system.

Eating fresh or fresh frozen clean food is the only way to go.