Contributing Member
I know grapes are supposed be grafted in the early spring. But has anyone had any success during the summer with grafting?
Found tame grapes and got some cuttings and i have alot of wild grapes growing around the place some i am hopeing to get them grafted on these wild vines. thanks


You're in the Texas Hill Country so the grapes you're talking about could be a couple of different species.

If you're talking about muscadine grapes (<i>Vitis rotundifolia</i>), they're often air layered though it is possible to graft them as well.

Do a Google on "propagating muscadine grapes" and you'll find a lot of good information.

If you've found a few wild vines that are giving particularly good grapes I'd go ahead and try the layering them right now.



Contributing Member
Thanks for the information. the sites contain alot of the information and history that i will need in the future for this gardening project. Thanks again, Eddie