`Don and MR were interrupted by Don's phone.
"That's enough of that little brother, where are ya gonna be in the morning? I'll come by and pick you up."
"At Ma and Dad''s, the town house is empty, your old house is a jumbled mess., and MR has to sleep on the couch we;'re sitting on." Don replied.
"Well, get gone from there and let the poor lady get some sleep. Fair warning, I'm gonna work you like a pack mule tomorrow. I picked up another truck line for tomorrow"
"Ugh, do you need to be so cheerful about it?"
"I decided to redo our agreement. How about I give you half od your day's wages as credit for the Jeep, and the rest in cash?" Gary offered a sweeter deal for Don. The kid was a good worker and he wanted to keep him around.
"Ok, I'm on my way home." Don abruptly hung up. He needed a few more kisses to take home with him/
Don rolled up to the brown house, let himself in and went for a drink of water. " Have you got anything to eat Ma? I'm starved"
Clora pointed to the warming oven, "Help yourself. Gary called about tomorrow, do you want a . a lunch?"
"Yes Ma'am, I sure do. That's hard work Holy moley, what happened to the sink?" Dom looked startled.
":We had visitors, " Mark grumbled. "Really rude and crude jerks looking for evidence against me ."
" hope they got blue," Don laughed.
"I'm sure they did, judging by the mess."
Up North. Tess and Woody prepped the boys for the Monday morning going to school rush. "Aunt Honey is going to go on the bus with you. Robbie and Mila are going to the same school, so if you have any questions, they can help."
The school was in the same league as the confidential, secure school the older Linderman kids had attended in Oregon/
Milo and Honey were doing the same thing. Both excited for the opportunities presented to their kids. Robbie was less than thrilled but he looked so handsome in his black slacks, white shirt and tie. Mila had a black uniform jumper, white blouse, black tights, and both had a black blazers as coats.
The school had offered any mother or father that wanted to ride the bus the first day, to take them to school and back home. Honey took advantage of the offer.
Tess was off to register for school. having to defend her lack of written credentials; with a brief case of papers accrediting her right to be there. Ut was a hard, exhausting, nerve-wracking introduction to I want to be a doctor.
Milo showed up at Marshal headquarters to get his first assignment. The office was a-buzz about two deputies that were stained a bright blue. No one knew the how or why, and the two men had nasty snarls at anyone that dared to ask.