Food Free Today Only: Surviving with Rice and Beans

Kathy in FL


One of those Amazon/Kindle freebies. Today only.

�� If you're looking for a book that will teach you how to survive on rice and beans, look no further. ��

Rice and beans are the lifeblood of many people around the world. In fact, rice and beans have been a staple in the diets of humans for thousands of years: they are rich in protein, fibers, and many essential vitamins and minerals.

✅This cookbook is a complete guide to surviving with these two ingredients, and it contains step-by-step recipes based on rice and beans that include super easy-to-find ingredients, so you don’t have to go crazy while looking for hard-to-find ingredients for your meals.

✅In addition to the survival recipes, the book also has a section on everyday recipes that you can prepare using rice and beans.

✅All the recipes within this book will cover the main meals (Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner), and also Desserts, to treat yourself with a sweet course even if the situation is not the best, and boost your morale.

✅By reading this book, you’ll discover:

��What Are All The Various Types Of Rice Available (And All Their Nutritional Information);

��What Are The Most Popular (And Nutrient) Types Of Beans;

��All The Health Benefits Of Rice And Beans (Especially In A Survival Situation);

��The Best, Tastiest, Life-Saving Survival Recipes With Rice (Divided in Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, and Desserts);

��Awesome Survival Recipes With Beans (Divided in Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, and Desserts);

��Step-By-Step Everyday Recipes With Rice And Beans (Divided in Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and Dinner and Desserts);


TB Fanatic
I got it. Thanks. I love beans.

I lived in a farming commune back in the late 70's in Summertown, TN for about 6 weeks. We at soybeans three times a day, no rice, only the elite got rice. I could not get out of there quick enough. They couldn't understand why I wanted to leave. My oldest son was a baby and they said wasn't i better off than out in the world and I said no. Out in the world I had a job and could pay someone to babysit and here you want me to watch all of your children so you can go off and do something else. I'm done. This was a few months before the Jim Jones thing, scared me half to death, I'm not a sheep.