CHAT free e books 9-20-21


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102 Reviews​
Vital Signs (The Dr Callie Hughes crime scene investigations Book 4)
by Candy Denman
A forensic physician fuels political uproar when she sticks to her findings. When bodies of immigrants begin to wash up on a Hastings beach, no one would envy police doctor Callie Hughes' sad job of checking for vital signs or pronouncing death. Hughes works alongside detectives DI Miller and DS Jeffries, slowly cataloguing some dozen deaths from a boat suspected to have capsized during an illegal crossing from France to England. But one victim stands out to Hughes. Body number nine. It has several characteristics that mark it as different from the others. Could it be the body of a people smuggler? Despite Dr Hughes having supplied crucial information about previous homicides, Miller and Jeffries are quick to dismiss her theories. But without their backup, will her desire to get to the bottom of the case land her in deep trouble?FREE Was: $2.99

Free Book of the Day
How to Make People Like You and Do What You Want
by Richard Banks
Do you make your first impressions count? What if I told you that how you come across during the first 30 seconds of meeting new people affects nearly 85% of your relationships? What if I told you that the person you like takes only a split second to decide whether they like you or not. Doesn't it sound scary? That's because it is! Whether you are pitching a product or idea to clients, preparing for a new job interview, or seeking to make great connections with the people you meet, your "first interactions" are the most CRITICAL of all. Just imagine. The countless hours spent talking, networking, and building relationships, those initial 30 seconds determine the majority of your success! As adults, we tend to have less exposure to new potential friends than we did as children. During our childhood, we continuously met new kids through school, sports, or on the playground. And the simple act of being in the same place repeatedly created bonds and friendships for many. In adulthood, most of us have lost those arenas. And even when we do spend time in public with other adults, we hardly ever interact with them in any meaningful way. Many of us are unsure of how to approach someone new and spark engaging conversations. We have become a population of adults who spend time around each other - but not with each other. In this book, you'll learn simple and easily understandable techniques and tactics that will help you to confidently start exciting conversations, turn acquaintances into friends, and charm all you come in contact with.FREE Was: $2.99



25 Reviews​
The Israel Deception: The Scriptures They Don’t Want You To See Revealed
by Henry Bechthold
The subject of Israel arouses passion in the political arena, and also in the spiritual arena. There does not seem to be a middle ground when it comes to Israel. In the political sphere, people are either intensely pro-Israel, or vehemently anti-Israel. And, it is similar in the Christian Church. Extremes abound regarding the subject of Israel. This book is not about politics. This book is about the scriptural truth regarding Israel. You will see scriptures that are rarely mentioned by most contemporary preachers and teachers. Is Israel still God's chosen nation in the New Testament era? Will Israel again reign over the other nations of the world in a millennial kingdom? The biblical truth will surprise many.FREE Was: $0.99​



92 Reviews​
The Rhino Crash: A Memoir of Conservation, Unlikely Friendships and Self-Discovery
by Nick Newman
Catapulted into the grim world of rhino poaching, Nick Newman trades life in London for a humble, yet adventurous existence in South Africa. Tasked to monitor and protect critically endangered black rhinos, Nick soon cultivates an understanding of the different individual personalities and their temperamental behaviour by studying the animals in their natural environment. Under constant threat of being poached for their horns, the rhinos become the pivot around which Nick and the Anti-Poaching Unit's lives revolve. Nick shares raw moments of heartbreak and hope from the frontline, while taking the reader on an honest and humorous trip of his years spent in Africa. Dynamic characters who form part of his stories include his sidekick rhino-tracking dog, Wilma, and a black rhino named Elmore who becomes an integral part of his life.FREE Was: $4.59​



66 Reviews​
Pasta Sauces Cookbook
by Owen Conti
Do you want to know how to prepare the best Italian pasta sauces directly in your kitchen to impress family, friends, and even yourself? Italian cuisine has become popular worldwide, and one of its most famous dishes is surely pasta. Often, however, the recipes that everyone is thought to be the cornerstones of Italian cuisine are not even known in Italy! Try asking an Italian if he has ever eaten mac and cheese, spaghetti meatballs, fettuccine Alfredo or pasta with chicken. His answer will surely be: "No, never!". With this book, Owen Conti, of Italian origins and executive chef for over 16 years, wants to share with all home cooks how to prepare delicious pasta sauces of the real Italian cuisine step-by-step.FREE Was: $6.99

History & Current Events


56 Reviews​
Tanks for the Memories: An Oral History of the 712th Tank Battalion in World War II
by Aaron Elson
Aaron Elson attended a reunion of the 712th Tank Battalion, with which his father served in World War II, a few years after his father's death. He returned two reunions later, in 1989, with a tape recorder, and has been preserving the stories of World War II veterans ever since. When he arrived at that first reunion, one of the first things he saw was a bumper sticker on a car outside the hotel. It said "Tanks for the Memories." What he quickly realized was that the memories the veterans shared in the hospitality room, they rarely shared with their families. Aaron Elson's work as an oral historian has been used as source material in more than two dozen book in the U.S. and "across the pond," as well is in about a dozen documentaries including "The Color of War" and "Patton 360." "Tanks for the Memories" is the book that turned him into an oral historian. The stories and anecdotes range from descriptions of life in the horse cavalry, growing up in the Great Depression, food on the front, medical treatment after being wounded, to vivid descriptions of combat inside a tank and out.FREE Was: $7.95​