Herbal ? for the herbal gurus/licorice root


Contributing Member
I picked up a pound of organic licorice root (Frontier brand) for $4.89. I hope it is still good, package is still sealed. What can I do with it? Looks like I can make a cough syrup with it.

Mo Earth

Mo Earth
Well, I am not an herbal guru, but I used licorice root tea to help my adrenal function after having one gland removed.


Lots of uses, but be careful... it's a potent corticosteroid, and like any of the rest of that family, it can have strong side effects People with congestive heart failure, kidney issues, high blood pressure or any adrenal issues should only use licorice while under the advice of a competent herbalist or physician who also understands herbs.

Licorice is a potent anti-inflammatory. It's often used in small amounts in combination formulas as a "helper" herb. I've found it to be very useful in gastritis and ulcers... in humans, horses and cattle. It would likely be useful in cough drops or syrup.

Lots of other uses, but be aware of the potential dangers. They do sell "Deglycyrrhizinated" licorice- licorice preparations that have had the glycyrrhizin removed, which does reduce the risk of edema, high blood pressure, etc BUT... in my experience, it also works a lot less effectively! But it is an option who can't use the whole root.



Contributing Member
Thanks! Would I make a tincture with this similar to the recipe? Licorice root and vodka? Same basic porportions? (1:5)


That's what I do, although I also put the dry root powder into capsules, for people who can't take alcohol. It's easier to adjust the dose with the tincture, though.



Contributing Member
Thank you, AGAIN everyone. I just made some simple licorice and thyme cough syrup. Now, I'm just waiting on someone around here to get a cough :lol: I'll be heading to the liquor store to pick up some vodka in a bit. I can't wait to get this going!