Does pectin go bad?


fuzzy member
I have made three recipes where my jams haven't set. I am wondering if my pectin is the problem? I've had success with these recipes before.

I'm just going to use these runny jams as sauces, but am wondering if there is a way to remedy a jam that hasn't set?

Could I redo it all by adding a fresh batch of prepared pectin? If I double up the "bad" pectin, will that work?



Contributing Member
When I make jam I very seldom use pectin. I simply use sugar and fruit sometimes lemon juice. It depends on what type of fruit.
I'd try recooking it. I'd expect it to take an hour or more. You have to keep a close eye on it. See if you can't get it to jam that way. What kind of fruit and proportions were you using?
I don't know if this would work for you. So use your best judgement. That is what I'd do.