DEEP STATE Creative Vandalism (And The Hill I Will Die On)


On TB every waking moment

Creative Vandalism
Thursday, October 14, 2021

There’s no time to be gentle. The nation, this conglomeration of states, is going to suffer some very hard times and it’s all self-inflicted. There’s no reason to tolerate a stolen election. We don’t need proof, all we ever needed was suspicion. It’s on the elected officials to produce the proof of the election’s integrity. We’ve given them plenty of time to do so and they failed. Despite all of their other failings and acts of treason, denying the people a say in their government is a coup against the republic.

The reader has to understand what is being said here. This is not an opinion. It’s not about Trump. This is foundational and the goal of those sitting in public office, all of them, is to maintain the illusion of the republic, but it bears no resemblance. The one key to a republic is the validity and legality of the vote. A lot of other things can be wrong. There can be corruption in certain offices and among certain politicians that might affect justice, but not necessarily the republic. The vote affects everyone, every office and every law.

Having allowed oligarchs and globalists, perhaps even a few foreign nations to manipulate the vote and arrive at a puppet administration through which they inflict further degradations and usurpations on the American people, the republic has been overthrown in totality. Nothing remains beneath it, not the states, the counties or the cities. It’s an illusion, except where people have recognized the fact and instituted independent counties. There are a few. Those are the only political institutions with any force of law. The rest are brigands, outlaws, in rebellion of the republic and the constitution.

My suggestion has been to establish autonomous counties, declaring such in committee and charging the sheriff with enforcement. This protects the citizens of the county from illegal, immoral and oppressive laws that run counter to individual rights of the citizens of that county. It’s an idea that, if put into place, could rebuild the state on a constitutional footing while keeping federal law enforcement at bay. That’s possible at any time, but it’s up to the people to do it and enforce it and suffer whatever the state or federal oppressors might inflict. Yes, being an American requires sacrifice and vigilance. Who knew?

But there’s a much more direct route, too. None of the people in office today have been faithful to their oaths or the 2020 election would not have remained in question. Refusal to address evidence, or refusal to give a faithful reading of the laws as established is a failure of the oath and no public official legitimately holds their seat while in violation of their oath. In particular, at this moment is Judge Brian Amero, who held in his hands the ability of Georgia to rule on a case concerning the fraud committed during the 2020 election, with affidavits filed, he nonetheless dismissed the case on grounds of lack of standing. This is a violation of oath, a crime of treason. His number is (770) 288-7901.

Calling and writing congressmen and senators, judges and county commissioners no longer has the purpose of making them perform any function. The only purpose left is to drive them out of office. It is to make their illegitimate stay so uncomfortable that they abandon it. It’s time to stop playing nice with the people who have stolen your liberty, impoverished you with taxes, forced you out of business with lockdowns and mandates. If that’s organizing a walkout at your job, that helps; if it’s taking your children out of the government schools, that’s better. The people of America have got to stop everything until our republic is restored. Nothing else matters. They are in the process of turning the military against the people, culling out the patriots so that the only ones left are sycophants who will do whatever dirty job needs to be done without question or remorse. They did it with the police. They know what they are doing and how to do it, but absolute resistance to their plan is the only job any of us will ever have again until we restore what has been taken from us, from the world and from the future.

Call and email, but that isn’t the only job, that’s just the easiest, least time-consuming act one can take against the enormity of what they have done. Another one, is to demand, before whatever court one finds themselves, be it for a traffic ticket, a mask violation, whatever, a verification of jurisdiction. The question being that in a state wherein the past election is suspect and the duties of officers of the court and county commission having not been put to eliminate any question of the validity of the election, how can they claim that any law or jurisdiction remains? Jurisdiction of law comes from the consent of the governed and is wholly reduced where that consent is manufactured through fraud of any sort, but especially where photocopied ballots are given all rights and privileges of legal age and registered voters. Any government entity that accepts such precepts cannot hold any legitimacy before the people.

Ridiculous? Is it more ridiculous than being forced to take an experimental vaccination responsible for the deaths of up to 200,000 people worldwide to avoid catching a virus no more deadly than the average flu and perhaps even less deadly than that? The very term “ridiculous” lacks stature to define that level of insanity.

We are no longer in a world of logic and reason. We are in the grips of communism where neither of those things hold value. Communism requires obedience and offers punishment in its absence. Does that not better reflect America today?

The proposal is not to get Republicans or Democrats to abandon their perverse positions of forcing the populace to buy electric cars, or wear masks or eat manufactured meatstuffs as the legislation recently passed will do, but to punish them for their actions against the people. This is the vandalization of an illegitimate system. The sole purpose is to drive these people out of office. Every judge, every county commissioner, every corporate CEO, everybody who has latched onto the command structure of this communist regime must be driven out of office by denunciation.

There is no excuse to fail to decertify the 2020 election. As much as 56% of the people believe that it was illegally conducted and produced a fraudulent outcome in Biden’s favor. Joe Biden only has a “strong approval” of 20% of the population and a “strong disapprove” of 50%. In any other time the Democrats would force him out of office to save the party like the Republicans did with Nixon. But all they have to put in his place is Kamala Harris, who would survive about three minutes and sink below the 20% level. This is why I look for them to replace her, before they replace Joe.

The truth is that the republic has been overthrown by communists. By the silence of the Republicans, it’s easy to conclude that they have benefitted from the vote-by-photocopier scheme and will not raise questions about the process. Strikes and job abandonment to avoid the experimental vaxx will lead to huge problems for the nation, but it’s good, it’s cleansing, it’s the first act of resistance to the illegal government. But it has to go further, it has to be pervasive so they cannot hide from the determination of the people. The people decide in all things, but they don’t use their voices or efforts, they merely hold opinions and express them in polls. It’s time to act, before they destroy it all. Phone calls, emails, challenge authority at every opportunity, strike at work, walkout at schools, anything that can throw some sand in the gears of an oppressive machine. Make cheating at elections so miserable that they won’t try it for a long time.

Unfortunately, unless the election is decertified soon, this winter will be one of the worst this nation has suffered since 1929-30. Whole industries will run out of supplies to make goods, ships will not be unloaded, gas and oil will spike in price, food will be scarce, foreclosures will explode. The truth is, unless the infrastructure bill and the budget are restrained by refusal to raise the debt ceiling to allow for that new spending, the nation might never come out of it.

When does it go kinetic? Probably over the dark winter, when everyone is desperate, especially in the cities. It’s in the power of the people to stop it, but it will take a lot of effort, a lot of sand in the gears and I’ve not yet seen the will to do it. God bless us, it’s all we have left.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Then there's humorous creative vandalism that doesn't require a revolution to appreciate it. Portland (Oregon) has decided it has no sense of humor and just removed this modified merge sign from an on-ramp (it said "Merge Simpson"):

Merge Simpson 2.jpg


TB Fanatic

Too bad the title isn't more informative and revealing of tb2k readers' interest.

Currently this thread has been read approx. 150 times while a thread about potato chips has been read over 700 times.

We're so screwed.

I just woke up from my nap, bro you mean to tell me someone started a potato chip thread? WTH is the matter with these people.


On TB every waking moment

Dissident Thoughts
A Strategy To Be On The Last Train To The Gulag Still Ends Up At The Gulag

Saturday, October 16, 2021
Your Two-Part Mission For Right Now

By now most of us, a small but sturdy band of chaps and chappettes, get that we are in the end stages. The pieces are still in motion but the intermediate future is kind of set. The combination of economic calamity barely held back, social strife, increasing lawlessness, lack of public trust, violent rhetoric and hatred of one another on either side of the political divide and an absolute lack of any leadership is pointing toward something happening in the near future. Maybe it will be localized chaos or widespread chaos, civil war or a gradual practical dissolution. Whatever it looks like, those who see it coming are preparing for it and lots of people on /ourside/ are offering their advice.

If I was creating a checklist for someone when it comes to being prepared for what is looming on the very near horizon, it would have things like getting in shape, hardening your heart and mind, gearing up with firearms and ammo, making sure you have a plan for when the lights go out and the food supply dries up. Those are all things I have talked about as have many others. But my top two wouldn't be any of those things.

The top two imperatives right now are what I have been saying for a long time.

One and most important, get out of population centers. That especially means cities but it also means densely populated suburbs. In the suburbs we have lived in it has been generally true that you don't know your neighbors that well and they don't know you. But even a relative stranger can probably figure out the prepper guy and if shit hits the fan, unscrupulous and unprepared people are going to seek out the people who did prepare. You might not be defending yourself against hordes of feral urbanites but you might get a bullet in the back from your friendly neighbor who keeps his lawn so tidy.

Even more so, most suburbs are in easy commuting distance from the cities. That is kind of the point. The suburbs are going to be target rich environments for looters and urbanites seeking violence and mayhem. For example, one of the wealthiest suburbs in America is the D.C. suburb of Alexandria, Virginia, specifically "Old Town", where many of the court mandarins of the American Coruscant reside.

95% White with a high six figure mean income you say? Well that sounds pretty safe. Not so fast. Alexandria as a whole is around 60% White and over 21% black. I have a sibling who has lived in that area for a number of years and we have visited a few times, although not lately. I remember one place she lived, a very nice corner house at the intersection of two streets full of trees and expensive homes that were almost entirely owned by Whites. I also remember her buying a nice set of patio furniture for her front porch that was stolen almost immediately and also one day when a couple of nice young African boys, the oldest maybe 12 or 13 walked down her street. Someone a few houses away was having a party later and had a balloon tied to their mailbox so the older African boy pulled out a knife and popped the balloon. He saw that I was looking at him and shouted something at me to the effect of "Say something mother ****er". Very charming.

Alexandria is so very expensive because it is so very convenient to D.C.

Right across the Potomac with multiple bridges connecting Alexandria to D.C. as well as the Metro lines. That is great for work but what if things go sideways? The bridges go both ways and despite "gentrification", a fancy word for White people moving into once black neighborhoods and making them less shitty places to live, D.C. is still more than 50% black. Many of the Maryland suburbs across the river are overwhelmingly black, like Hillcrest Heights (93%) and Temple Hills (85%) and those areas are an easy drive or even walking distance to Old Town. When the dollar stores and liquor markets are empty, they are going to start thinking about doing some luxury shopping.

Just moving out of the city isn't quite enough although it is a good start, you need to get as far as away as possible.

That brings me to the other point: getting free of the globohomo economic system that creates a prison with bars made of health insurance, steady paychecks and 401k plans.

The two most common objections to bugging out right now, like today are both challenging. One is family obligations, an elderly parent to care for or children in school. I get that and it is a tough call. You have an obligation to family of course, the best you can do in those circumstances is have the best plan you can to extricate yourself and the person/persons you are caring for. That can obviously have lots of challenges, it is tough enough to get an able bodied individual clear of a disaster but if you have either young children or elderly parents, or someone who is otherwise incapacitated, then it makes it a lot harder especially if they don't live with you. I guess the thing that would be most critical would be to have their buy-in if things go bad, an agreement that if you say "time to go" that they go. No questions, no arguments.

The other is job related. What we do for a living is a very important part of our identity. One of the most common small talk openers is "So what do you do?". It creates an opening for conversation, and it helps establish any common ground. It also creates a power dynamic. If you ask someone you don't know "So what do you do?" and they say "I am a surgeon", for most people that puts you at a power deficit but if they say "I am a middle school custodian", then most people see a power advantage. If you never have done so, try going to a Wal-Mart in a business suit and tie and see how deferential people are to you. People respect people with prestigious jobs.

Anyway, changing jobs is pretty common as is moving for a better position but usually that involves moving from one blast zone next to an urban area to a different one. Maybe slightly better but still a red zone for danger. What I am talking about when I say bug out right now is moving somewhere outside of the obvious looting and pillaging zones. I see the chaos scenario starting out with lots of bad things happening to suburbanites who will be helpless. At first. At some point the men are going to stop worrying about getting into trouble and start shooting anyone they don't recognize on sight. I am counting on those suburban types to serve a useful purpose at last.

25 years ago moving to the middle of nowhere would be career suicide unless you could come up with some very specific niche business but now many jobs can be done from just about anywhere. We have lived way out in the country for over 10 years and have had high speed internet for most of that time, with it becoming faster and way more reliable the last 5 years. You can do many professional jobs from the country and if not, you can learn a skill that is in demand pretty quickly.

It can be jarring. When we moved here I was working for a big financial services firm with a great salary dropped by direct deposit into my account every two weeks, great insurance and retirement plans. I couldn't imagine that ten years later I would be making a living by a couple of small businesses, making less per month but living much better than before. I did it, you can do it. I found something I was good at and better than anyone else doing the same thing around here and turned it into a pretty lucrative business that I can do locally and that provides the flexibility that I need.

You can do it too and if you believe what you say you believe, you have to because this ship isn't going to right itself.

We have been in a war that most of us didn't realize for my entire life and now we are at the end stages. It is game over. We lost. Our mission now is to avoid the rampaging victors and regroup to fight another day.

This post is not intended for those who have already taken these two steps but for those who are on the fence about it. At this point there are very few people who haven't either figured it out or are stubbornly refusing to see what is before their eyes. To me, there are simply a lot of people you can't save. I saw this on Faceberg the other day and it rings true.

Many of those people who still cling to their retirement plan and their sportsball aren't going to make it but that doesn't mean they aren't useful. They are. They will be meat-shields for the rest of us. They are going to be the easy prey for the feral urbanites and the wannabe Bolsheviks and with luck they will wipe each other out before they become a problem for us.

That sounds cruel and callous but we aren't in a world of rainbows and unicorns anymore. I will keep sounding the alarm but with little expectation of seeing anyone waking up. When it comes down to it, better them or really anyone else, rather than me and mine.

We can't save everyone. We can't save most of them. We can only avoid getting dragged down with them.

You have been given a precious gift of time. How you use that time right now will determine how long you last in the dark days to come.

Arthur Sido at 12:06 PM