WAR China's military build-up largest since Nazi Germany in 1930s


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China's military build-up largest since Nazi Germany in 1930s * WorldNetDaily * by J.M. Phelps

China's military build-up largest since Nazi Germany in 1930s​

J.M. Phelps

January 4, 2025
Chinese military forces
With the release of a new 182-page report by the Department of Defense, it has become clear that China is conducting its largest military build-up since that of 1930s Nazi Germany.

Prior to the report, some experts said China's military build-up in recent years has been fueled largely by a lack of respect for the Biden administration.

Col. Grant Newsham, USMC-Ret., who once served as the first Marine liaison officer to the Japan Ground Self-Defense Force, agreed. In his 2023 book "When China Attacks: A Warning to America," Newsham documents Communist China's ongoing covert war against the United States and its allies.

Speaking to WorldNetDaily, the Senior Fellow with the Center for Security Policyexplained that "China's military build-up has been going on for over 30 years – regardless of who has been in the White House – Democrat or Republican." In addition, over the last 20 years, the People's Liberation Army, or PLA – the Chinese Communist Party's military wing – has also strengthened its capabilities.

According to Newsham, the CCP is increasingly emboldened by American weakness and perceived decline. To that end, he told WorldNetDaily, "The Chinese communists certainly did not fear the Biden administration," adding, "There was nobody on 'Team Biden' handling foreign, military, economic policies – or China matters in general – that scared Beijing."

However, in a few areas, such as maintaining former President Donald Trump's tariffs and imposing additional sanctions and trade restrictions on the People's Republic of China, Newsham said, "The Biden administration did some things that irked the PRC." Nonetheless, he admitted, the Chinese continue to telegraph that "they had little to fear from the Biden administration."

On the other hand, Newsham argued, "The first Trump administration was the first one in my lifetime that actually frightened Beijing."

However, he conceded, "the PRC did not slow down its military build-up." For Beijing, he added, the People's Liberation Army and national military power remain "priority number one."

For this reason, he said, "don't expect the PRC to pull back on its military build-up just because Donald Trump will soon be back in office." According to Newsham, "The CCP has reached a point a decade ago where its military is a serious threat to the U.S. and the U.S. military."

Therefore, warns the retired Marine colonel, "Beijing will not let up in its quest to be able to dominate – and defeat, if possible – the U.S. and the U.S. military." Newsham added, "I'm afraid the Chinese communist leadership finally sees this objective as achievable – and sooner than one might think," he warned.

"The PLA's overall capability for joint, combined operations and for operating far afield is becoming a huge problem – especially if you look out five or ten years in the future," Newsham told WND. In addition, he said, "the PLA's rocket force is an immediate threat, as is the rapidly improving and expanding PLA Navy."

China has added 300 medium-range ballistic missiles and 100 long-range cruise missiles to an arsenal of more than 600 operational nuclear warheads. By 2030, the communist country is expected to have more than 1,000.

On top of all this, Newsham told WorldNetDaily, China's space and undersea capabilities, its biological and psychological warfare, and it electronic warfare capabilities are all equally concerning and threatening.

"The United States needs a sense of urgency," he said, yet "to date, it has not demonstrated such a thing."


Veteran Member
Don't know how to weight all the factors, but ONE factor could be the employment/social problems there. Unless I am getting intentional PsyOps in YouTube, China is losing jobs, a lot of brick/mortar there is dying, and folks are getting sick of 996 (work 9-9, 6 days a week).

The war machine could be one way to avert social unrest: build war machines, and "hate" on a common enemy.


Veteran Member
The CCP is losing control of the people. If only half of what I read is true the economy is collapsing and people are already rioting. War against Taiwan would shift the focus off the domestic problems to nationalist war fever. Of course if Japan and the US joined forces with Taiwan and destroyed China the CCP would be gone. I am sure Xi knows this and if he does decide to attack Taiwan he will have a plan in place to do a huge cyber attack against the US and any other country that comes to the aid of the Taiwanese. 2025 is going to be historic in many ways.

Knoxville's Joker

Has No Life - Lives on TB
I think a lot of the stuff are paper tigers. Between corruption, Tofu Dregs, and black market grease jobs, I have to wonder how much of the stuff would survive a week at most. China's military exports of their equipment are one time buyers, meaning they do not ask for seconds, meaning the quality is garbage...


I'm all about the doom
I think a lot of the stuff are paper tigers. Between corruption, Tofu Dregs, and black market grease jobs, I have to wonder how much of the stuff would survive a week at most. China's military exports of their equipment are one time buyers, meaning they do not ask for seconds, meaning the quality is garbage...
Well, some military equipment just has to work once and it's probably not exported.


Veteran Member
The math is incredible…… they could shave the equivalent of our national population off and get up and feel like me after a two day fast (good to go)…… amazing
(I don’t want this to happen)

Can you imagine the numbers behind trying to feed that black hole?

ETA: anytime I hear or read the nazi reference it immediately loses impact


Swift, Silent,...Sleepy
Maybe they are building more so that they have enough that works. It is made in China after all!



Has No Life - Lives on TB

America's New Weapon Capable of Sinking 40,000-Ton Giant Warship​

QUICKSINK, a new weapon undergoing testing in the United States. This system enhances the 2,000-pound JDAM to achieve torpedo-like destructive power from the air at a low cost, utilizing a bubble pulse mechanism. We will introduce the details of this innovative technology.

Rt 8:30
