Seed CHART: How Long Will My Seeds Last?


Neither here nor there.
Thank you.

You're welcome, feel free to add any info you may have on the topic. I've planted tomato seeds that were left out in the open over 12 years and they still germinated and produced fruit. Damned chipmunks beat me to the tomatoes though.


passin' thru
Seed Viability tests...



That chart is pretty optimistic. I wish they had better defined "good storage". Sweet corn (especially the supersweet hybrids) has a short lifespan, *unless you freeze it*. However, if you freeze it in glass jars or mylar bags, (plastic bags aren't impermeable, and allow seeds to dry out over time) it will store at least 10 years. I know that because I've been planting sweet corn seed from 2008 and 2009... and I just term tested a pound of Kandy Korn seed that tested 100% germination!

But I've never gotten onions to last more than 2 years (and 2 year old seed has 50% germination or less) even stored in our cool, dry basement that stays around 60 degrees. I'm not sure if freezing them would have improved it much.



Neither here nor there.
That chart is pretty optimistic. I wish they had better defined "good storage". Sweet corn (especially the supersweet hybrids) has a short lifespan, *unless you freeze it*. However, if you freeze it in glass jars or mylar bags, (plastic bags aren't impermeable, and allow seeds to dry out over time) it will store at least 10 years. I know that because I've been planting sweet corn seed from 2008 and 2009... and I just term tested a pound of Kandy Korn seed that tested 100% germination!

But I've never gotten onions to last more than 2 years (and 2 year old seed has 50% germination or less) even stored in our cool, dry basement that stays around 60 degrees. I'm not sure if freezing them would have improved it much.


Interesting, I've often wondered about the viability of those seeds in that vault in Norway. I've yet to freeze any seeds, never occurred to me to do so.


Yeah... I've been doing this for over 40 years, and it's always been for subsistence, not a hobby (I love it and enjoy all the steps in gardening, but if I don't grow and preserve food, we don't eat!) And I've got a weird brain, so it's been natural for me to keep records and do experiments.

Temperature definitely has a huge effect on seed longevity. Heat will kill them dead in under an hour. I found that out the hard way... one year I was planting a 50 foot row of sunflowers. I stopped halfway through to fix lunch, then went back to planting the rest of the row. It never occurred to me that I'd left the glass jar of seed in the sun! It wasn't really a warm day... probably in the 50's.

The seeds planted before lunch germinated close to 100%. The ones planted after lunch were totally dead...

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North to the Future
Thank you! I started harvesting seeds from my garden including herbs....but a LOT to learn. This is great info :)