California Flu May Be Early Warning To Get Preps Done Now For Bird Flu


Justine Case
I accidently posted this in infectious diseases when I meant to put it on the main page for discussion purposes if anyone is interested. So I'm repeating it here because there are not that many going to the other forum.

I know preps have been discussed over and over but reminders are important. I even started getting a little lax.

I am personally stunned by the speed this California Flu progresses. You wake up in the AM with a stuffy head and scratchy throat and 8 to 10 hrs. later you have a raging fever and it may already be going to your lungs and developing into pneumonia. I've never seen anything like it. Neither has my family. Usually you have a few days warning that something is not right. Not this baby. Almost zero warning.

This tells me that once this Bird Flu hits, it will be too late to prep safely. We have to be prepared to stay home and if at all possible, get your preps done now. If nothing else, get food and water.


You should have requested a mod to re-post it
to the main board for you. As it is there are
dupes - one must be closed....</center>

I am transposing all the posts that replied to you infectious disease forum thread..

Today, 06:13 PM
With Timebomb since 11-99
Join Date: Oct 2001
Location: Salem, OR via So. Cal
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Do you think that the CDC and TPTB would alert the public if this were a variation of the deadly bird flu, or do you think that they would keep it under wraps to avoid a panic situation?
"A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject"--Winston Churchill

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#3 Today, 07:02 PM
Contributing Member
Join Date: Oct 2001
Posts: 173

I agree with Hansa 44, you get no warning! If you had a flu shot with the Fujian strain, as in last year and this year's flu shot (2004 & 2005), as I understand it, you have some immunity, as the California Flu is a mutation of the Fujian.

This is info secondhand, but I think the person that told me this is really up to date on the info.

Consequently, if you have some immunity, you may think it is a cold.

If what we all had is the California flu (we are in Santa Clara County, CA, where it was supposed to have originated. Everybody thought it was a bad cold. When I got it, I knew it was flu.)

This thing has an eye component, watery eyes, even red with "goop" in the morning. It has an ear component (stuffy ears). It has a cough and a chest/bronchial component. A sinus element. And lots and lots of "goop " in the throat when you wake up in the morning. It has a fever, and general malaise, and a headache.

And that was the mild version, because we had the Fujian shot!

The other thing: thinking it is a cold, you may go back to working just as soon as you feel a little better. And then it comes back and hits you even harder!

It's been three weeks, and my ear still pops!

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#4 Today, 08:02 PM
Lutefisk Survivor
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: Blue Ridge Foothills
Posts: 713

Originally Posted by cin
Do you think that the CDC and TPTB would alert the public if this were a variation of the deadly bird flu, or do you think that they would keep it under wraps to avoid a panic situation?

Follow the money...


Carpe Diem, if you don't someone else will!


To hell with the California Flu. If you aren't prepped yet THEN GET TO IT!

Do you think you're always going to get a warning so you can run out and prep?

Your warning may be the "We Interrupt This Program..." type of warning. Lotsa luck then.



Justine Case
A.T.Hagan said:
To hell with the California Flu. If you aren't prepped yet THEN GET TO IT!

Do you think you're always going to get a warning so you can run out and prep?

Your warning may be the "We Interrupt This Program..." type of warning. Lotsa luck then.


Alan. We humans have a tendency to put off things till the last minute. Mainly because humans don't understand how fast a virus can hit.

Some have gotten very use to the regular type of flu that may take 4 to 5 days before it hits full blast. This gives people time to go to the store and buy what they need. In life we are also given warnings to take care of business, because there may be no time to do it later.

I agree with you that warnings run out and then the "we interrupt this program" thing happens.

Many of us are as ready as we can be. Many are still fooling around and putting preps off. This CA. flu may have opened some eyes to the problem we may be facing. Many right here on this board seemed extremely surprised at the rapidity of this virus and how fast it took many down.

So I do disagree with you when you say "to hell with the CA. virus." It may be just the boot many need to get busy.


okie medicvet said:
is this 'THE' flu?

I don't know..but am keepin a damn close watch on it.

You think we'd even know, until it was too late?

Posted 12/11/2005 9:06 PM

Study: Annual flu death toll could be overstated

..................................Lab-confirmed flu cases and flu-related deaths, except for those in children, are not reported to the CDC, so estimates of cases are based on a variety of measures, including deaths from pneumonia or circulatory diseases during flu season compared with deaths from those causes when there is no flu around. If the pneumonia deaths jump in January and February, health experts assume some are caused by flu..........................

Amazing, huh?


Veteran Member
In the last 45 minutes I have gotten sever head congestion and now a sore throat.
I hope like HE** I am not getting this.:shkr:


LilRose said:
In the last 45 minutes I have gotten sever head congestion and now a sore throat.
I hope like HE** I am not getting this.:shkr:

Oh, no. I hope not. Do you have any olive leaf extract? It fights off a lot. :shk: Well, I guess you don't want to expose your patients, so at least you won't be swept away by floodwaters. You'll probably just feel like you've been swept away. I hope it's not what you suspect.


Veteran Member
LilRose said:
In the last 45 minutes I have gotten sever head congestion and now a sore throat.
I hope like HE** I am not getting this.:shkr:

Get Oscilloccocinum, sold at Walgreens.
Hope you're feeling better.


Hansa44 said:
Alan. We humans have a tendency to put off things till the last minute. Mainly because humans don't understand how fast a virus can hit.

Some have gotten very use to the regular type of flu that may take 4 to 5 days before it hits full blast. This gives people time to go to the store and buy what they need. In life we are also given warnings to take care of business, because there may be no time to do it later.

I agree with you that warnings run out and then the "we interrupt this program" thing happens.

Many of us are as ready as we can be. Many are still fooling around and putting preps off. This CA. flu may have opened some eyes to the problem we may be facing. Many right here on this board seemed extremely surprised at the rapidity of this virus and how fast it took many down.

So I do disagree with you when you say "to hell with the CA. virus." It may be just the boot many need to get busy.
My point being that the scenario you really do have fall in your lap may be the type where you get no warning at all. Everything blows up in your face and you get to start the party with no more than what you have this very moment. Counting on getting a warning is asking to be caught with your pants down.

If we still have folks on this board that are not already prepped then stop screwing around and get to it. Never, ever count on getting advanced warning. The 9/11 attacks should have been the clear handwriting on the wall about that.


Laurie the Mom

Senior Member
>>This thing has an eye component, watery eyes, even red with "goop" in the morning. It has an ear component (stuffy ears). It has a cough and a chest/bronchial component. A sinus element. And lots and lots of "goop " in the throat when you wake up in the morning. It has a fever, and general malaise, and a headache.

*That's* the Californian flu?? We've had exactly what you described (going on 6 weeks for me, still coughing a bit but finally mostly have my voice back) and I thought it was just a particularly nasty cold. Either way, I'm glad we're done with it!



Justine Case
Actually, what happened to my dad, brother and me wake up in the morning with what seems like a head cold brewing. Sinuses are stuffy, throat a little scratchy, 8 to 10 hours later the high fever hits and fever breaks 8 to 10 hrs later.

If your lucky, sinuses remain plugged and you feel all around yucky for a number of days. Tired, lack of appetite, some coughing.

If you do not take care of it at the beginning it quickly heads straight for the lungs and develops into pneumonia almost immediately.


I read about this in Pheonix 5 News)

--A Valley Hospital's Emergency Room was so overwhelmed by patients Sunday it had to set up a triage center in the parking lot.

According to the hospital it was only a matter of time before something like this happened.

Nearly every ER in the Valley has been packed recently, in part because we're at the peak of flu season.

But Baywood Medical Center in East Mesa also happens to be the only hospital in a 10 mile radius and the hospital's CEO says, don't be surprised if this happens again.

Baywood CEO Don Evans says some people who end up in ER's probably think they're in worse shape than they really are and should go to Urgent Care instead.

But even so he says the Valley doesn't have enough ER beds for its population.

Several new hospitals are under construction in the East Valley, but they won't be taking patients for months, or years and Evans says he's worried about tomorrow.
