Food Bug Out Thirty Day Menu/Scenario

Old Gray Mare

TB Fanatic
I hadn't seen this before -- VERY good writing, Kathy!

I do have a few comments on the story, and on a comment or two that's been made.

5. Someone mentioned that skunk cabbage is edible if cooked. It has to be VERY WELL cooked. It has (IIRC -- it's been a long time) oxalic acid crystals in it that do not dissolve easily. I would suggest LONG SLOW cooking, perhaps wrapped and cooked in the ashes of a camp fire. (I'm speaking from first-hand experience here -- skunk cabbage would be one of the last edibles I would resort to, to be honest.)

Waiting to see what else Kathy comes up with!

Thank you Freeholder. The skunk cabbage was suggested as a possible way to cover cooking smells of decent food and to discourage free loaders looking for a hand out, not to make anyone sick on oxalic acid crystals.

Praying the Good Lord sends Kathy the help to ease her burdens.

Suggestions for the families next shelf stable meal.

Breakfast: Grits (powdered cheese optional) with Tang.
Lunch: Peanut Butter crackers and sun tea.
Dinner: Salmon cassorole and coffee

Salmon casserole recipe
Leftover mashed potatoes or reconstituted potato flakes
One can of Salmon drained and the backbone, hard bones and nasty bits removed.
Reconstituted powered milk (for making the potatoes and adding nutrition and calories)
Spices to taste I add onion (be careful if using powdered) salt and pepper.
Hot water as needed to reconstitute potatoes, casserole should not be dry or soupy.

At home I usually make the potato flakes with hot water and milk and then mix in the ingredients and then bake it in a casserole dish until heated thru and cheese on top is melted. A whole fresh onion is chopped and fried till soft before adding. Camping I would just heat it in a pot and serve without cheese.

When we go car camping DH wants to know why I always take way too much food we never use? ;)

Kathy in FL

Thought I would bring this back higher in the que.

Did not want this one to get lost


Later in June I'll see if I can't take this to something that looks like a reasonable conclusion. LOL! Hubby and youngest son will be going to Philmont Boy Scout reservation for a 10-day-trek so my days may be empty ... or totally too busy ... we'll have to see. I still have it in my "in progress" computer files.


Veteran Member
I will be looking forward to that. Glad to see you back. Best wishes from a Cathi in FL.