Bruce Beach | 2006.03.13 [Arktwo] Impasse


Bruce Beach | 2006.03.13 said:
[Arktwo] Impasse

The headline a few minutes ago
called it an impasse.
Russia and China are not going to agree
to the statement that Europe and the US
wanted the Security Council to make to Iran.

Things continue to thunder along.
Israel says that Hizbullah
is planning a major attack.
Iran says Hizbullah
SHOULD plan a major attack.
Israel is moving forces
in response to a possible attack
by Hizbullah.

Some speculate -
that Israel may be using this as a cover
in order to position forces
in preparation for an attack on Iran.

A more serious indicator may be
that this week the US has ordered
all US banks to suspend any dealings
in Syria.

Big response today from China
about the Taiwan situation.
All this stuff the world over -
affects other stuff the world over.

So much going on -
that I can't possibly comment
on it all.
It is difficult to tell
what is essential and what is not.

The best that I can offer
is that you study the reasoning at:

regarding the two week window coming up
which is a 'scientific study'
by a European think tank -

LEAP - The Laboratoire européen d’Anticipation Politique Europe 2020,
LEAP/E2020, now estimates to over 80% the probability that the week of March
20-26, 2006 will be the beginning of the most significant political crisis
the world has known since the Fall of the Iron Curtain in 1989, together
with an economic and financial crisis of a scope comparable with that of

You can look there
for all their reasons why.

TEHRAN (Reuters) - President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Thursday Western
countries were vulnerable and would suffer more than Iran if they continued
to try to impede its attempts to develop nuclear technology, local media

I am looking at the current
crisis build up
and comparing my views on it
to the views that I held
in the run up to the Iraq invasion.

That eventually happened -
but I always thought
that it was going to be sooner.

Here are some 'sound bites'
from some of my newsletters
of that time:

Nov. 25th, 2001

This week I have seen four significant pronouncements
regarding the US attacking Iraq.
Sharon said that he would ask Bush to warn him
before the US attacks Iraq.
Saudi Arabia stated again that
it would not condone such an attack.
And of course both Russia and China
stated again that they oppose the US attacking Iraq.

One wonders then,
how could the US possibly attack Iraq.
Two permanent members of the Security Council
have said "Don't".
So -it can't be UN approved.
The Arab world has said "Don't".
So all of them might support Iraq.

Still, the US Forces have been gathered together
and have less and less to do in Afghanistan.
And the pronouncements continue -
"Next Iraq".
So - looks more than possible.
Likely - shall we say.

Israel is a bit concerned.
Iraq has said that they can hit Israel with missiles,
and will do so if the US bombs Iraq.
The implication is with -
bio/chem or nuclear weapons.
Israel said again this week that
they will retaliate if struck.
The weapon that they have -
that would be effective against Iraq -
is nuclear. ....

There is one event that I can think of -
that would certainly set them off.
the Cathedral of St. Peter
and that is -

al-Haram al-Sharif
the Dome of the Rock
the site of the Third Temple
the third most holy Moslem site
the Most Holy site of Israel
the expected Holy site of some Christians.

It matters not what would cause its destruction.
Jewish or Christian extremists
a Moslem intrigue,...

Not saying that is what will occur -
but rather that is all that is necessary.



According to Pravda -
if that is the Truth
(the word means "truth")
Bush has already landed some Special Forces
in Iraq.

Don't do it -
said the Russians
Don't do it -
said the Chinese
Don't do it -
said Turkey
Don't do it -
said Saudi Arabia
Don't do it -
said Iran
Don't do it -
said the UN
Don't do it -
said the Europeans
Don't do it -
said Canada

said Bush,
I am agonna to do it.



Okay, follow this reasoning.
On Friday, September 12th,
Bush said,
"It is not going to be months -
it going to be days or weeks."

IT is invasion of Iraq.
With or without UN backing.

Okay --
so let us say 8 weeks.
BUT 8 weeks is two months -
which is "months"
and it is not going to be months -
he says.

Therefore, less than 8 weeks.
Let us say 4 to 7 weeks.
>From September 12th -
that is October 12th to 31st.



There is NO question
because Bush will invade.
The question is really why.

I read Blair's "secret" Government Report -
and it said -
nuclear weapons -
in maybe 10 years.

The Canadian National Report -
despite its headlines -
concluded the same thing
in the body of the report.

We KNOW that Iraq has bio/chem
because the US Congressional reports
this week
say the US gave them to it.


Bush received on Friday,
while we might not call it
Marching Orders -
at least his Congressional
Permission to Pummel -

Immediately the next day the Pentagon
ordered deployment of Command Centers for
the US Marines and
the US Army to
the Middle East.
They leave this coming week.

The Central Command deployment
to a headquarters there -
at one time spoken of as occurring in January
will now take place the first week in November.


As we race towards the
December 9th to January 10th Window
the evidence only continues to mount
of the potentiality for catastrophe
during that time period.


So here we sit.
Waiting for Bush to drop the other shoe.
Nothing much to do but wait.

Lots of people concerned about December 8th,
but I don't think he will want to ruin Christmas -
so if I had to pick one date it would December 28th.
But - it may not be up to Bush.

Show me your elephant -
he says to Saddam.
"I haven't got an elephant (atomic bomb)",
says Saddam.
Unless you show me your elephant
then you are in violation of the UN Proclamation
- says Bush.
"But, I don't have an elephant",
says Saddam.

There is NO WAY you can prove the negative -
so Saddam is trapped, cooked, done for.


Not to say that Saddam
wouldn't LOVE to have a nuclear program
and may have been building Bull's cannons,
remote controlled airplanes
and all the bio/chem stuff that he could lay his hands on.
But NO elephant.

But all this is relevant to NOTHING.
General Franks and 750 of the Command Center personnel
headed over to the Middle East this week.
He said they may not stay -
but that they would set everything up and
(if?) they need to go back,
they would just hop on a plane.
(I'll be home for Christmas?)

Biggest news this week -
although I didn't hear it on my wife's TV news program
was Putin (president of Russia) meeting with
the new president of China (a figurehead)
but also with the Chinese big wigs that count -
and issuing a Joint Declaration
that the US was NOT to invade China.
Like that is going to do a lot of good.


"Are you paranoid?"
The interviewer asked me,
at 7 am this morning on CBC.

"Paranoia is a pathological mental condition",
I replied.
And no, I know that I am not paranoid
because I am challenged so many times
in court situations
about my mental state -
that I have had it tested and documented
by teams of psychologists and psychiatrists.

"But are you afraid?",
the interviewer persisted.

"Fear is a debilitating state",
I replied.
Many are afraid to fly and certainly to parachute.
But who is afraid of jumping out of a plane -
the person who has a parachute and practices jumping -
or the one who won't even fly?

"Still", the interviewer continued,
"it is very unusual to build a bomb shelter,
most people would think that this indicates
that you are afraid."

"Do you know how many nuclear weapons
there are in the world?", I asked.

"No." The interviewer replied.
(I thought to myself -
"Interviewers really shouldn't interview
about subjects they know so little about.")

"About 50,000," I replied.
"And do you know how many countries have them?"

"Several," said the interviewer.

I continued -
"Twenty-two officially -but there may be more.
At the time of the Cuban missile crises -
and when there was a lot of shelter building -
there were two countries -
the US and Russia, that had nuclear weapons.
The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists says
'Never has the threat been so great as it is presently',
but most Americans now have no concern
that it will happen here."

"It has become the unthinkable.
If there is a mass mental illness -
it is denial."

"Well, we will leave the subject
on that note," said the interviewer -
and the line went dead.


Someone asks -
"Why don't you write anymore -
about what is happening
in the Middle East?"

What is there to write?
that the world has ever seen is gathering there.
Over 50 significant ships -
with LOTS of support craft.


IMHO which has been so repeatedly wrong -
This next 7 days
is the most critical window
that we have ever faced.

Reasons are:


These were the words that Bush spoke,
a few minutes ago.
And after that -
then at his convenience.

So we still wait.
In Iraq people
(reporters, inspectors, diplomats)
are scrambling to leave.
Waiting here is better.


War going well.
At least that is the view of:
The US Stock market
The US Generals
Most of the US public

Not so sure that:
Iraqis getting bombed
Peace Protestors
Iran - [axis of evil]
(next in line)
North Korea - [axis of evil]
(alternate next in line)
Syria - (also on the list)
Many Moslems in the Middle East
Russia [Reagan's Evil Empire] - China
and others overdue for REGIME CHANGE
will agree.

It all sounds more than a little similar
to the current situation -
does it not.
The difference is -
this time no long build up -
because the troops are already there.

I had to go through
and strongly edit out more than
99% of what I said at the time -
to make this fit into this newsletter.

More tomorrow,
God willing -
on our current preparations here.

Peace and love,



Arktwo mailing list

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Veteran Member
BB has moved into the Frantic Mode of preparation!

Though he hints at the seriousness of the situation, he's been arguing that the situation was serious for several years. The difference this time is that he, and his associates, are frantically making preparations for a possible, and immediate, nuclear war. That's a very different attitude.

BB is a close observer international affairs, and he has arrived at the view that the 'train' is about to leave the track. I think that it would be a good idea if we all payed attention - kept our ears to the ground, and finished up, to the extent possible, our preps.

