Bleach shelf life


Contributing Member
This is my 1st new post!

Bleach has a shelf life of 3-6 months. After 1 year you need to
double the amount used if you are using it to sanitize or disinfect

I work as a manager in college food service and thought that I would bring this to your attention.

Don't use any bleach that is over 2 years old.

Clorox Co. has a web site with useful info on ideas for "disaster
clean-up" @

Clorox claims 1 year shelf life but another source I checked said
that you should use it in 6 months.

I checked my bleach and couldn't find a date that I could understand. I'm going to date it when I bring it home.

Bleach is one of the best and cheapest sanitizers.

Thanks for all your posts and Dennis for helping me get on.



pool shock or polar pure

I keep Polar Pure for water purification.

some people are also saying pool shock "packs" would work but it has some other kind of chlorine compound so maybe someone who knows more can chime in on using "pool shock" to treat drinking water.
The old fashioned bleach is 5.25% sodium hypochlorite and can usually be bought for about a dollar a gallon at Dollar General or some other such discount store.

The ULTRA bleach is 6% sodium hypochlorite (and usually some other crap that apparently smells good to most people).

You can buy liquid shock for swimming pools that is 8% sodium hypochlorite, usually around 8-10 dollars a gallon. It's not cheaper, but if space is at a premium and you've got the extra money then go for it.

There are some powdered forms of Shock that's some kind of hypochlorite (calcium hypochlorite I think?), and it's my understanding that this would be better than nothing at all, but not really something you want to use for a long time if you can help it.

There are also forms of powdered shock that have BAD stuff in them that you wouldn't want to use for drinking water.



Contributing Member
swimming pool water

The info on the internet stated that you SHOULD NOT use pool water to drink. You can wash with it but it would make you sick
if you drink it.
Juli - whether you can drink it or not will depend on what pool chemicals you've used, and what kind of filter you have (we have a very good hiking filter).

I have no qualms about using our pool water for drinking water. And we have a 25,000 gallon pool.
