Misc Baby Owl on our front steps [Update is a baby Falcon -per wildlife rescue]


Disaster Cat
I hope to post a picture or two later - yesterday afternoon just before some really strong thunderstorms, my husband found a tiny baby owl right at our front steps.

It is very young, eyes are open but still covered in fuzz with one or two tiny pin feathers.

By sheer "chance" the cats had not killed it (they were just looking at it) though one of them probably brought it to the house as a "gift."

It has a broken wing but it otherwise uninjured, husband looked up on the net what to do after sticking it in the incubator with the eggs for an hour, when it was still alive he got the brooder light going and has it in a tiny box of straw under the brooder light.

We have a freezer full of mice (they don't carry serious diseases here so we freeze the cat gifts for the snakes, and the snakes haven't been away that long from the Winter to have eaten much).

So he looked up everything online again, made baby owl mess per instructions and the little one ate just fine, it is coming out the other end just fine etc.

I was worried when the National Wildlife people just told us to keep it for a few months (this type of owl is engendered in Ireland, but not worldwide) and told us to take it to the vet etc - I was not happy because I know Ireland and we didn't really want a pet owl for the next 15 to 30 years!

Thankfully we've got another wild animal rescue on the phone, they are driving up right now to collect it - their specialist vets can determine if the bird can recover enough for re-wilding or will enter the captive breeding program they sponsor.

I'll go get some photos now before our little house-guests goes to his or her new foster parents that actually know how to care for him (and don't have 20 cats circling the door to the room with the brooder in it).
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Disaster Cat




Cutie! Yeah, a baby owl is going to find willing and competent takers. No need to worry about being stuck with one.

I took in a baby ringneck dove last spring that was down from a storm. It turns out the parents will search for and care for the baby if situated in a new nest, but I didn't come across THAT info until a couple of days too late. So, I fed and sheltered it. It grew up and became wonderfully tame...

and then one day it flew off!


Disaster Cat
Wildlife people are now very glad we rescued it, they said it is too young to be certain which type of Falcon but they are delighted to have it going to the wildlife rescue in hopes of either rewilding or life at the raptor center.

It was just such a wonderful situation that we had everything it needed, that baby was just supposed to live!


Disaster Cat
Also, Falconry is a popular hobby here, so if the baby isn't safe in the wild but able to fly some; it won't surprise me if it ends up with one of the registered falconry groups.