

Taking cover
With the upcoming (Dec 2011) of Primatine inhalers going the way of the dodo bird are there any suggestions for alternatives that can be used?


Sorry... just saw this.

You might want to try growing your own ephedra (Mormon tea, Ma-huang). It's illegal to sell the tea/leaves as an herb because too many idiots used it for weight loss and "energy" and a few got sick after overdosing by using insane amounts. It's a very useful tea for asthma. A few sips of tea when you first feel your breathing/chest beginning to tighten up will probably work as well as the Primatene mist for MOST people.

Here's a source for seeds



Taking cover
Wonder how a Tinture would do?

Would you want to make the Tinture out of green or dry plant. Same question for the tea.


Apparently, it would work very well in tincture form. Here is a link to an ephedra tincture which is NOT the "official' (ephedra sinica) plant, but which they say works "as well". Not having asthma myself, I can't test that, but it would be worth trying while you're trying to get your own plants going of the official species.

You should be able to make tincture or tea from fresh or dried leaves. For tincture, if using dry plant material, use a 80 or 100 proof vodka as the menstruum. For green leaves, use a minimum of 100 proof, and preferably 160 proof vodka (or dilute pure grain alcohol to 80%), to adjust for the water naturally in the plant material.

For dry herb, use 1:5 ratio herb to menstruum... 100 grams dried herb to 500 mls menstruum. For fresh herb, it's usually 1:2, or simply pack as much fresh herb as you can in a glass jar and pour the vodka over it.
