OP-ED Are Democrats Really This Dumb?


Veteran Member
Before everybody flames me - Yes I believe that demon-crats are not only that dumb, but have lost all abilities to think or act rationally

Are Democrats Really This Dumb?

You’d think with the inauguration of Joe Biden tomorrow, and the special election in Georgia two weeks ago, that the fundraising emails would dry up. If you thought that, you’d be wrong. Not only have they not stopped, they haven’t even slowed down. And they’ve gotten dumber. That they keep coming implies they work, that they work makes me think Democrats are really, really dumb.

There isn’t much Democrats won’t try to exploit when money is on the line. We’ve seen them fundraise off of murders and riots, so nothing is sacred in pursuit of the dollar. Here are some quotes from a few of the most paranoid, angry, and just plain dumb fundraising emails Democrats have sent in just the last week. (Any and all spelling and grammar errors, like the idiocy in the words, are all theirs. ALL emails were sent on January 16th.)

“Convicting Trump isn’t just about ending his presidency. It’s about making sure he can NEVER run for office again. That’s why we NEED Trump to be convicted. But without your support, we’ll fall short of our 50,000 donation goal and fail miserably. So Derek, can you rush a $5 or $25 donation to pressure the Senate to CONVICT Trump and ensure he NEVER runs for office again?” At least they admit it’s about preventing President Trump from running ever again, how $25 bucks from some sucker, of 50,000 suckers, who think conviction is even a remote possibility remains a mystery.

“We’re INCHES from passing H.R. 1 Bill, the For The People Act, into LAW!! This would be a MAJOR accomplishment for Joe Biden’s presidency… we REFUSE to blow this opportunity. So we’re raising $15,000 by 11:59 PM tonight to expand Joe Biden’s Majority and PASS HR 1 into LAW. And our top donors just agreed to 300%-MATCH every dollar donated in the next [1] hour!! Please give generously.” How they plan to “expand” the majority in the House without an election, they don’t say (again, the email was sent January 16th). Just like they don’t say how having $15k in their pockets will make that more likely.

“I’m about to ask you for $1. But first, let me explain why donations from our 2O21 Democratic Members are so important. Republicans are constantly trying to defeat our Democrats. And they’ve wasted no time amassing millions of dollars to do it. I need to raise $25,OOO today alone to build the war chest necessary to defend our Majority. But I’m running out of time,” reads an email signed by Nancy Pelosi. What’s with the talk of “war”? I thought Democrats had a problem with “violent” language?

“This is an official Focus Group on the Biden-Harris Transition. We want your input on the election, Biden’s brand-new cabinet, the administration’s top priorities, and more. We’re compiling and reviewing each and every response as it comes. This is a very long survey. We expect many Democrats will not want to finish the entire survey. If you can finish, your responses and input will be personally reviewed…” The number of multiple choice questions in the “survey” the embedding link sends you to is seven, none of which mentions any Cabinet position or nomination. My 3-year-old could finish it in 20 seconds.

“Barack Obama was one of the BEST presidents we have ever had. He handled his position as Commander-in-Chief with dignity and grace, and worked tirelessly for the future of this country. But most importantly, he believed in equality and justice for ALL Americans, and was truly dedicated to making our country a better place. That’s why Joe Biden has considered putting him on the Supreme Court!!” That’s a lot of crazy packed into just 66 words.
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Veteran Member
Well I found out something this morning. In error I used the wrong URL for this post and apparently no one click the link because it was to something totally different. Fixed it to the right link.


Veteran Member
I bet so many of them fall for this. I mean, they literally gave them a stimulus check so they could send part of it back to them.
Yep, the demon-crats have always paid off their union minions big time, so the demon-crats could get their cut given back to them in contributions that could be skimmed and stolen.


MARANTHA!! Even so, come LORD JESUS!!!
Don't think they are the only ones>>>>I have continued to get 10 + requests from the repukes too!!


Country exile in the city
Let me give you an idea how dumb liberals (aka Democrats) are.

I'm a moderator for my community on a small community-communications forum (NextDoor).

There are many other small community groups in my area and we all can see one another's posts to some extent within a certain geographical area, and I know some of the other mods.

Lately (Nov / Dec especially) we started getting more and more posts from people asking for donations for personal needs--"I'm out of a job due to covid and need help with: ________" (rent, food, clothes, a job--you name it).

As a few proliferated, they soon grew into a FLOOD of personal assistance requests--so that those were soon the majority of the posts on the site.

One of the other mods finally pointed out that, per the rules of the corporation that owns/ runs these sites (Nextdoor.com) posts requesting personal donations are forbidden.


This poor mod--and myself, after I defended her--has become the target of the most vicious attacks. The posters have called us (us, not the Nextdoor corporation) unfeeling, uncompassionate, have advised us to read "The Four Agreements", have expressed hopes we find ourselves in need someday and don't get help, and have essentially DEMANDED we either change or ignore the rule--neither of which we can do, as moderators who agreed to abide by the site's rules when we started our own local community groups.

This has gone on despite both of us pointing out to the screamers that we have no power to change the rules and they're attacking the wrong people--that they need to address their complaints directly to Nextdoor corporate.

I finally wrote a post stating that the problem seemed to be threefold:
1. Posters wanted us to change the rules (we can't; we don't have the authority)
2. Posters wanted us to ignore the rules (we can't or we're breaking faith with our agreement)
3. Posters wanted there to be no rules.

And their verbal attacks on us, for pointing out that we couldn't change the policy or ignore it--were nothing short of vicious.

THESE ARE the Democrats.