any backwoods cure for a real bad Bunion?


Veteran Member
I have a bunion on the outside of my right foot, below thge littel toe and at the widest point of my foot......on the side by the balls of my foot....clear enough?
anyhow it is getting painfull and uncomfortable to walk.
Any cures? Doctor is out of the question...


Senior Member
Are you sure it's a bunion? I don't mean to doubt you, but I have never heard of a bunion on the outside of a foot.

I have a terribly painful bunion on the inside of my left foot and I wear a splint at night. I've seen them at Walmart as well as Amazon, but as far as I know, they are only made to wear on the inside of your foot. While it seems to help with the pain, it does nothing to fix the problem. The alternative would be surgery and it is really not an option for me.


Veteran Member
Based upon some online research, most bunions are as you describe, however there are other locations ocassionally.
I am not a Dr so cannot say with certainty that it is a bunion, but that is what I believe it to be.


Veteran Member
never had gout...this ailment is a tender, enlarged area as defined in the 1st shoes tend to rub there.


Essentially, you have to figure out why you're getting pressure put on that spot, and then find a way to stop it. Easier said than done, huh?

Check out this site:

I'm not sure from your description, but MAYBE something like this might help?

None of the stuff is cheap, but it DOES work. I know several people who swear by the brand. Also, soak in epsom salts (helps with pain and can toughen the skin a bit), and consider taking curcumin plus piperine (300mgs curcumin as often as every 4 hours, plus *no more* than 10 mgs piperine daily). It's a good anti-inflammatory which won't cause stomach inflammation or heart problems as most of the Rx and OTC stuff will.



Veteran Member
I would change shoes if I could or use one of those cotton circles with the hole in it that keep the bunion from rubbing against the shoe. I would soak the feet either in epsom salts as Summerthyme recommended and/or apply apple cider vinegar. You can drink a tablespoon or so of the ACV too! The inside of a banana peel is good for some skin ailments and I've never heard of it being used for this but you could try taping it on the area for awhile (couldn't hurt). If I think of anything else, I'll reply again. A relative had some problems with his feet and some sort of growth. We just put iodine on it and it went down and the pain went away. It comes back occasionally and he applies the Iodine again and it works well for a time. Good luck, I'm sure that you are ready for some relief.