Glbl Wrmg Another collection of climate change scam sources.

I have over 300 tabs open on my phone, I need to consolidate and get them out here where you can use them. I’ll try to organize them somewhat.
Long piece worth reading
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Serious wind power problems
Report on the problems of Germany’s wind power system
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Lists of dissenting scientists
In 1997 warming paused, and the warmists have been trying to disprove it ever since.

This one is warmist crap, but interesting

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Kiwigate: New Zealand cheats on temp readings as well.

There is no conspiracy among climate scientists to create the false warming narrative to control our lives and ruin our economy.
They are all operating independently.


In 1987 they lied and said that our ozone is/was being depleted by CFCs etc..that is/was released from the earth's surface.

Huge lie and IMO the beginning of our current BS global warming, or climate change BS.

All lies! Even Reagan fell for it or was in on it. Du Pont and alike made huge monies off of it though, and still do.
