POL A Small Thing We Can Do...


Paranoid Pagan
I'm going to do this, and i have a few other people who have decided to do the same, after hearing what I had to say.

I have a copy of the Bill of Rights that I got from my client. I'm going to take it to Kinkos on payday and make a few hundred copies of it. Then I'm going to pass them out around town to anyone who wants one. I can't see how ANYONE will have a problem with this and still consider themselves Americans. I was thinking of going to malls and places like that to do this. I believe EVERYONE needs to know what their rights are.

Anyone else wanna do this?


I got multiple copies of the Constitution, pocket sized. Handing them out....

Pray for your nation, people. You don't have to pray for 0bama, that's your call, but at the least, pray for your nation. It's a good one. We got to use all the weapons we've been given, and prayer is one of them. Do it. We need it so bad.

Oh, dismiss this as the pleading of a woman who loves her country and has gone out to dinner and had 4 big glasses of wine while talking about what the hell is happening to this country.


TB Fanatic
Do a search for the Jurors hand book! You can get these booklets in large orders, there used to be one put out you can no longer get I think it was better it would give examples of rights and powers of the juror plus both have the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, Info government and prosecutors don't you to know.


Time Traveler
Prayers first. Pray for our country, pray over your handouts that they reach the minds and hearts of all Americans who read them, pray that the information is spread far and wide. And pray that God forgive this nations sins, backsliding and falling away from Him, pray that people return to the fold.

And finally, pray that the Almighty God of the Universe hear the prayers of His people and help the nation heal from the evil that's overtaking it.

It's a spiritual war.


I'll never forget the guy that decided to give me a lesson on the cb radio about the 4th amendment... You know... "the right to keep and bear arms". I wish more people would read. Then, he might have known that it was the 2nd amendment.


Veteran Member
around here lots of people have mailboxes with a cubby-hole underneath for newspapers. i think i'll print some and drive around the community a little.


Paranoid Pagan
I'd hope we're all already praying.

if it would help, I can try to find a way to put up a .doc or .rtf of it somewhere, but I'm pretty sure it's all over the internet.

hmmm, what about pdf? can I put those here?
that would be an afirmative!

Let me see what I can do.


Paranoid Pagan
gotta love Open Office. It does anything and it's free.


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