Herbal A good video about the push to take away alternative meds


Veteran Member
I started watching that last night, but fell asleep about two minutes into it. Thanks for the reminder!


TB Fanatic
Thanks for posting. I’m always fascinated with herbal/natural. I have a friend who preaches about it everyday. Unfortunately, very few listen to him.

In fact, he was just involved in an “argument” with one of that special color about why he is not giving all the Covid patients (they are isolated to the hall he works) Tylenol until they have a temperature over x because that’s the body’s natural immune response working and you don’t want to kill it using Tylenol.

Thevargument got rather heated and NO ONE was listening to what he was driving at except me. In fact, everyone thought it was stupid. So girl o’color be all PO’d and received backing from “the team”. I personally believe he’s correct though. Until you get to a certain temperature you shouldn’t take something to drop it.

Now, that said, there IS a certain validity to going ahead and giving it: we are working with geriatric patients and they tend to not have fevers like the younger do. BUT we also collect data on all that and can kind of see where their normals are. So, I pointed out to him that she has a point, but look at the data and use that to cover his butt. But unless their temp is up to a point where it’s making them feel worse than they should, I don’t think you should throw Tylenol at it right away. In fact, in my mind if you throw Tylenol at it, all you’re really doing is taking the fever SYMPTOMS away. You have not HELPED them to heal. Should they be left to suffer with the symptoms of a FEVER? No.

But, I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve heard so & so has a fever - go in to check it and they are dressed/covered in something that came from the Siberian Steppes. Pull all that crap off and voila! no fever.

Personally? I wanted to start adding Zyrtec to everyone’s meds at night if they aren’t allergic (just to see if it made any difference). Alas we had none in stock. Guess the Good Lord didn’t want an experiment.

But I would bet if the kitchen made some bone broth and served a cup with every meal, the ones who actually ate it would come back up to a certain extent. But ya know we don’t have money or time to do that, so why bother eh? I might mention to the dietary person and see if there’s any way she could work that in. I’ve worked with her for years and she’s quite reasonable and she cares. They don’t need a ton of it, because people probably won’t eat a lot of it.

I’m just so sad that it comes down to this. Common sense is not apparent in medicine these days.