INTL 50,000 mosques closed in Iran


TB Fanatic
for now but as long as a global communication continues you can't hold back the leak of technology forever........and other generations just flat out don't see their theatrocracy as relevant or practical anymore.......all it takes is a slightly more liberal Islamic leader to open that crack up.

Look at Saudi and the recent developments of allowing women more rights like the ability to drive starting in 2017..........its katie bar the door in trying to slow that trend down with future generations once it gets going...................most of us posting here won't see it but the world as we know from a social/cultural aspect and how that will evolve......but I'll bet it will be quite different by the 22nd century if we don't manage to extinct ourselves in the process.

I'm not claiming good or bad here just that it will be very different. As different 50 years from now as it was 50 years ago from today as many here remember society back difference.......technological advances are accelerating not slowing so that will throw an even more unpredictable kicker in the mix.
50 years ago the Shah was overthrown by the Ayatollahs, so the Iranian Government under Islam has repressed the Iranian people for all that time, Iran has therefore regressed back to the Middle Ages rather than being "modernised", so 50 years wasted.