POL 0bama Approval Rating 'Dropping Like It's Hot'


ruh roh...


Sunday, February 08, 2009
Obama Approval Rating Continues Rapid Slide

Obama's approval rating continues to drop like it's hot.
Rasmussen reported today:

"Overall, 59% of voters say they at least somewhat approve of the President’s performance so far while 39% disapprove. Today’s results mark the first time that Obama’s overall rating has fallen below 60% as either President-elect or President." [allow me to remind you that GWB was around 60% in the first months of his administration and prior to 9-11, so this is not something unique to 0bama, despite the press' slobbering over it KOZ]

This chart shows yesterday's slide: [view this at the link given above KOZ]

Today Obama is down another 3 points in the overall spread.

Obama was at 69 (approve) to 28 (disapprove) on January 4th.

All it took was one month, a few tax cheats, expanding abortion funding, closing Gitmo, moving the US Census to the White House, putting 25,000 US companies at risk and the most expensive piece of legislation in American history to drive his numbers southward to 59-39.

That's all.
Hat Tip Tommy Boy

Half of Americans say the stimulus plan will probably make things worse.

Reality bites.
Dropping like it's hot? I've never head that analogy before.

Oh well, who cares? As long as it's dropping. Maybe there is hope for this country yet. I doubt it, but then Yul Brynner probably never thought Chuck Heston could part the Red Sea either.


Membership Revoked
The dive is perfectly understanble. Even the MSM have a hard time ignoring and hiding his appalling incompetence. :p


Short but deadly
His approval rating should be in the toilet by months end. Of course I've thought all along he's nothing but a piece of sh** anyway :whistle:

Bad Hand

Veteran Member
maric I have to agree he is the biggest POS to ever hold office he makes Carter look competent.


Fringe Ranger
If that treasonist dosen't get impeached before that.

As I said elsewhere, once his popularity gets low enough suddenly the MSM will discover that he's probably not a natural born citizen. If that is recognized he won't be impeached, just arrested.


Short but deadly
As I said elsewhere, once his popularity gets low enough suddenly the MSM will discover that he's probably not a natural born citizen. If that is recognized he won't be impeached, just arrested.

From your fingertips to God's ears! That day I'll party like it's 12/20/12!


On TB every waking moment
There is nothing more dangerous than a fanatic that turns. Should all those Obamaniacs suddenly get disillusioned, it could be pretty bad.

And if O is one of these people who needs to be 'loved'...well..it could get really bad.

One of the reasons Dubya was so hated is that he didn't give a damn what people thought of him. Which eliminated one useful tool to manipulate him.

Global Scholar

Contributing Member
traditionally new presidents drop their approval ratings right after inaugaration
however we all must agree no matter WHO was elected this economic collapse was emminent no matter who made it into office would need to clean up a huge economic mess started by the dems in the 90's and perpetuated by the repubs in 2000's
this deifyed president can fix the natural economic cycle things are going to get allot worse over the next 18 months and then things will begin to turn around unless the government does way to much to try to fix IT


Remember that he is just a community organizer. Community organizers help people in communities get organized. They rely on the community to ultimately determine their needs and then find ways to accomplish what the community needs. Outside of organization skills and understanding chains of command, also understanding connections within the community, they have NO real ideas about anything nor do they make suggestions that would be out of the communities grasp. Usually, they leave most all the choices, goals, etc up to the community.

SO - Obama fits the community organizer job to a T. People thought that his NEW IDEAS would be as good as his speeches. He blew a lot of hot air about change but has no idea what change involves. He has NO NEW ANYTHING to offer, NO NEW INSIGHTS, NO NEW NOTHING, just the same old-same old with little to no experience. He was a JR Senator, now he is just a JR President.

When ALL those waiting for all their bills to be paid and escalated into the NEW BLACK POWER find out that they will be worse off in the Obama admins way of going, I would bet that Obama will also be going.



Membership Revoked
0bama Approval Rating 'Dropping Like It's Hot'

Why should it not? Meet the new boss same as the old boss.
Unfortunately most Americans did get fooled again.
He hasn't done anything differently, he has filled cabinet positions with the same old retreads. Nothing new to be seen.
The only change so far is no change.


Stone Cold Crazy
"Doing in six weeks what took Bush six years to accomplish"

And beyind the explainations of "It is the bad economy he inherited", Bush did not start importing Hamas, did not start the gun bans, did not realese the Guantanamo prisoners into the general populace [and if they are 'sooooo' innocent go volunteer for them to live with you.], did not have as many provlaimed anti-Armericans on his cabinets and so on...

By the time the idiot Obamawhamma's "G.I." it will be too late as he immeidiately started centering his power stucture on day one because he knows what he is doing and is getting ready to start an internal war here in the U.S of A.


By the time the idiot Obamawhamma's "G.I." it will be too late as he immeidiately started centering his power stucture on day one because he knows what he is doing and is getting ready to start an internal war here in the U.S of A.

And I believe that will occur after the next terror attack on American soil. If that happens, Civil War 2. It won't be a North/South thing either. But it will be just as horrific, if not more so. Given the level of fear and anger being displayed in at least half the nation, if the unthinkable occurs, that fear and anger will be released.

Another good reason to be prepped.



Stone Cold Crazy
And I believe that will occur after the next terror attack on American soil. If that happens, Civil War 2. It won't be a North/South thing either. But it will be just as horrific, if not more so. Given the level of fear and anger being displayed in at least half the nation, if the unthinkable occurs, that fear and anger will be released.

Another good reason to be prepped.


And most of those pissed off and gearful peope are life-long firearms owners and users.

That's why the Liberals are so desperate to get the guns away.

Otherwise it will not be a 'war' but an eradication.


Lack of Respect for GL Obama Grows
Sunday, 08 February 2009 15:44
Sher Zieve
As GL (“great leader”) Obama again announces—via Vice GL Biden—that he plans to genuflect before Iranian leaders (he is practically begging them to meet with him and has already announced his desire to “partner” with Islam), at least a few leaders and members of the world’s press are beginning to publicly wonder if he’s up to the task of POTUS. Obama recently said that he will do away with the term “war on terror.” One must assume that he also plans to do away with the term “terrorists.” But, his would-be pals are not certain they want to accept his supplicant overtures. Instead, Iran’s Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani criticized Obama for not siding with the Palestinians in the recent Hamas-induced resussitation of the Palestinian-Israel border war.

Is Obama now announcing that he will abandon Israel and force the USA to join the Islamic world caliphate? Obama’s ally-in-ideology Fidel Castro recently criticized the US Great Leader. And, to top it off, Uber-liberal maven columnist Maureen Dowd even offered a mild criticism of Obama (which was met by the far-Left with explosive hisses and obscenities directed at her). Yikes! Except for the far-far-far Left, is Obama’s messiah complex also in jeopardy?

Amazingly—considering Cuba’s horrific financial position—Fidel criticized Obama’s handling of the US’ economic crisis. Note: This may be the only thing upon which real American agree with the Communist leader.

Doesn’t Castro realize that Obama wants to join him and Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez in nationalizing everything and bleeding the US dry? Wait! Maybe that’s it! Castro may be afraid Cuba won’t get a piece of the action. Perhaps Fidel is concerned that Obama and his sticky-fingered (AKA glutinous) Democrat-run Congress will grab all of the US’ financial goodies before any of the other world thugs have a chance to participate in the feeding frenzy known Obama’s “stimulus package”—more accurately known as “porkulus.” Maybe Fidel is angry because he wasn’t invited to the barbeque.

Since he took the office of president of the United States, Obama has lived up to the nightmare that many of us knew he would. His stimulus package is geared to help only Obama and his minions. The $4B+ for Obama’s voter-fraud organization that was initially included in the trillion dollar package is still there! Obama will stimulate none but his adherents and those he has to pay off for getting him the US presidency—by hook and by crook. He has also called for the US Census Bureau to report to the White House. This means that he and the Democrats will Gerrymander voter districts country-wide, so that there is virtually no chance that Democrats will ever again lose an election.

Yes, folks, change has truly come to the USA. Unfortunately, it is in the form of the most intense and overt corruption that has ever manifested itself in Washington D.C. And in a city that probably sees more sleaze in a year than most of us see in a lifetime, that’s says it all. And the secular messiah is losing his glow



Has No Life - Lives on TB
Debunked:Obama's Approval Rating Plunges 15 Points...

There's a story making its way around the internet that is surely giving giddy shivers to PUMAs, birfers, and Ditto-heads alike. The headline is "After less than a week in office, Barack Obama's approval rating plunges 15 points."

Well, it actually isn't true. The UK Mail tries to go for the "accurate but untrue" standard of yellow journalism, but fails even at that. The story is a lie.

The story cites Gallup, who ran a headline 2 days earlier that read "Obama Starts With 68% Job Approval." Huh? Isn't 68% the number that the Mail says Obama had plunged to?

If I was a staff writer for The Mail, I might just leave it at that. They're complete and total liars. However, since I'm not an A-hole, or at least not that kind of A-hole, I'll explain what ingredients they threw their lie together with.

The 83% figure is from a Gallup poll asking "Do you approve or disapprove of how Barack Obama is handling his presidential transition?"

The truth is, after 2 full weeks, Obama's approval has dropped 3 points, which is within the margin of error.

Obama is having his problems. The fight over the stimulus package and legitimate questions about appointees like Tim Geithner and Tom Daschle are sure to take their toll on the President's approval ratings, for sure, but the sky isn't falling yet.



Membership Revoked
energy wave has his head up his heinie.

The poll numbers were from Rasmussen, not Gallup. There's nothing involved regarding the UK Mail.

They can say whatever they want, but the facts speak for themselves.

Go back to your little statuette of Obama in your family room, and genuflect a few times.
I promise you'll feel better.


Jean B

Veteran Member
however we all must agree no matter WHO was elected this economic collapse was emminent no matter who made it into office would need to clean up a huge economic mess started by the dems in the 90's and perpetuated by the repubs in 2000's

That's true GS, but BO should not have built his platform on the fact that "HE" was the one to fix it. He stuck his foot in his mouth long before he won the election. For this he will have to "eat crow"....lots of it.


On TB every waking moment
Back in the days of the Nixon lynching (which he deserved more or less) somebody said that it is the goal of every reporter to bring down the Presidency.

I had been wondering if that would apply to Obama. For a while there, it looked as if it might. But tonight, I am not so sure but it will be interesting to see how long the MSM restrains itself against what may turn out to be overwhelming temptation.

Because I think O, or the tide of events, is going to give them numerous opportunities. And don't forget, a Pulitzer, a movie and in the case of Woodward, millions of $ and a place in history to the reporter that brings O down.

And that, folks, is a tremendous temptation.