
  1. MinnesotaSmith

    LEGAL Federal judge overturns ObamaCare transgender protections Federal judge overturns ObamaCare transgender protections Nathaniel Weixel 10/16/2019 "A federal judge on Tuesday overturned ObamaCare protections for transgender patients, ruling that a...
  2. MinnesotaSmith

    POL Olympic Guidelines Give Transgender Women an 'Intolerable' Advantage in Women's Sports

    This area is the best schadenfraude I've had since finding out that socialist governments always all go broke and liberal whites have way lower birth rates than nonliberal whites. Any woman who complains, the PC response is to say that women are as good (or better) than men in every way, and she...
  3. MinnesotaSmith

    INSANITY More events in the trannies dominating girl sports... 8th Place: A High School Girl’s Life After Transgender Students Join Her Sport Kelsey Bolar May 06, 2019 / 663 Comments "When two high school athletes who were born male but...
  4. MinnesotaSmith

    SOFT NEWS Obama ORDERS battered women's shelters to admit men to ALL areas (showers, bedrooms, etc.)

    A little old, but the first I'd heard of it. President Obama: Homeless Women In Shelters Must Shower With Men by WARNER TODD HUSTON16 Aug 2016 "New rules by President...