population replacement

  1. Melodi

    INTL China ends two-child policy amid population concerns

    Next on the list - having a large family will be "your duty to the party," followed by marrying off young girls at around age 16 to CCP soldiers and/or they will be required to have babies for "the party" married or not. They waited too long to change the policy and children are simply too...
  2. MinnesotaSmith

    RACE WAR Conquered California -- 1st hand thoughts from an American being replaced there

    https://www.takimag.com/article/conquered-california/ Conquered California by David Cole July 23, 2019 "Last month, a prominent figure on the right asked me point-blank, “Why don’t you move?” He was referring to California, and my stubborn refusal to leave this high-tax, low-IQ, far-left...