
  1. MinnesotaSmith

    INSANITY Homeschool or die dept: MN Democrats Vote For Elementary School Pornography

    https://www.deplorablehousewives.news/mn-democrats-vote-for-elementary-school-pornography/?fbclid=IwAR2-oXcHfWxEB0OLWao-9fWyefP1DRYsVsjK9xvxO9j-NPM0xnVxxZwqoPI#.XNDR6vlKjct MN Democrats Vote For Elementary School Pornography April 29, 2019 "On Tuesday, April 23, 2019, Minnesota House...
  2. tech020

    GUNS/RLTD Richfield MN man's seized weapons at the center of 2nd Amendment dispute.

    Just saw this in the Sunday paper on-line. As I am in my 70's, it does bring up issues. http://strib.mn/1nmGVr5 By John Reinan Star Tribune March 6, 2016 — 7:33am Ralph Gilbertsen says the CIA has been stalking him for two decades. He believes in Bigfoot. He has seen a UFO. And he wants...
  3. F

    POL Court declares Franken the winner of Minnesota Senate race

    Finally! (CNN) -- Minnesota's Supreme Court has dismissed former Sen. Norm Coleman's challenge to the state's November election results and declared Democratic challenger Al Franken the winner. Minnesota's Supreme Court ruled that Democrat Al Franken won the Minnesota Senate race. The court's...