
  1. H

    OP-ED Huffington Post: The Joint Responsibility for the ISIS Scourge

    For links see article source..... Posted for fair use..... The Joint Responsibility for the ISIS Scourge 03/27/2016 03:18 am ET | Updated 12 hours ago Raghida Dergham Columnist and Senior Diplomatic...
  2. H

    WoT Algerian army kills suspected militants, seizes missiles (MANPADS)

    Though I've put this into the weekly WoW thread and this year's IS/AQAM thread I figured the MANPADS seizure justified it's own thread....Housecarl For links see article source..... Posted for fair use..... World | Fri Mar 11...
  3. H

    INTL The Gun Smuggler’s Lament - Qatar and the Libyan Civil War

    For links see article source..... Posted for fair use..... The Gun Smuggler’s Lament In 2011, Osama Kubbar ran Qatari-supplied arms to Libyan rebels battling the Qaddafi regime...
  4. JohnGaltfla

    GOV/MIL The Other Truth about Benghazi by John Galt

    The Other Truth about Benghazi by John Galt May 9, 2013 05:00 EDT Yesterday afternoon, a brave group of whistle-blowers gave testimony which some considered explosive, I would consider just plain brave (from (click the title link above to see the video)...
  5. twincougars

    WAR Libyan rebels say they are attacking Tripoli -Update - Two Gaddafi sons in custody Libyan rebels say they are attacking Tripoli Aug 20, 9:58 PM (ET) TRIPOLI, Libya (AP) - Libyan rebels said they launched their first attack on Tripoli in coordination with NATO late Saturday, and Associated Press reporters heard...
  6. twincougars

    CRISIS Libya tweet: Misrata fuel depot destroyed

    Mhalwes ChangeInLibya Mhalwes Destruction of Misrata fuel depot: There goes 6 months worth of reserves. Seems like Gaddafi is jealous that he doesn't have any fuel #libya 9 minutes ago cjchivers CJ Chivers by ChangeInLibya Huge fire at Misrata fuel terminal still burning. Smoke rolls...