
  1. Melodi

    FOOD Edible Insects Move Closer To European Plates [Let them Eat Bugs- Melodi]

    And we now return you to the topic of "Let them Eat Bugs" this time EU style (remember if you are allergic to shellfish, bug flour hidden in your food could possibly result in severe illness or death...) - Melodi...
  2. Jubilee on Earth

    OT/MISC Black Fly season in Michigan —UGH!!!

    Funny thing... I’ve lived in very northern Michigan for the past 7 years, and have been vacationing in the upper peninsula for well over a decade. I don’t know how, but I’ve never encountered black flies before. I’ve heard everyone talk about them. They aren’t horse flies or house flies. They’re...
  3. NWPhotog

    OT/MISC OK, Bug Lovers, What is it?

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