
  1. Melodi

    REL GENRL The Happy Winter Solstice Thread!

    And so we come to the shortest Day of the Year and the Longest Night; a time when for thousands and thousands of years people have marked and celebrated in various ways. Ancient Circles, Marks and Monuments mark this day in places around the globe - and for those who follow various Pagan...
  2. Melodi

    REL GENRL The Happy Summer Solstice Tread - to wish everyone a happy Mid-Summer

    Tonight is a day when Pagans and non-Pagans alike celebrate Mid-Summer's Eve, although a lot of folks will probably do most of their celebrating tomorrow since it is Saturday and the actual Solstice moment tends to vary from year to year. In Sweden, almost everyone will be up all night dancing...
  3. Melodi

    REL GENRL Happy Beltane - the nice and happy thread where we wish our friends a joyful holiday

    Happy Beltane Even, May Eve, Walpurgis Night or whatever your tradition calls it - in much of Northern Europe this holiday evening was celebrated with huge fires, livestock were run beside or between them for fertility and couples pledged to marry or became in engaged. A lot of bonfires were...
  4. F

    GUNS/RLTD Gun Enthusiasts Take Advantage Of SC Tax-Free Holiday

    Gun Enthusiasts Take Advantage Of SC Tax-Free Holiday Saturday, November 29, 2008 FORT MILL, S.C. -- Gun enthusiasts have just one day left to buy their guns tax-free. South Carolina is having a tax-free holiday on firearms. It started Friday...