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    Warm clothing, in house boiler, sanua, heat up car in extremely cold temps (a garage helps). Some discussion on historic way of doing things as opposed to more modern upgrades such as natural gas instead of coal and wood for heating fuel. Fair use. HOW DO RUSSIANS SURVIVE SIBERIAN WINTER Mar 9...
  2. H

    SCI Scientists in the U.S. and Japan Get Serious About Low-Energy Nuclear Reactions - IEEE Spectrum

    Hummm…... For links see article source..... Posted for fair use..... https://spectrum.ieee.org/energy/nuclear/scientists-in-the-us-and-japan-get-serious-about-lowenergy-nuclear-reactions 28 Nov 2018 | 20:00 GMT Scientists in the U.S. and Japan Get Serious About Low-Energy Nuclear Reactions...
  3. O

    PREP Cubic Mini wood stove for heating

    I know there is a lot of varied and eclectic experience and knowledge represented by the members of this board. I was wondering if any of you had any experience in heating small cabins, sail boats, out buildings or RV's with a Cubic Mini wood stove or similar product? This company also has a...
  4. Aardaerimus

    EDUC Something for the BoB? Ultimate in solar power - Fresnel lens hot enough to make lava

    Videos demonstrating the insane and accessible power of the sun - melting stone into lava, liquifying obsidian, easily melting steel and other metals. The heating applications are nearly limitless. You can start a wood fire nearly instantly, rapidly boil water for desalination, purification...
  5. Quark

    POL How Long Can U Last Without Electricity??

    Okay (late edit) situation is as follows: Power has unexpectedly gone out in the whole country. Your local power company cannot complete a black start ..... no power to come...... major cities burning.. Sorry, Just learning... will get this computer figured out about the time the next...