
  1. Spirit Of Truth

    INTL Lebanese leader says no deal on Lebanon

    STL indictments might be released Jan. 15th from what I've read. This bears watching as it could lead to a Mideast crisis and conflict between Israel and Hezbollah/Lebanon/Syria/Iran and the chemical SCUD missile attack on the Jewish state I had a vision of 20 years ago this February...
  2. Spirit Of Truth

    INTL Sources: Preparations for Release of (STL Hariri investigation) Indictment Underway

    I had read earlier that the indictments would be released on January 15th. Sources: Preparations for Release of Indictment Underway http://www.naharnet.com/domino/tn/NewsDesk.nsf/0/8D91A4794638F39FC225781400548D2D?OpenDocument Media leaks from New York City revealed on Monday that the...