debt crisis

  1. Doomer Doug

    ECON Federal Government to Run Out of Money in 4 Days

    The US Government will run out of money starting on December 5th, 2021, and, according to Yellen, physically run out of cash on December 15th, 2021. My personal take is TPTB will muddle through and pass "something," on 12-15, more or less. Mitch the Bitch got his feelings hurt the last farce...
  2. Melodi

    INTL China could SEIZE land from tiny Montenegro for failing to repay $1 billion 'Belt and Road' loan for 270-mile road to nowher

    Best seen at the link for all the photos - this is interesting because China is basically copying the old US/IMF loan system (read the original Confessions of an Economic Hit Man) except instead of having various companies take "over" the failed states (or ordering them to change governments)...
  3. H

    OP-ED Europe’s New Medieval Map - Robert D. Kaplan at WSJ

    For links see article source..... Posted for fair use..... Life | Ideas | The Saturday Essay Europe’s New Medieval Map As the European Union unravels, the continent is reverting to divisions that go back centuries...