coup d'etat

  1. Doomer Doug

    POL Impeachment Farce to end in Censure?

    I said from the beginning of this impeachment Farce, or the ongoing coup d e'tat begun in 2016, against Trump that the most likely result would be either a Nixon like "resign," or some form of censure. I can be absolutely sure that all of the RINOS in the Senate, Romney, Collins et al will vote...
  2. jward

    POL Trump Goes There: This is Not Impeachment, It’s a COUP Intended to Take Away the Power of the People

    Comments at source.... Posted for fair use.... Trump Goes There: ‘This is Not Impeachment, It’s a COUP Intended to Take Away the Power of...
  3. H

    POL The John Batchelor Show: Seven Days in May, 2018. Michael Vlahos.

    Was listening to this on the way home from work tonight...HC A continuation of the discussion between the host and this guest....See the following thread...HC The John Batchelor Show: American civil wars end with one side losing and vanishing. Michael Vlahos...
  4. H

    OP-ED A Military Coup in the U.S.? A Surprising Number of Americans Might Support One

    Hummm......Anyone else get a chill, in a bad way, from reading this? Regardless of the source of the article and survey it gives me one..... For links see article source..... Posted for fair use...