
  1. Melodi

    INTL 'Here there is a chance': Venezuela crisis triggers exodus to Colombia

    I am posting this rather long but very informative article as a new thread because it deals so well with so many of the current issues especially that of the now reversed immigration from Venezuela to Colombia. I spent two lovely Christmas seasons in the late 1970's in San Cristobal (a lovely...
  2. MinnesotaSmith

    RACE WAR The Refugee/Invasion/Repatriation thread -- sink the ships, send the ones here home

    Multiple essays following, each with its own page. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 03, 2017 Never, ever, accept refugees "Last summer, a number of normally sensible people were shocked when I said that the European governments would be wise...
  3. H

    OP-ED Why borders matter — and a borderless world is a fantasy - Victor Davis Hanson

    For links see article source..... Posted for fair use..... Op-Ed Why borders matter — and a borderless world is a fantasy Victor Davis Hanson July 31, 2016, 5:00 AM Borders are in the news as never before. With Muslim refugees flooding into the European...