ancient americas

  1. Melodi

    SCI Laser Mapping Unearths 60,000 Ancient Maya Structures in Guatemalan Jungle

    So much for Native Americans not having any "real" civilizations....I gather the same technology is finding a lot of cities/buildings in the Amazon basin too. HOME / SCIENCE Laser Mapping Unearths 60,000 Ancient Maya Structures in...
  2. Melodi

    SCI The Sistine Chapel of the ancients': Eight-mile wall of prehistoric paintings of animals and humans is discovered in heart of the Amazon rainforest 'The Sistine Chapel of the ancients': Eight-mile wall of prehistoric paintings of animals and humans is discovered in heart of the Amazon rainforest Eight-mile...
  3. Melodi

    SCI Earliest Known Human Footprints in North America Found on Canadian Island

    And Clovis Only continues to Die Die Die (as it should)...13,000 years ago on an Island then only reachable by boat lol! Earliest Known Human Footprints in North America Found on Canadian Island By NICHOLAS ST. FLEUR MARCH 28, 2018 [see photos at link] Save Photo A digitally enhanced photo...