abuse of power

  1. H

    OP-ED Magna Carta and the Law that Governs Government

    For links see article source..... Posted for fair use..... http://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2015/06/magna_carta_and_the_law_that_governs_government.html June 15, 2015 Magna Carta and the Law that Governs Government By Mark J. Fitzgibbons It was a time of abuse of power by the state...
  2. CGTech

    WTF?!? VeriSign Demands Power To Kill “Abusive” Websites

    VeriSign Demands Power To Kill “Abusive” Websites Manager of all .com internet addresses seeks authority to terminate domains on government order without legal oversight Paul Joseph Watson Infowars.com Tuesday, October 11, 2011 The global authority over all .com domain names...
  3. ainitfunny

    GOV/MIL The TRUTH comes out after 8 yrs. CIA at fault, lied about missonary plane shot down.

    Strange world we live in. The CRIMINALS and the GOVERNMENT seem to have no duty or will to obey any laws whatsoever. Yet they both absolutely rely on the ordinary honest working taxpayer to fastidiously obey every jot and tittle of every law in order for them BOTH to more easily carry out...