2020 election

  1. Doomer Doug

    DEEP STATE Lincoln Project Co Founder resigns

    Wow, the Never Trumper group "the Lincoln Project" has burst into flames again. The leader Weaver unleashed a massive gay abuse scandal, followed by his number two, who looks to be a greedy piggete. The funny thing about this is MULTIPLE Hollyweird celebutards, like Rob Reiner, Jennifer Aniston...
  2. Cascadians

    CRISIS Election Invalid, Must Be Completely Re-Done

    Stark Reality 2020 Election irredeemably screwed up. Invalid. Falsified. Hacked, stolen, tweaked, incinerated, dumped, trashed, shredded, drowned, twisted, obliterated in innumerable ways. The Election results, the ballots, the numbers, cannot be re-counted, audited, or re-tabulated. Too...
  3. cyberiot

    POL Rumor re: Biden's health

    So I'm looking at Pastor Dana Coverstone's Facebook post for today, and the following copy of a tweet pops up in the comments. Haven't vetted it, so it's just gossip, rumor and innuendo that I'm passing along for the amusement and occupation of all. Did go to Twitter, and it's actually there...
  4. Loretta Van Riet

    POL Beatles parody that resembles most 2020 Democratic candidates!

    Video is 2:20 minutes Sung to "All My Loving"! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=enTEvon9pbw